3rd International Conference Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons Decolonizing the Solidarity Economy and Commons: Enacting the “Pluriverse” Venue: Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Date: 8th-10th November 2023 (Presential) Organisers: Centre for International Studies (CEI-Iscte); Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal); Centre for Social Studies (CES) – University of Coimbra (Portugal); ITES/UFAL -Incubator of […]
CfP | 15th Annual International Conference Society for Terrorism Research
The Society for Terrorism Research (STR) and the Centre for International Studies at Iscte (CEI-Iscte) are delighted to announce that the 15th annual international STR conference will be held on July 20th and 21st, 2023, on the Lisbon Iscte Campus. This conference will focus on the theme Terrorism Research in a Polarized World. Proposals for […]
CfP | Humanitarian narratives and interventions from the contemporary Middle East [submission papers until 15th October]
The conference “Humanitarian narratives and interventions in the contemporary Middle East” will be held at Iscte on 16 and 17 March 2023. The call for papers is now open. The conference is organized by the Centre for International Studies (CEI-Iscte) and the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), with support from the Foundation […]
Final Conference of the project “Adressing Ideologically Inspired Hate Crimes: Victim’s Narratives and Unconscious Cognitive Biases in the Criminal Justice System”
The closing conference of the project “Adressing ideologically inspired hate crimes: Victims’ narratives and unconscious cognitive biases in the criminal justice system” will be held on 12 October in Auditorium C1.03, Building 2 – Iscte. The session will begin at 14.00 as per the programme below: The project n.758157107 “”Adressing ideologically inspired hate crimes: Victims’ […]
Conferências Doutorais: Lodazales del pasado: los discursos y las prácticas coloniales hispano-francesas en Marruecos
Conferências Doutorais 2014 ISCTE-IUL, ESPP Doutoramento de Estudos Africanos Lodazales del pasado: los discursos y las prácticas coloniales hispano-francesas en Marruecos Yolanda Aixelà Instituciò Milà i Fontanals, Departamento Arqueologia e Antropologia, Barcelona 20 Fevereiro 2014 18:00