Researcher | Bibliograhic reference | Year | Type of publication |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
"The paradox of investment: A contribution to the theory of demand-led economic growth", Review of Political Economy, 36, (2) , 761-775 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Pedro Seabra |
"Severity, salience, and selectivity: Understanding the varying responses to regional crises by Brazil and South Africa", International Politics, 61, (1) , 192-214 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Cultivating cannabis in a Paraguayan nature reserve: Incentives and moral justification for breaking the law", Trends in Organized Crime, 27, (4) , 453-474 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
"Violated contracts, inadequate career support, but still forgiveness: Key organizational factors that determine championing behaviors", European Management Review, 21, (1) , 118-133 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Perceived organizational politics, organizational disidentification and counterproductive work behaviour: Moderating role of external crisis threats to work", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 32, (1) , 183-205 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
Raquel da Silva |
"Statebuilding beyond the West: Exploring Islamic State’s strategic narrative of governance and statebuilding", European Journal of International Security, 9, (1) , 41-58 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
"Institutional distances and equity-based entry modes: A systematic literature review", Management Review Quarterly, 74, (3) , 1723-1790 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
Peter Anton Zoettl |
"Being crime: Youth violence and criminal identities in Bahia, Brazil", Ethnography, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"How to measure political polarization in text-as-data? A scoping review of computational social science approaches", Journal of Information Technology and Politics, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"The show can go on! The non-existent effect of corruption in fandom (Evidence from Portugal)", Public Integrity, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
David Ferreira |
"Portugal in the nuclear realm: A case of broad ‘multilateralization'", International Politics, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Sports integrities: A conceptual and methodological framework for analysis and policymaking", Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Peter Anton Zoettl |
"The punitive state: The making of juvenile delinquents in Portugal", Social and Legal Studies, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
César Cima |
"Power and domination relationships in match fixing networks in Portuguese professional football", Trends in Organized Crime, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"Political Violence", Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2025 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"To publish or not to publish: Is this a question? Collaborative research with civil society organisations on sensitive issues", Cooperative Research: Conceptualising, Reflecting and Debating Socially Engaged Inquiry [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2025 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"Global Conflicts and Domestic Extremism: The Portuguese Extreme Right in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict", Mild Mannered? 50 Years of Violent Extremism in Portugal 1974-2024 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2025 | Book chapter |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"UNITA’s post-war parliamentary elite: From a wartime defeat to a nationwide party in Angola", Journal of Southern African Studies, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves, Felipe de Brito e Cunha, André Girardi, Felipe Quintão |
"Transnational networks of energy communities as counterpower in the European Union renewable energy transition framework", Community Development Journal, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Inês Ascenso |
"Educational Needs of the Esports Industry: A Delphi Study", Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2025 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"How resilient employees can prevent family ostracism from escalating into diminished work engagement and change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior", International Studies of Management and Organization, 54, (1) , 25-47 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Cross-cultural examination of successful entrepreneurial small and medium-sized enterprises", European Business Review, 36, (4) , 548-565 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Entrepreneurship performance in the EU: To what extent do economic, social, and government conditions matter?", Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 22, (1) , 94-116 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Cluster-based approaches towards developing a customer loyalty program in a security private company", Applied Sciences, 14, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Assessing the effects of institutions on the ownership structure of MNCs investments in global cities", International Business Review, 33, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
Cristina Sousa |
"The role of research-based spin-offs in innovation ecosystems", International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 15, (1/2) , 171-194 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"Franco-German leadership in the context of EU defence policy: From Brexit to the strategic compass", Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 32, (4) , 1112-1129 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"The devil you know… Familiarity, legitimacy, and religious mobility in pentecostalised Kenya", Cahiers d'études africaines, (253) , 123-148 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa, Ana Teresa Santos |
"Building multiscalar sustainable ocean governance: How do global perspectives interact with the Portuguese national approach?", Heliyon, 10, (7) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Elite strategy in resilient authoritarianism: Equatorial Guinea, 1979–2023", Democratization, 31, (8) , 1823-1843 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Cristina Sousa |
"Regional development through industrial tourism: A systematic literature review", Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, (68) , 7-27 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
"From art to insight: The role of a creative arts therapies group workshop on college students' well-being, self-awareness, and loneliness", The Arts in Psychotherapy, 90 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"From transgression to decriminalization: A path to promote legitimacy, inclusion, and democracy in Latin America", Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 8, (1) , 118-134 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Teresa Santos |
"Keeping a close watch on innovation studies: Opening the black box of journal editorships", Quantitative Science Studies, 5, (1) , 187-218 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
"What do we mean when we talk about constituency service? A scoping literature review of four decades of research", Political Research Exchange, 6, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Gender, intraparty competition, and the substantive focus of parliamentary questions in South Africa", Politics and Governance, 12 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Revisiting mobile payment risk-reduction strategies: A cross-country analysis", Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 34, (4) , 318-337 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Current political uses of sport revised: Beyond public diplomacy and sportswashing", Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Interacciones narco-culturales en comunidades indígenas del Chaco Paraguayo: Reconfiguraciones históricas e implicancias sociales", URVIO. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de Seguridad, (40) , 8-28 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
"International business growth: The leveraging effect of collaborative research networks capabilities", International Journal of Business Competition and Growth, 9, (2) , 123-147 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper | |
Tiago Fernandes |
Democratic Quality: France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Spain [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book editor |
Yonatan N. Gez |
The Art of Being Accomplished: Wealth, Status, and Respectability in East Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book editor |
Tiago Fernandes |
Portugal, 1974-1975. Revolução, Contrarrevolução e Democracia [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
Gerhard Seibert |
The Wealth of History of the Small African Twin-Island State São Tomé and Príncipe [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
Aleksi Ylönen |
The Horn Engaging the Gulf: Economic Diplomacy and Statecraft in Regional Relations [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Can cultural relativism affect the international protection of human rights?", Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (36) , 221-239 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Persisting challenges of international relations analysis: Big men politics, state fragmentation, and local power in the horn of Africa", African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 14, (2) , 33-61 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Cristina Sousa |
"Integrating industrial tourism into active industrial companies: Advantages, barriers, and strategic approaches using the delphi method", RGSA – Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18, (11) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Tiago Botelho dos Santos |
"O que Portugal pretende no Sahel: Segurança ou notoriedade?", JANUS.NET, 15, (2) , 309-330 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Thomas Muhr |
"Gramsci e a luta decolonial do Sul Global", Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular, 9, (15) , 24-45 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
Colonial Africa on the Centenary of 1914-1918 War: Angola and Mozambique, the cases in point [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
L' Afrique coloniale nel centenario della guerra 1914-1918: Angola e Mozambico, i casi analizzati, 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
l' Afrique coloniale à l'occasiondu centenaire de la gurre de 1914-198: Angola et Mozambique, les cas analysés, 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
África colonial en el centenario de la guerra de 1914-1918: Angola y Mozambique, los casos analizados, 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
Koloniales Afrika zun hundertsten Jahrestagdes Krieges 1914-1918: Angola und Mosambik, die untersuchten Fälle, 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book author |
César Cima |
"Precariedade no futebol português: Causas sociais e riscos para a integridade desportiva", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, (106) , 9-33 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"How populism and culture wars affect fundamental rights", Journal of Populism Studies, 1, (1) , 1-16 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"“Hóspede é uma nuvem, passa, mas eu não sou uma nuvem, fico”: A estratégia de reabilitação da UNITA na política de reconciliação nacional em Angola após 2017", Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 50, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Sino-Brazilian cooperation in analysis: Bilateralism, multilateralism and minilateralism", JANUS.NET, 15, (2) , 38-59 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Polarization surpassed: Perspectives of Portuguese gatekeepers on immigration and cultural relativism across the political spectrum", Journal for Deradicalization, 41, 164-186 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal paper |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Addressing the barriers to better nitrogen management", The International Nitrogen Assessment (In press) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Protest, Social Movements and Democracy in Twenty-First Century Portugal", After the Carnation Revolution: Social movements in Portugal since 25 April [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Thomas Muhr |
"Gramsci and hegemonic struggle in a globalized world", The Elgar companion to Antonio Gramsci, 406-426 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"O Método Etnográfico em Relações Internacionais", Métodos De Investigação Em Ciência Política E Relações Internacionais [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"Interventions with 'at risk' individuals", The Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering Radicalisation [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"The Rise and Demise of Violent Social Movements in Portugal after the Carnation Revolution: The Case of the Popular Forces of the 25th of April.", After the Carnation Revolution: Social Movements in Portugal since 25 April 1974 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"The rendering of the old far right/ the origin and formation of Chega", Chega. The new Portuguese far right [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Inside Chega s membership", Chega. The new Portuguese far right (João Carvalho ed.) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos, Berenike Eichhorn, Yonatan N. Gez, Francis Ngure, Keren Kuenberg |
"Interacting in the Field: Iinsighs from a training involving a past water development intervention in Kakamega, Kenya", (In press) Past Futures, Present Realities: Perspectives on Development as 'Future-making' in Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"A palace for the Hairy King: An Ethiopian political and religious riddle", Material encounters between Jews and Christians: From the silk and spice routes to the highlands of Ethiopia [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Troy Sternberg |
"The Disenchantment of Mining and its Politics Machine: a Cautionary Tale from Mongolia", Disenchanted Modernities: Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Socio-Ecological Changes and Local Responses, 80-106 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Introduction: On the Art of Being Accomplished in East Africa", The Art of Being Accomplished: Wealth, Status, and Respectability in East Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"The Happiness Movement: A Critical Reading", The Art of Being Accomplished: Wealth, Status, and Respectability in East Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"Latin America: The pitfalls of U. S.-mirrored presidential system in Banana Republics", Anuario del Boletín de la Academia de Yuste: Reflexiones sobre Europa e Iberoamérica, 4, 71-87 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"Latin America: The Pitfalls of U.S.-Mirrored Presidential System in Banana Republics", Newsletter Annual of the Academy of Yuste 2023, 4, 434-449 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"FIFAGate", Elgar Encyclopedia of Corruption and Society, 107-109 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Manipulation of sports competitions", Elgar Encyclopedia of Corruption and Society, 180-184 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
Segurança: da Europa ao Indo-Pacífico [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book editor |
Ana Monica Fonseca |
The Azores, the Atlantic and the Global Challenges: Geopolitics and Diaspora [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book editor |
Rui Garrido |
Comentários ao Ato Constitutivo da União Africana [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book editor |
Rui Garrido |
"Convenção Interamericana dos Direitos Humanos", Dignipédia Global [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Pode a cidadania participativa gerar equilíbrio entre a política e a justiça?: O caso de Angola", Atas do III Congresso Internacional de Angolanística, 62-74 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Vasco Martins |
"Angola", The Handbook of Defence and Armed Forces [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Thomas Muhr |
"Recuperar la política de cooperación Sur-Sur: una periodización decolonial", La Cooperación Internacional en Tiempos de Competencia Estratégica: Entre el Interregno Hegemónico y la Multipolaridad, 79-108 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"Interviewing former politically violent militants: reflections on fieldwork, narrative, memory, and ethical dilemmas", Memory, Trauma and Narratives of the Self, 200-224 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Cristina Sousa, Maria de Fátima Ferreiro |
"The Re-Emergence of Food Security in the Western World: Short Supply Chains in Portuguese Territorial Contexts", European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 19, 748-754 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Autoritarismo e personalismo na Guiné Equatorial: Como as instituições servem o seu líder", Personalismos Políticos nos Países de Língua Portuguesa, 217-247 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Deconstructing Sportswashing: Analytical Concept or Ideological Prejudice?", The Palgrave Handbook on the Economics of Manipulation in Sport, 157-176 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"As Guerras de África, os aliados e o contexto internacional", O Crepúsculo do Imperio [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Tiago Botelho dos Santos, Diogo Borges |
"The BRI 2.0 and the Role of Nepal As a South-Southeast Asian Connector", Harvesting the Winds of Change: China and the Global Actors, 1, 382-402 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Sportswashing: Jornalismo restritivo e geopolítica da incoerência", A Nova Comunicação, 371-384 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Diogo Borges |
"The Maritime Silk Road and Chinese Migrations to Peninsular Malaysia (1511-1911)", Das Rotas Oceânicas: Os Mares da Ásia, 291-308 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"Os Direitos Humanos no Ato Constitutivo da União Africana", Comentários ao Ato Constitutivo da União Africana, 9-29 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"Os órgãos Políticos da União Africana", Comentários ao Ato Constitutivo da União Africana, 63-93 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"Transgender Rights in African Confinement: an analysis of recent jurisprudence in Southern Africa", Transgender People Involved with Carceral Systems International Perspectives: International Perspectives [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"As relações continentais África-América Latina: a participação do Brasil na segurança do Atlântico Sul", JANUS 2023 – Análise de Conjuntura Ibero-América: uma aproximação interdisciplinar à Região, 22, 158-163 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Thomas Muhr |
"Portugal’s challenge of decolonising the university curriculum: insights from a semi-systematic literature review.", XVII Congress of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE) Educação, Liberdade e Democracia: Livro de Resumos., XVII, 43-44 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Corrupção e o interesse no futebol em Portugal: variáveis relevantes", Corrupção: Perceções, atitudes e práticas em Portugal, 99-14 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"China’s Role in the EU’s Discursive ‘Spatialization’ of Africa: A Critical Geopolitical Approach", The Palgrave Handbook on China-Europe-Africa Relations, 233-250 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"Segurança no Ártico: um desafio global", Livro de Resumos I Workshop Perspectivas Polares. O Ártico nas Ciências Humanas e Sociais no Brasil, Itália e Portugal, 7-7 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Roxana Andrei |
"Protection of Offshore Critical Energy Infrastructure Beyond National Sovereignty: Military Rules of Engagement and Barriers", European Union Publications Office | European Defence Agency [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Análise sobre «a tensão entre Burundi e Ruanda» programa "Causa e Efeito T8 Ep. 3", RTP África «Causa e Efeito», 19Janeiro2024 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"«Corrupção: Onde está a ser aplicado o dinheiro recuperado?» (entrevista/análise)", Deutsche Welle, 23Janeiro2024 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Breve caracterização da diplomacias presidenciais Angolanas", Novo Jornal, Dez/2023 a Janeiro 2, (815, 816, 818) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Clara Carvalho, Pedro Seabra, Ines Marques Ribeiro |
Relações Europa-Africa, 44, (44) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal editor |
Pedro Seabra, Clara Carvalho, Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"Introduction - Special issue on Europe-Africa Relations", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (44) , 7-11 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Thomas Muhr |
"Public Peer Review Report: Advancing South-South cooperation in education: Indonesian experience with South Africa [version 3; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2024, 11:982,", F1000Research, 11, (982) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Populismo em Portugal", Populismo em Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Working Papers |
Rui Garrido |
"Pacto da Sociedade das Nações (1919)", Dignipédia Global [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Rui Garrido |
"Orientação Sexual e Identidade de Género", Dignipédia Global [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Rui Garrido |
"Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos", Dignipédia Global [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Pedro Seabra |
"Munique 2024: um Barómetro do Ano que nos Espera", IDN Brief [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Tiago Botelho dos Santos, Diogo Borges |
"The Ongoing CPEC-CIPEC Connectivity and the Promotion of Central Asia as a Hub for Southeast Asia", State Building and Fragility Monitor, (10) , 94-106 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Tiago Botelho dos Santos |
"China-Central Asia Cooperation for Regional Development: China Role on Kyrgyzstan’s Road to “Defragilization”", State Building and Fragility Monitor, (10) , 59-72 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Review of the book: Trade Makes States: Governing the Greater Somali Economy", African Studies Quarterly, 76-77 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Recensions in journals |
Marco Marsili |
Media i Społeczeństwo (Media and Society), 20, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal editor |
Cristina Sousa |
"Strategies of Decarbonization for a Sustainable Future - Policy Brief", Sus2Trans project [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Other publications |
Carla Bertin |
"Agir sur les autres. Politique, morale et évangélismes au Bénin", Multitudes, (95) , 102-108 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
Pastoralists and COVID-19 - Forthcoming special issue (2025). Guest Editor. [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Scientific journal editor |
Inês Ascenso |
"Leaders or Villains? The Role of Corruption in Shaping the Stereotypes of Politicians", European Journal of Social Psychology [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Kaian Lam |
"“In poverty we will always stay”: history of famine and contemporary politics of social in-distinction in Cape Verde", Food, Culture and Society, 26, (1) , 63-78 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"#ShamimaBegum: An analysis of social media narratives relating to female terrorist actors", Politics, 43, (3) , 351-368 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
"Proactive champions: How personal and organizational resources enable proactive personalities to become idea champions", Journal of Social Psychology, 163, (5) , 583-604 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
"How human resource managers can prevent perceived pandemic threats from escalating into diminished change-oriented voluntarism", Personnel Review, 52, (6) , 1654-1676 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Unfair, uncertain, and unwilling: How decision-making unfairness and unclear job tasks reduce problem-focused voice behavior, unless there is task conflict", European Management Journal, 41, (3) , 354-365 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Unraveling collaborative learning stimuli and effective dynamic capability integration on MNCs: the global capabilities administration model (GCAM)", Review of International Business and Strategy, 33, (2) , 272-300 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Promoting the integration of payment markets: A stakeholder’s vision", European Business Organization Law Review, 29, (1) , 69-92 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
Thomas Muhr |
"Reclaiming the politics of South-South cooperation", Globalizations, 20, (3) , 347-364 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves |
"Rethinking the sustainable development goals: Learning with and from community‐led initiatives", Sustainable Development, 31, (1) , 211-222 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Troy Sternberg |
"Seeing beyond negotiations: the impacts of the Belt and Road on Sino-Kazakh transboundary water management", International Journal of Water Resources Development, 39, (3) , 361-381 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
"The role of perceived risks on mobile payment adoption: Evidence from Asia", International Journal of Mobile Communications, 21, (2) , 249-272 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Relationship conflict, low goodwill trust, innovation propensity-and help? How to encourage helping behaviours even in conflict‐laden work settings", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 40, (4) , 425-440 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
Raquel da Silva |
"Stretching the peace: The role of Kundalini yoga in the lives of young people in Alexandra, South Africa", Journal of Humanistic Psychology, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Giulia Daniele |
"Intersectional politics and citizen activism: An Israeli Mizrahi feminist lens", Women's Studies International Forum, 97 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"UNITA’s post-war parliamentary elite: From a wartime defeat to a nationwide party in Angola", Journal of Southern African Studies [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Paper in press |
Pedro Seabra, Clara Carvalho, Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"Introduction - Special issue on Europe-Africa Relations", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (44) , 7-11 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Editorial |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Da revolução ao pragmatismo: os anos 70 na política externa chinesa", Conferências da Primavera [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
"V g7+ Women Forum: Women’s Access to Economic and Financial Resources" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Report |
Marco Marsili |
"Introduction. Applications of artificial intelligence in various areas of social, media, cultural, political and economic life", Media i Społeczeństwo, 20, (1) , 11-16 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Editorial |
Marco Marsili |
"Dual-use Technology: Cross-sector Cooperation in the Cybersecurity Sector" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2024 | Report |
Cátia Miriam Costa, Marcelo Moriconi |
"Quantitative and qualitative analysis of psychosocial factors affecting women’s entrepreneurship", Behavioral Sciences, 13, (4) , 313-334 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Antonio Gislailson Delfino da Silva |
"Manifestações culturais dos estudantes guineenses na UNILAB: Análise do projeto de extensão ‘Kabaz di terra’ danças e ritmos tradicionais da Guiné-Bissau", Revista Conexão UEPG, 19, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Peter Anton Zoettl |
"To kill and to die: On the joys and sorrows of juvenile drug dealers in Bahia, Brazil", Critical Sociology, 49, (2) , 253-267 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"External relations and local agency in the Horn of Africa", Current History, 122, (844) , 185-190 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
"I’m betrayed and I’m gone – unless organizational leaders convince me otherwise: Perceived contract breaches, quitting intentions, and leader-related resources", Africa Journal of Management, 9, (3) , 232-258 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"What are they talking about? Dislocations between institutional narratives and on-field sports actors’ perspectives on match-fixing", Deviant Behavior, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Troy Sternberg |
"Mongolian mining engagement with SIA and ESG initiatives", Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 103 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Troy Sternberg |
"The role of mining in Kyrgyzstan's social acceptance of protest", Resources Policy, 85 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Analysing the influence of WHO initiatives on the scientific discourse of Noncommunicable Diseases through a bibliometric approach", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, (18) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Antonio Gislailson Delfino da Silva |
"Estudantes da Guiné-Bissau em Portugal – ISCSP-ULISBOA: Motivações, desafios cotidianos, redes de sociabilidade e perspetivas futuras", Revista EduSer, 15, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"China and European Union Countries: Do Chinese partnerships boost cooperation results?", JANUS.NET, 14, (1) , 10-43 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
""O candidato a Primeiro-Ministro". A dinâmica das eleições legislativas em Portugal entre o "De Jure" e o "De Facto"", Polis, 2, (7) , 63-68 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
"Explorer la relation entre la croissance internationale et l’intra-régionalisation vs l’inter-régionalisation: Les rôles de l’environnement des pays d’accueil et du degré d’engagements internationaux", Management International [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Amaños de partidos y apuestas deportivas: Tendencias y agenda de investigación para América Latina", Reflexión Política, 25, (52) , 142-151 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Governing the Horn’s external linkages: Agency, domestic politics and local power in the Horn of Africa – Gulf relations", Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 17, (4) , 386-403 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Troy Sternberg |
"Does environmental aid make a difference? Analyzing its impact in developing countries", Land, 12, (10) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
David Ferreira |
"Política nuclear americana durante a guerra na Ucrânia", Relações Internacionais, (77) , 083-091 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Tiago Botelho dos Santos |
"O eixo Russo-Sino-Paquistanês: A evolução de um novo eixo e os efeitos do conflito Russo-Ucraniano", Daxiyangguo – Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Asiáticos, (30) , 143-169 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Diogo Borges |
"A Belt and Road Initiative no Camboja: Dependência e legitimidade de elites", Daxiyangguo – Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Asiáticos, (30) , 81-101 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
"Using resilience and passion to overcome bullying and lack of meaning at work: a pathway to change-oriented citizenship", Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 10, (1) , 132-157 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper | |
Riccardo Marchi |
"The Right and Far-Right in the Portuguese Democracy (1974-2020)", Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics, 102-118 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
César Cima, Marcelo Moriconi |
"Assessing public and sports policies to tackle match-fixing", Understanding match-fixing in sport: Theory and practice, 161-180 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Populist Radical Right in 21th Century Portugal", Portugal After the 2008 Crisis: Resilience and Change,, 156-171 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Kaian Lam |
"Disputing centralities amidst Covid-19: The triangular relationship of ASEAN, China and Timor-Leste", The paradox of ASEAN centrality: Timor-Leste betwixt and between, 157-182 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"The Globalizing Discourse of the Belt and Road Initiative", The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics, 55-66 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Método Histórico-Comparativo", Métodos de Investigação em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
Global Identitarianism [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book editor |
Raquel da Silva |
Contemporary Reflections on Critical Terrorism Studies [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book editor |
Raquel da Silva |
CTS and Right-Wing Terrorism and Counterterrorism – Volume I , The Politics of Labelling Political Violence [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book editor |
Raquel da Silva |
CTS and Right-Wing Terrorism and Counterterrorism – Volume II, The Politics of Countering Political Violence [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book editor |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Portuguese revolution of 1974–1975", Encyclopedia of social and political movements [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Revolução, contrarrevolução e democracia: Portugal e Grécia, 1960s – 2000s", O povo está com o MFA: A revolução dos Cravos, 50 anos depois [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Thomas Muhr |
"South-South cooperation", Elgar encyclopedia of development, 562-567 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Ana Esteves |
Solidarity Economy Alternative Spaces, Power and Politics [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book editor |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
Mercados Financeiros - Emoção e Razão [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book author |
Aleksi Ylönen |
Multiple Layers of Migration and the Horn of Africa: Security, Climate Change, and Related Concerns [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book editor |
Amandine Gameiro |
"Critical reflections on tourism: Phenomenological perspectives on global-South, degrowth and the role of visual aids", CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, (Sp23) , 105-121 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Amandine Gameiro |
"Political economy and contemporary Renaissance: Challenges and opportunities", CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, (Sp23) , 92-104 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Do princípio da igualdade ao princípio da diversidade: Uma releitura da orientação constitucional em Portugal", Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (34) , 80-91 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal paper |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
Da Pandemia à Guerra: Impacto das alterações geopolíticas na economia portuguesa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book author |
Pedro Seabra |
"Portugal e Brasil", O essencial da política portuguesa, 860-873 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"The Nativist Movement in Angola: A Proposal for a Modern State and Society in the Lusophone Context", Portugal and the Lusophone World [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"Wavering or privileged cooperation?: Portugal and Lusophone Africa at the UN General Assembly", Portugal and the Lusophone world: Law, geopolitics and institutional cooperation, 493-509 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"Dentro y fuera de la guerra ruso-ucraniana: Los escollos para la Unión Europea", Anuario del Boletín de la Academia de Yuste: Reflexiones sobre Europa e Iberoamérica, 66-83 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"Inside and beyond the Russo Ukrainian war: the pitfalls for the European Union", Newsletter Annual of the Academy of Yuste: Reflections on Europe and Ibero-America, 429-445 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"A regulação dos fluxos de deslocados internos no Direito da União Africana: o Estado da arte em Moçambique [The Regulation of Internally Displacement in African Union Law: the State-of-the-Art in Mozambique]", Desafíos jurídicos en la gestión internacional y Europea de los flujos migratorios [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Scientific Discourse about Energy Geopolitics: Changing Paradigms or Simply Adapting to New Times?", Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Security, Resources and Pathways in Light of Global Challenges, 35-48 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"Military emerging disruptive technologies: Compliance with international law and ethical standards", Intelligent and autonomous: Transforming values in the face of technology, 390, 25-50 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Ana Esteves |
"Building counterpower", Solidarity Economy Alternative Spaces, Power and Politics [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Ana Esteves |
"Introduction", Solidarity Economy Alternative Spaces, Power and Politics [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Luís Mah |
"The financialization of EU development policy: blended finance and strategic interests (2007-2020)", Financializations of Development: Global Games and Local Experiments [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"Understanding violence through story and stitch", Contemporary Reflections on Critical Terrorism Studies [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O terrorismo no interland centro-austral africano e o impacto em Moçambique e Angola", A luta continua e a reação não passará!?: O iliberalismo contra a democratização em Angola e Moçambique no século XXI, 251-267 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Introduction", Multiple Layers of Migration and the Horn of Africa: Security, Climate Change, and Related Concerns [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"O apoio dos Estados Unidos ao nacionalismo angolano nos primeiros anos da guerra em Angola", Em torno do Pensamento de Luís Moita: Humanismo e Relações Internacionais [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
""Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura"", Portugal Multilateral, Volume III, III, 83-101 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
António Raimundo |
"Portugal", Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2023, 559-562 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Case Study: Bissau-Guinean farmers train their cameras on a protected area", Visual Research: A Concise Introduction to Thinking Visually. Second Edition, 1-205 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Introduction" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"A Direita e a Extrema-Direita na Democracia Portuguesa (1974-2021)", O Essencial da Política Portuguesa, 147-165 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"The Protection of Civilians under the African Union institutional framework: challenges and opportunities", IDN Brief: A Proteção de Civis em Situação de Conflito [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Working Papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"De um certo Poder… A Arquitectura e o Urbanismo como “Selos Monumentais”", Figuras & Negócios, Dez.2022, (216) , 36-38 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Os caminhos imprevisíveis da nossa banca", Figuras & Negócios, Jan.2023, (217) , 58-59 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O fenómeno e os seus impactos no desenvolvimento económico e social, Afinal.... O que é o Populismo?", Figuras & Negócios, Fevereiro 2023, (218) , 52-54 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O mito da desdolarização e a ascensão das moedas pequenas a moedas-padrão", Figuras & Negócios, Julho.2023, (219) , 61-63 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"África e o conflito europeu, uma oportunidade perdida?", Figuras & Negócios, Julho.2023, (219) , 64-67 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Postscript" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"O conceito estratégico de defesa da NATO e a bússola estratégica da União Europeia : convergência ou competição?", A NATO e as relações transatlânticas: de Madrid a Vilnius, 209-220 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"A participação de Portugal nas missões EUTM Mali e MINUSMA", A participação de Portugal em missões internacionais: Uma política externa em mudança, 259-282 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"A Quinta de Santa Efigénia em Setúbal", A Magazine, (6) , 66-71 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Manuel João Ramos |
"A imensidão e complexidade do mundo para além das nossas fronteiras mentais e culturais", 5ª Conferência de Lisboa: Rumo a uma Nova Ordem Mundial?, 222-225 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Manuel João Ramos |
"A suportavel irrealidade da guerra", Jornal O Público [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"A crise angolana de 1977/78 vista por um expatriado", VuJonga, Cadernos Literários, 02/2023, (60) , 40-45 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Marco Marsili |
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights: An inspirational charter", Book of Abstracts of the Fourth Edition of the Unequal World Conference, 27-27 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Luís Bernardino. Angola in the African Peace and Security Architecture: The Strategic Role of the Angolan Armed Forces. Lisboa: Mercado das Letras. 2017. 543 pp." [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Clara Carvalho |
"Takuo Iwata (Ed.). New Asian Approaches to Africa: Rivalries and Collaborations. Delaware: Vernon Press. 2020. 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-62273-809-0" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"The new green grabbing frontier and participation: conserving drylands with or without people", Drylands facing change: Interventions, investments and identities, 132-152 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter | |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Revolução, contrarrevolução e democracia: Portugal e Grécia, 1960s – 2000s", O povo está com o MFA!: A revolução dos cravos, 50 anos depois, 266-300 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
"Exploring the drivers of business model innovation: Insights from a single-case study in agribusiness", Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, part 2, 913-921 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Publication in conference proceedings | |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"Portuguese foreign policy and crisis diplomacy in a period of German hegemony: Bandwagoning or soft balancing?", Portugal since the 2008 economic crisis: Resilience and change, 186-204 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Book chapter |
"Are we safer from terrorist attacks since 9/11?", EuroDefence Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications | |
"Antoinette Handley. Business and social crisis in Africa", African Studies Review, 66, (1) , 221-222 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Recensions in journals | |
"Lições aprendidas sobre o "ataque terrorista" que não aconteceu", Diário de Notícias (Texto de opinião) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications | |
"Mulheres com licença para matar: Terroristas, alvos e “peacekeepers”", EuroDefense Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications | |
"Veículos aéreos não tripulados (drones): conceito, história e desafios", EuroDefense Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications | |
"Israel-Hamas: oito aspetos sobre o terrorismo neste conflito", Diário de Notícias (Texto de opinião) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications | |
"As armas do terrorismo: Os engenhos explosivos improvisados (IED)", EuroDefence Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications | |
Thomas Muhr |
"Public Peer Review Report: Advancing South-South cooperation in education: Indonesian experience with South Africa [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]", F1000Research [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"La Russie assume la présidence du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU (Analyse/Interview)", Nouvelles du Monde, April 1, 2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Envio de tropas para o Níger", Deutsche Welle, 11Ago2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
""Visita dos reis de Espanha a Angola reforça aproximação em termos institucionais" - Investigador (Análise/ Entrevista)", Expresso das Ilhas, 5Fev2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Guiné-Bissau. Dissolução "é surpreendente" (Análise / Entrevista)", Observador, 4Dez2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Café da manhã, edição com Eugénio Costa Almeida e Mário Pinto de Andrade", Rádio LAC, 5Set2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Análise sobre o Golpe no Níger 1 semana após - entrevista da jorn. Cristina Magalhães, da RDP-África", RDP - África, 1Agosto2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"«Rússia assume presidência do Conselho de Segurança da ONU»", RFI - Radio France Internationale, 1Abril2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Análise sobre o Golpe de Estado no Gabão", TSF - Rádio Notícias, 30Agosto2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"«O grupo Wagner em África» - programa "Causa e Efeito T7 Ep. 2.", RTP África «Causa e Efeito», 27Janeiro2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"«Análise sobre a nova estratégia de Macron para África» - programa "Causa e Efeito, T7, Ep. 8" - rubrica «Opinião da Semana»", RTP África «Causa e Efeito», 17Março2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"A Village and Its NGOs: Co-Constructing NGO Presence in Rural Malawi, by Thomas McNamara", Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Recensions in journals |
Carla Bertin |
"À propos de la journée d’étude « Quand le Sud pense le Nord : défis méthodologiques et enjeux épistémologiques », visioconférence, le 4 décembre 2020", Lectures anthropologiques, 10 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Manuel João Ramos |
Caderno de Estudos Africanos, (43) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal editor |
Marcelo Moriconi, Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Editorial: Sport as a tool for social inclusion, employment, and improved health", Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Editorial |
Marcelo Moriconi, Cátia Miriam Costa |
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, (2023) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal editor |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
2023 | Editorial |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
JANUS.NET [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Scientific journal editor |
Rui Garrido |
"Olufemi Amao. African Union Law: The Emergence of a Sui Generis Legal Order. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019. 220 pp. Appendix. Index. $170.00. Cloth. ISBN:978-1-138-91494-0.", African Studies Review [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Review article |
"Contraterrorismo na União Europeia: Os casos de Portugal e Espanha (2004-2020)" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Doctoral Thesis | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"«Não podemos, de um momento para o outro, desprezar os anteriores 'amigos'» - Entrevista", Novo Jornal, (814) , 15-15 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Especial Estado da Nação:«E se para o Estado da Nacao de 2024 acontecer...»", Novo Jornal, 13Out2023, (807) , 7-7 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Os BRICS e a reunião magna da África do Sul; que futuro?", Novo Jornal, 25Ago2023, (800) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Uma crónica futurista de um “impichemante”: quando um lugar de um kota real é questionado", Novo Jornal, 28Jul2023, (796) , 10-10 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Entre as sabotagens dos caminhos-de-ferro e os acidentes de viação...", Novo Jornal, 20Jan2023, (769) , 17-17 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"A visita de Macron a África e… a Angola", Novo Jornal, 17Mar2023, (777) , 11-11 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"A Cidadania, o Direito e a Justiça e a Política e a participação dos cidadãos angolanos", Novo Jornal, 30Jun2023, (792) , 22-22 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O 25 de Maio, o dia de África, mas que ainda não é o Dia da Unidade Africana…", Novo Jornal, 26Maio2023, (787) , 35-35 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"»Análise sobre "o ainda" impacto da guerra Russo-Ucraniana em África» programa "Causa e Efeito T7 Ep37", rubrica «Opinião da Semana»", RTP África «Causa e Efeito», 27Outubro2023 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
César Cima |
"A teoria do crime (de corrupção): O caso do "match-fixing" no futebol profissional português" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Doctoral Thesis |
Clara Carvalho, Maria Antónia Belchior Ferreira Barreto |
"Perfil do Estudante dos PALOP nas Instituições do Ensino Superior em Portugal: caracterização, expetativas, constrangimentos (2015-2021)" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Report |
Tiago Botelho dos Santos |
"Os BRICS e a Nova Ordem Multipolar: A significância do alargamento para o embate EUA-China", Observa China [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Mystical Natures: A comparative study of religious-environmental dynamics among Inner Asian, African and North American dryland communities.", Conferência 10 Anos CEI-Iscte [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2023 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi, Raquel da Silva |
"Extreme right terrorism in the Portuguese transition to democracy: The Portuguese Liberation Army (1974-1976)", Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies, 11, (1) , 87-108 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Perceived organizational politics and quitting plans: an examination of the buffering roles of relational and organizational resources", Management Decision, 60, (1) , 4-26 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ana Esteves |
"‘All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace? Information technology, in-person relationships and normative regulation in an ‘integral cooperative’", Community Development Journal, 57, (4) , 655-672 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"African exceptions: democratic development in small island states", Journal of International Relations and Development, 25, 210-234 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marco Marsili |
"The servant of two masters: Italian diplomats in World War II. Story of a diplomatic civil war and its implications and consequences on post-war foreign policy", Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 27, (1) , 19-40 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Dynamic capabilities and project management: A systematic literature review", International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 29, (4) , 417-448 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ana Esteves |
"Processes of normative regulation in spaces of “solidarity economy”: A comparative case study analysis", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 42, (7/8) , 624-639 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"How to improve operational processes using Monte Carlo simulation", International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 12, (6) , 679-694 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Raquel da Silva |
"‘It’s about keeping children safe, not spying’: A governmentality approach to prevent in primary education", British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 24, (2) , 259-276 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Let's work together, especially in the pandemic: Finding ways to encourage problem-focused voice behavior among passionate employees", Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 9, (2) , 169-192 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Agile project and portfolio management: A systematic literature review", International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 12, (4) , 471-494 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Family, work, collegial, and emotional influences on problem-focused voice behaviors", Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 58, (3) , 393-416 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Filhos de um outro pai: minorias religiosas, a relação estado-religião e o diálogo inter-religioso em Portugal", Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia, 62, 51-67 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Pandemic fears, family interference with work, and organizational citizenship behavior: Buffering role of work-related goal congruence", European Management Review, 19, (3) , 508-523 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Raquel da Silva |
"“From street soldiers to political soldiers”: Assessing how extreme right violence has been criminalised in Portugal", Critical Studies on Terrorism, 15, (1) , 102-120 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"‘Não é uma prioridade’: uma análise da prevenção do terrorismo em Portugal", Coleção Meira Mattos: Revista das Ciências Militares, 16, (55) , 133-151 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Achieving organizational effectiveness of MNCs through people: Evidence from India and Mozambique", Industrial and Commercial Training, 54, (2) , 357-376 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
"The investment decision-making process of Portuguese venture capital funds: What’s different and what’s the same?", Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 28, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Toward a dynamic capabilities’ diffusion model for international business headway of SMEs: Evidence from the metallurgic and metal-mechanic (MMI) sectors", Review of International Business and Strategy, 32, (2) , 204-227 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Innovativeness, innovation behavior and performance in the Portuguese hotel industry", Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, 11, (1) , 61-87 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Gender entrepreneurship in Latin America: Does the institutional system matter?", Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 7, (1) , 198-215 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
César Cima, Marcelo Moriconi |
"Tolerância zero ou eficácia nula? Políticas públicas e regulamentos desportivos para combater o match-fixing", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, (99) , 89-114 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"Dentro y fuera de la guerra ruso-ucraniana: los escollos para la Unión Europea", Boletín de la Academia de Yuste, (16) , 1-33 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"You’re so good-looking and wise, my powerful leaders! When deference becomes flattery in employee-authority relations", Personnel Review, N/A [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
"Sustentabilidade fiscal nas economias PALOP", Notas Económicas, (54) , 55-70 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Pedro Seabra |
"An ocean free of nuclear weapons? Regional security governance in the South Atlantic", Politics and Governance, 10, (3) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"External power competition in the Horn of Africa", RUSI Journal, 166, (6-7) , 74-82 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"On state-making, fear governance, and terrorism", Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 34, (1) , 91-98 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Overwhelmed by family, but supported by likeminded, trustworthy coworkers: Effects on role ambiguity and championing behaviors", Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 9, (4) , 591-609 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Homogenization or diversification? The impact of globalization on cultural identity of the first and second-generation immigrants", Journal of Globalization Studies, 13, (1) , 73-89 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Beyond organisational borders: The soft power of innovation in the health sector; comment on what managers find important for implementation of innovations in the healthcare sector – Practice through six management perspectives", International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11, (12) , 3125-3128 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Pedro Seabra |
"Beyond roll-call voting: Sponsorship dynamics at the UN General Assembly", International Studies Quarterly, 66, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"“Em teoria, a doutrina diverge”. Um diálogo entre a noção de doutrina e a de teoria, a partir da Teoria Crítica da Raça", Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (31) , 140-160 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Political messianism in Portugal, the case of André Ventura", Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 22, (1) , 79-107 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcio Amaral-Baptista |
"Too much of two good things: Explicating the limited complementarity between drivers of MNC Headquarters’ absorptive capacity", Management International Review, 63, (3) , 393-426 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcio Amaral-Baptista |
"Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119, (30) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"The committee and the uncommitted: Material assistance to members in need at a Pentecostal Church in Western Kenya", Africa Today, 69, (1-2) , 214-237 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"L’état et l’international au prisme des vestiges du développement rural en Tanzanie", Anthropologie and développement, (53) , 21-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Athéisme et sécularisme au Kenya. Les tribulations des Atheists In Kenya (AIK)", Social Compass, 69, (4) , 596-613 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Mitigating the risk that peer-initiated task conflict escalates into diminished helping: roles of passion for work and collectivistic orientation", International Studies of Management and Organization, 52, (3/4) , 163-184 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Qatar's multi-actors sports strategy: Diplomacy, critics and legitimisation", International Area Studies Review, 25, (4) , 354-374 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Troy Sternberg |
"Herd It in the Gobi: Deserting pastoralism?", Land, 11, (6) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"The making of religion: An essay on the definition of ‘African religion’ through the cases of the Yorùbá and Candomblé", Journal of Religion in Africa, 52, (3-4) , 374-394 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Troy Sternberg |
"Preserving the Gobi: Identifying potential UNESCO world heritage in Mongolia's Gobi desert", Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 15, (4) , 500-517 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"An international study of correlates of women’s positive body image", European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 12, (10) , 1521-1534 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Miguel Mbiavanga Ajú |
"Response to the Somali and Malian jihadist movements: What lessons for Mozambique?", Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política, 17, 91-105 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
"Dynamics of the public-debt-to-gdp ratio: Can it explain the risk premium of treasury bonds?", Empirica, 49, (4) , 1089-1122 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Joao Terrenas |
"Towards a transformative governance of the Amazon", Global Policy, 13, (S3) , 60-75 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"Impact of project management to capability transformation", International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 15, (2) , 167-199 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Pedro Seabra |
"Estimating ideal points from UN General Assembly sponsorship data", International Interactions, 48, (6) , 1233-1252 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"‘Experts’, settlers and Africans: The production of local agricultural and veterinary knowledge in Southern Rhodesia (1897–1914)", Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 50, (4) , 639-671 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
Troy Sternberg, Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Pastoral Khans: From Mongolian steppe to African savannah", Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, 23, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Raça, dignidade humana e justiça social: O princípio da igualdade na ótica do indivíduo face às assimetrias sociais na constituição portuguesa de 1976", Lusíada. Direito, 27/28, 55-74 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Riccardo Marchi, Tiago Alexandre Pinto |
"Zarco Moniz Ferreira and the Portuguese far right between authoritarianism and democracy: A biographical approach", Locus: Revista de História, 28, (2) , 258-281 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
"The influence of career choice intentions on new venture creation in Algeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa", International Review of Entrepreneurship, 20, (2) , 249-276 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper | |
João Ferreira Dias |
"The Culture War in Ukraine: The struggle against global pluralism", Polis, 2, (6) , 99-104 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"O foral de Benavente e o direito pátrio local", Cadernos de História, 23, (38) , 135-152 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Maria Antónia Belchior Ferreira Barreto, Clara Carvalho |
"Paulo Freire na Guiné-Bissau: Um olhar sobre a Escola de Formação de Professores Combatentes da Liberdade da Pátria - Centro Máximo Gorki", Sinergias - Diálogos educativos para a transformação social, (13) , 59-75 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"A guerra travada na comunicação social: A influência da opinião pública na tomada de decisões relativas ao uso da força", Nação e Defesa, (161) , 49-68 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"A critical appraisal of realist international relations concepts in the Horn of Africa-Persian Gulf relations: The state, power, and agency", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (43) , 41-69 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book editor |
"Party Systems in a Comparative Perspective", Varieties of Democracy in Southern Europe, 1960s-2000s: A Comparison between Spain, France, Greece, Italy and Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter | |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Right-wing christian mobilization in XXI Century Portugal", The Christian Right in Europe: Movements, Networks and Denominations that endanger modern Europe [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"The New Portuguese Radical Right and Social Movements", The Palgrave Handbook of Far-Right Extremism in Europe [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"We got a taste for protest! leadership transition and political opportunities for protest in Angola’s resilient authoritarian regime", Popular protest, political opportunities, and change in Africa, 128-145 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"The identitarian movement in Portugal at the beginning of the 21st century", Global Identitarianism [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
Narrative, Political Violence and Social Change [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book editor |
Marta Patrício |
"Customary Rules and the Law of Domestic Violence: Conflicting Norms and Social Change in Rural Mozambique", Transformations of Rural Spaces in Mozambique [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Ana Monica Fonseca |
"The role of Portuguese democratisation in the Socialist International’s initiatives towards Latin America in the 1970s", Rethinking European social democracy and socialism: The history of the centre-left in Northern and Southern Europe in the late 20th century, 142-154 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Internacionalização Empresarial - A Importância das Redes [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book author | |
Marco Marsili |
"Inside and beyond the Russo-Ukrainian War: The pitfalls of the European Union", Newsletter of the Academy of Yuste, 1-31 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues, Pedro Seabra |
Espanha e Portugal na globalização: 500 anos da primeira circumnavegação [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book editor |
Riccardo Marchi |
A Bolha. Uma Direita Antipopulista [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book author |
João Ferreira Dias |
O Foral de Benavente no contexto do direito local português [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book author |
Manuel João Ramos, Giulia Daniele |
Border Crossings in and out of Europe [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book editor |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
Outros Celtas. Celtismo, modernidade, e música global em Espanha e Portugal, 412 pp [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book editor |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
A Guerra Civil em Portugal (1828-1834) - Uma História Militar Concisa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book editor |
Miguel Mbiavanga Ajú, Aleksi Ylönen |
"The Middle East and Eastern Africa intersected: Discussing contemporary connections", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (43) , 13-39 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Giulia Daniele, Manuel João Ramos, Aleksi Ylönen |
"New Gulf Streams – Middle East and Eastern Africa Intersected: An introduction", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (43) , 9-12 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal paper |
Roxana Andrei |
Natural Gas at the Frontline Between the EU, Russia and Ukraine: A Conflict-Cooperation Perpetuum [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book author |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"Espanha e Portugal no mundo: análise com base no Índice Elcano de presença global", España y Portugal en la globalización: 500 años de la primera circunnavegación, 61-85 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Somaliland – Struggling for Recognition: External Actors and Dynamics", Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa, 98-109 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the Dilemma of Liberation", Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa, 21-31 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Introduction - Part 1. Liberation Movements, Separatism and State Formation", Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa, 7-10 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis, Ines Marques Ribeiro, Pedro Seabra |
"Uma pandemia é uma doença que se globaliza: impacto da COVID-19 na política internacional e nas prioridades de Portugal", Um novo normal?: impactos e lições de dois anos de pandemia em Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Does Fifth Industrial Revolution Benefit or Trouble the Global Civil Society?", Contestations in Global Civil Society, 45-62 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"The Conflict in Cabo Delgado: impact in Mozambique foreign affairs and the reshaping of the bilateral agreements", China, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe: From sporadic bilateral exchanges to a comprehensive multilateral platform, 87-100 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"International and Domestic Discourses of Chins’a Special Economic Zones: An Instrument for New Projects", Handbook of Research on Special Economic Zones as Regional Development Enablers, 39-57 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"Espanha e Portugal na dimensão militar", Espanha e Portugal na globalização: 500 anos da primeira circumnavegação, 111-125 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues, Pedro Seabra |
"Conclusões", Espanha e Portugal na globalização: 500 anos da primeira circumnavegação, 159-161 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Troy Sternberg |
"The ‘open cut’ in drylands: Challenges of artisanal mining and pastoralism encountering industrial mining, development, and resource grabbing", Drylands Facing Change Interventions, Investments and Identities [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Troy Sternberg |
"Drylands connected: Mobile communication and changing power positions in (nomadic) pastoral societies", Drylands Facing Change Interventions, Investments and Identities [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Troy Sternberg |
"Alternative perspectives: A bright side of natural resource governance in drylands", Drylands Facing Change Interventions, Investments and Identities [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"Portugal and Brazil", The Oxford handbook of Portuguese politics, 715-727 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Joao Terrenas |
"Antropoceno, ecologia e segurança", Ameaças e riscos transnacionais na nova era [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Joana Roque de Pinho, Troy Sternberg |
"Pastoralists under COVID-19 lockdown:Collaborative research on impacts and responses in Kenyan and Mongolian drylands", Drylands facing change: Interventions, investments and identities, 215-235 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"The European Union’s response to the Mediterranean ‘refugee crisis’: The normalisation of securitisation", Border crossings in and out of Europe, 118-131 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
"COVID-19, conservation, and tourism in Namibia’s conservancies: Socioeconomic and land-use impacts", Conservation, land conflicts, and sustainable tourism in Southern Africa: Contemporary issues and approaches, 150-164 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter | |
"La conservación de la fauna en África: un breve recorrido histórico", El desafío ambiental en el mundo, 130-155 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter | |
Manuel João Ramos |
"La cucaña destripada: fiesta y turistificación urbana (el ejemplo de Lisboa)", Patrimonio cultural, ciudad y turismo sostenible [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos, Giulia Daniele |
"Introduction", Border crossings in and out of Europe, 6-14 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos, Giulia Daniele |
"Afterword", Border crossings in and out of Europe, 240-242 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Preface", An Ethiopian mille-feuille: Unearthing the history of the Jesuit mission to Ethiopia (21st - 16th centuries) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Zenab’sprotective scroll: A migrant voice, and a graphic essay", Border crossings in and out of Europe, 50-67 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Giulia Daniele |
"The refugee debate in Palestine/Israel: An ongoing narrative of struggles from Palestinians to Africans", Border crossings in and out of Europe [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"“Celtismo na Música: contextos, conceitos, perspectivas”", Outros Celtas. Celtismo, modernidade, e música global em Espanha e Portugal, 9-34 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"“Rastos de Celtas e Lusitanos”,", Outros Celtas. Celtismo, modernidade, e música global em Espanha e Portugal, 59-90 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
""Celtas no Campo da Nucha: uma aproximação etnográfica, 2012-2017"", Outros Celtas. Celtismo, modernidade, e música global em Espanha e Portugal, 281-310 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"The palace of the hairy king - An Ethiopian political and religious riddle", (In press) Material Encounters between Jews and Christians: From the Silk and Spice Routes to the Highlands of Ethiopia, ed. Bar Kribus, Zara Pogossian, Alexandra Cuffel [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Ricardo Falcão, Clara Carvalho |
"Women rights crossing border and FGM/C: Violent traditions, cultural differences, and juridical conundrums", Border crossings in and out of Europe, 132-154 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Clara Carvalho |
"O soft power de Portugal e Espanha", Espanha e Portugal na globalização: 500 anos da primeira circumnavegação, 127-158 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"A intervenção política dos militares: acção e consequências", A guerra civil em Portugal (1828 - 1834): uma história militar concisa, 697-708 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"Portugal e a cooperação no domínio da defesa", Políticas de defesa de Portugal, 397-422 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"A Abelha da China: a apropriação macaense do discurso político", A Abelha da China nos seus 200 anos: Casos, Persnagens e Confrontos na Experiência Liberal de Macau, 23-36 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Ana Esteves |
"‘Systemic thinking’, ‘regenerative culture’, and new forms of prefigurative politics: challenges for the global left", Challenging Authoritarian Capitalism The Transformative Power of the World Social Forum [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
António Raimundo |
"Portugal", Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2022, 557-560 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Roxana Andrei |
"Russia’s Energy Policy and Strategy: From a Reliable Partner to an Unwanted Supplier" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Roxana Andrei |
"The EU’s Physical and Ontological Energy Security Quest: Between a Vulnerable Importer of Energy and an Assertive Exporter of Values" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Roxana Andrei |
"Natural Gas at the Frontline of the Energy Crisis and the War in Ukraine: A Material Perspective" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Roxana Andrei |
"Introduction" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Chega", Novo Dicionário Crítico do Pensamento das Direitas, 229-234 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Riccardo Marchi |
"André Ventura", Novo Dicionário Crítico do Pensamento das Direitas, 112-117 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Tiago Fernandes |
[Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Working Papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Prefácio: «Quando o poeta é livre como o catuituí, nada há que o engaiole…»", Egosismo (Orlando Castro), 9-14 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
""Processo marcou fim da nomenclatura económica e saída de Isabel dos Santos - analista"", Changing World [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Marco Marsili |
Book of Abstracts of the International Conference North Atlantic Security and Defense Strategy (NASDS 2022), 19-20 May 2022, Military University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Conference proceedings editor |
Marco Marsili |
"The Russia-Ukraine conflict beyond the mainstream narrative", 9th Annual Conference on Eurasian Politics & Society (IEPAS2022): Conference Programme and Abstract Book, 34 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues, Pedro Seabra |
"Introdução", Espanha e Portugal na globalização: 500 anos da primeira circumnavegação, 1-5 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Miguel Mbiavanga Ajú |
"Reshaping the African Union Mission in Somalia: From AMISOM to ATMIS", The HORN Bulletin, V, (III) , 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Portugal y la derecha radical: ¿la última «excepción» que cae?", Nueva Sociedad, (300) , 14-24 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"As dinâmicas de segurança em África", Revista Militar, 74, (2649 - Outubro 2022) , 841-868 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O desassossego militante (in)evidente dos filhos da paz em Angola", Paz, direitos e novas redes: III Conferência Internacional Ativismos em África, 77-88 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Marco Marsili |
"State-driven hate speech: From Nazi Germany to date", Freedom of expression, hate speech, and religious freedom: A human rights perspective. Book of abstracts, 46 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Populism in Europe – a comparative study of nine populist parties", Populism in Europe – a comparative study of nine populist parties [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Working Papers |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Guerra irregular em Timor: a resistência contra o invasor japonês (1942-1945)", Atas do XXX Colóquio de História Militar “A guerra irregular em Portugal: da fundação à atualidade”, 421-445 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Roxana Andrei |
"Turkey’s Energy Strategy: In Search of an Upgraded Political and Energy Status" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Roxana Andrei |
"Energy as Security: Overcoming Theoretical and Conceptual Reductionism in Energy Studies" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Roxana Andrei |
"Ontological Energy Security: Cognitive and Material Foundations for a Conflict-Cooperation Perpetuum" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Ana Monica Fonseca |
"Looking South: The role of Portuguese democratisation in the Socialist International's initiatives towards Latin America in the 1970s", Rethinking European Social Democracy and Socialism. The History of the Centre-Left in Northern and Southern Europe in the Late 20th Century, 142-154 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"The Committee and the Uncommitted: Material Assistance to Members in Need at a Pentecostal Church in Western Kenya" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Working Papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Causa e Efeito T6 - 01 - sobre Moçambique e apoios da SADC e Rwanda no combate ao terrorismo", RTP África «Causa e Efeito» [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
""O Conflito na Ucrânia e as Consequências Económicas no Continente Africano"; entrevista/análise", RDP-África «Linha Africana» [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
""Evolução política "satisfatória" mas "muito aquém do expectável" em 20 anos de paz em Angola, diz investigador"", RTP, (03Mar2022) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
"Variações à direita: Steven Bannon, Alexander Dugim e Olavo De Carvalho", Sociedade e Estado, 37, (1) , 367-372 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Recensions in journals | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Causa e Efeito T6 - 14 «Opinião da Semana» 2022.04.22", RTP-África «Causa e Efeito» [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
João Ferreira Dias |
"J. Lorand Matory. The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud, and the Gods Black People Make. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2018. 392 pp. Photographs. Bibliography. Index. $29.95. Paper. ISBN: 9780478001058.", African Studies Review, 1-3 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Recensions in journals |
Marco Marsili |
"Projeto North Atlantic Security and Defense Strategy (NASDS)", IUM Atualidade, (41) , 11-13 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
"A relação entre o crime organizado e o terrorismo", EuroDefense Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications | |
"Dez ideias erradas sobre o terrorismo", EuroDefense Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications | |
"A França resiste: sete anos depois do 13 de novembro de 2015", Diário de Notícias (Texto de opinião) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications | |
"National security priorities: from jihad to the extreme-right?", EuroDefense Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications | |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Community-Based Conservation in the Drylands of East and Southern Africa During COVID-19 (a peer reviewed report)", Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Report Series, 341, (341) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Review of Martins, Vasco, Colonialism, Ethnicity and War in Angola", H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Recensions in journals |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"E tudo passou por Kassange", «Especial 11 de Novembro (1975-2022), Jornal de Angola, (18 de Novembro de 20) , 6-6 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Crianças da África do Sul querem um caminho melhor", Revista Mwana Afrika- Crianças de África - Children of África, Outubro de 2022, (6) , 14-15 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Review of Diagnosing Ethiopia’s Tigray War: Reverberations in the Horn of Africa", Open Political Science, 6, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Recensions in journals |
Pedro Seabra |
"The capacity-building outlook in the Atlantic", The capacity-building outlook in the Atlantic [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"A scramble of external powers and local agency in the Horn of Africa", Notes Internacionals CIDOB, (280) , 1-7 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Rui Garrido |
"MigrationGenderTalks", The webinar series “MigrationGender Talks” is an initiative of the line of research on “Migration & Gender and Sexuality” of the NOVA Refugee Clinic – Legal Clinic, and it aims at being a space for discussion of the distinct dynamics of gender and forced migration. [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Other publications |
Raquel da Silva |
"Editors' introduction: critical terrorism studies and the far-right: new and (re)new(ed) challenges ahead?", Critical Studies on Terrorism [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Food security among dryland pastoralists and agropastoralists: The climate, land-use change, and population dynamics nexus", Anthropocene Review, 9, (3) , 299-323 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Review article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Kuriakos TV - Isto é o Povo a falar. Res Publica", Kuriakos TV - Isto é o Povo a falar. Res Publica [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Giulia Daniele, Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"The Middle East: Local Dynamics, Regional Actors and Global Challenges", JANUS.NET [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Editorial |
Manuel João Ramos |
"A tourist catwalk: the pedestrianisation of Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, Lisbon", Everyday Streets: Inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets. Edited by: Agustina Martire, Jane Clossick and Birgit Hausleitner. UCL Press [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Paper in press |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Eugénio Costa Almeida: Discurso de João Lourenço é “perigoso” e pode incendiar o País; Entrevsita à Agência LUSA", Jornal O Kwanza [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Golpe ou um pequeno "putsch" na Guiné-Bissau", Jornal Folha 8, (03Fev2022) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Quando mudanças em África são por via de golpes de Estado", Novo Jornal, (721) , 8-8 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"A eternização do processo de «Cafunfo-Zeca Mutchima» e o “separatismo” do MPPLT", Jornal O Kwanza [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Putin, o Bonaparte do século XXI?", Novo Jornal, (724 e 725) , 33-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Projecto FCT PTDC/CPO-CPO/28748/2017 - Relatório Final 2022" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Report |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Africa, meios securitários disponíveis serão suficientes?", Novo Jornal, (756) , 35-35 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Giulia Daniele, Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
JANUS.NET [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal editor |
Manuel João Ramos, Giulia Daniele |
"Introduction", Border Crossings. European responses do the "refugee crisis" and beyond, 1-5 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Paper in press |
Giulia Daniele, Manuel João Ramos, Aleksi Ylönen |
"New Gulf Streams – Middle East and Eastern Africa Intersected: An introduction", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 9-12 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Editorial |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Cooperação América do Sul e África a nível securitário", Novo Jornal, 20 e 27Maio2022, (736 e 737) , 35-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Clara Carvalho, Maria Antónia Belchior Ferreira Barreto |
"Diferentes formas de participação política em prol do Desenvolvimento" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Report |
Yonatan N. Gez |
Pentecostalism and Lived Religion, 20, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Scientific journal editor |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Vidas seguintes entre Portugal, o Médio Oriente e a África Oriental", Público [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Vitor Herdeiro |
2022 | Newspaper article |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Community-Based Conservation in the Drylands of East and Southern Africa During COVID-19. Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Report Series, 341 (Peer-reviewed report)." [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2022 | Report |
Kaian Lam |
"Island-raised but foreign-made: lived experiences, transnational relationships, and expressions of womanhood among Cape Verdean migrant women in Greater Lisbon", Island Studies Journal, 16, (1) , 101-114 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves |
"Solidarity economy markets as “mobilizational commons”: re-signifying the market through the lens of cooperation", Community Development Journal, 56, (3) , 470-483 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"As alterações climáticas, o uso da terra, e a produção pecuária", Janus: Anuário de relações exteriores, (2020-2021) , 70-71 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Pedro Seabra |
"‘Despite the special bonds that tie us’: Portugal, Brazil, and the South Atlantic in the late Cold War", Cold War History, 21, (3) , 357-374 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Knowledge management in projects", International Journal of Knowledge Management, 17, (1) , 1-14 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Knowledge and relationship of consultants as key in management consulting industry: the case of Portugal consulting sector", International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 12, (1) , 1-20 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Manuel Herrera Almela |
"Contestation to the European Union on nuclear non-proliferation", Global Affairs, 6, (4-5) , 329-345 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"The politics of autocratic survival in Equatorial Guinea: co-optation, restrictive institutional rules, repression, and international projection", African Affairs, 120, (478) , 78-102 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves |
"Sustainable entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals: community‐led initiatives, the social solidarity economy and commons ecologies", Business Strategy and the Environment, 30, (3) , 1423-1435 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"Epidermal systems and virtual reality: Emerging disruptive technology for military applications", Key Engineering Materials, 893, 93-101 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Events and festivals contribution for local sustainability", Sustainability, 13, (3) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Integrating social-ecological systems and global production networks: local effects of trophy hunting in Namibian conservancies", Development Southern Africa, 38, (1) , 87-103 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Ciclos de protesto e democracia: uma comparação entre Portugal e Espanha, 2000-2019", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, (97) , 9-33 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Protest event data for Croatia, Portugal, Serbia and Spain: Focus on strike data", Croatian Political Science Review, 57, (4) , 155-168 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Pereira problem solving: Business research methodology to explore open innovation", Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
"A measure of tourist responsibility", Sustainability, 13, (6) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
"How to build pride in the workplace?", Social Sciences, 10, (3) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"El mercado global de apuestas deportivas online: terreno fértil para fraudes y crímenes", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, (96) , 93-116 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"From battlefield to political arena. Shifting the clausewitzian paradigm", Political Reflection Magazine, 7, (2) , 19-25 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Economía política del regionalismo: caso Angola y Namibia", Sapientiae, 6, (2) , 180-195 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Senegal: O crescimento acelerado das indústrias extrativas sob a égide de Macky Sall", Janus: Anuário de relações exteriores, (20) , 56-57 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"How does sustainability affect consumer choices in the fashion industry?", Resources, 10, (4) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Knowledge management maturity contributes to project-based companies in an open innovation era", Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi, César Cima |
"Why some football referees engage in match-fixing? A sociological explanation of the influence of social structures", International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 13, (4) , 545-563 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Macau: uma ponte para os países de língua portuguesa", Janus: Anuário de relações exteriores, (20) , 52-54 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Manuel João Ramos |
"‘If you don't migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in Portugal", Journal of Rural Studies, 88, 500-509 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Project management in the development of dynamic capabilities for an open innovation era", Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7, (3) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Positivism or understanding? The complexity of analyzing the objectives of armed opposition groups", Critical Review, 33, (1) , 128-144 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"A queda dos preços do petróleo e a sua influência na dinâmica transfronteiriça Oshikango-Santa Clara", Humania del Sur, 16, (30) , 127-147 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Giulia Daniele |
"Movimentos de mulheres na Palestina e em Israel: Práticas, lutas e desafios internos", JANUS: Anuário de Relações Internacionais, 2020/2021, 66-67 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Practical geopolitics in cinematic narratives of Marvel’s The Avengers film franchise", Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 15, (2) , 4-22 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ines Marques Ribeiro, Pedro Seabra |
"O mecanismo europeu de apoio à paz no reforço da União Europeia como ator securitário", Nação e Defesa, (158) , 115-141 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"The boundaries in the area of knowledge transfer in management consulting", Gestão e Produção, 28, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
João Ferreira Dias |
"De jure religare: a relação Estado-Religião e o reconhecimento como Pessoa Coletiva Religiosa em Portugal", Polis, (3) , 9-19 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"9/11 and the emergence of critical terrorism studies", Locus: Revista de História, 27, (2) , 9-25 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Benefits measurement of a plan to reduce hypertension in a healthcare foundation using the BCTool", International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, 12, (6) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marco Marsili |
"The press: Fourth power or counter-power?",, (24-25) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"People should also look after the people: relational values of wildlife and collectively titled land in Ilkisongo Maasai group ranches in Southern Kenya", Ecology and Society, 26, (3) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Shifting power dynamics? The role of civil society organizations in the policymaking for Mozambique’s extractive sector", Forum for Development Studies, 48, (3) , 571-592 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Nuno Vidal |
"The international and domestic fabrics of an ideological illusion: The Socialist MPLA", Tempo e Argumento, 13, (34) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Para que servem os partidos políticos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author | |
The History of Micro-Geopolitical Divisions: Divided Cities in Former Yugoslav States [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author | |
João Ferreira Dias |
Apontamentos de Direito Constitucional [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author |
João Ferreira Dias |
Tópicos para a História do Direito Português [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author |
João Ferreira Dias |
Apontamentos de Direitos Fundamentais [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author |
Pedro Seabra |
"Falling short or rising above the fray? Rising powers and security force assistance to Africa", Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 15, (5) , 682-697 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Multidimensional food security nexus in drylands under the slow onset effects of climate change", Land, 10, (12) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"Diplomacy, hybrid leadership, and EU actorness: assessing the role of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton in the 2013 Kosovo-Serbia agreement", Eastern Journal of European Studies, 12, (2) , 66-85 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Human-wildlife conflict in a ‘successful’ community conservation programme: Economic and territorial impacts on Namibia’s conservancies", Journal of Arid Environments, (193) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Pedro Seabra |
"Introdução: Segurança humana e desenvolvimento nas relações UE-África", Nação e Defesa, (160) , 9-17 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Clara Carvalho |
"Guiné-Bissau: o novo governo", Janus: Anuário de relações exteriores, 2020-2021, 62-63 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Introduction: Crossing the Lines? Local actors’ responses to developmental challenges in Africa", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 41, 7-14 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Protest cycles and democracy: a comparison between Portugal and Spain, 2000-2019", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, (97) , 9-33 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"“Mouros e Cristãos”, um enfiamento de retratos e a busca do "Noroeste”", Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia, (61) , 157-165 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Thomas Muhr |
"Counter-hegemonic strategy from the Global South: A pluri-scalar war of position", Socialism and Democracy, 35, (2/3) , 214-240 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
"Ocidentes, Direitas, e Islã: a perspectiva de Olavo de Carvalho", Locus: Revista de História, 27, (2) , 150-178 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ulrich Schiefer, Ana Catarina Larcher das Neves Santos Carvalho |
"Greetings in Africa – Beyond the handshake: An essay on greeting and leave-taking rituals as communication practice in Sub-Saharan African agrarian societies", Kwanissa: Revista de Estudos Africanos e Afro-Brasileiros, 4, (11) , 87-128 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"Lutas políticas e movimentos de resistência no Sistema Africano de Direitos Humanos: O caso da orientação sexual", Revista Videre, 13, (27) , 309-331 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"Mapping the invisible rape: Men and boys as victims of sexual violence in armed conflict", Nação e Defesa, (159) , 151-168 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Pedro Seabra |
"À deriva no mundo: a política externa no Brasil de Bolsonaro", JANUS: Anuário de Relações Internacionais, (2020-2021) , 34-35 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal paper |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Reinventing the Radical Right? The Portuguese case after the 2019 elections", Facing the new far right in southern europe, 66-83 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
"Representação política das mulheres em Moçambique", Representação política e cidadania no espaço da lusofonia, 381-414 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter | |
"Ghana: The politics of legislative debates in a hybrid presidential regime", The politics of legislative debates, 399-419 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter | |
Pedro Seabra |
Brazil-Africa Relations in the 21st Century: From Surge to Downturn and Beyond [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book editor |
Pedro Seabra |
"From opportunity seeking to gap filling: Reframing Brazil in Lusophone Africa", Brazil-Africa Relations in the 21st Century: From surge to downturn and beyond, 25-41 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"Introduction: Turnaround and let-down: making sense of Brazil and Africa after the surge", Brazil-Africa Relations in the 21st Century: From surge to downturn and beyond, 1-8 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"In and out and out again: The travails of Brazil as a security provider in Africa", Brazil-Africa relations in the 21st century: From surge to downturn and beyond, 133-149 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Ana Esteves |
"Solidarity economy: Challenges to social movement theory", The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Luca Bussotti |
"Lo Spazio del Politico in Africa. Riflessioni sullo Stato africano fra nazionalismo,regionalismo, globalizzazione e balcanizzazione", Variations critiques à propos du néoliberalisme [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"The Russian influence strategy in its contested neighbourhood", The Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare: Influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Organização entre os trabalhadores informais em São Tomé e Príncipe: dos sindicatos do Estado às alternativas sectoriais", Organizações de Representação da Economia Informal nos PALOP, 200-228 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Processos de organização dos trabalhadores informais na Guiné-Bissau", Organizações de Representação da Economia Informal nos PALOP, 99-123 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Os motoqueiros em São Tomé e Príncipe: uma actividade informal que veio para ficar", Organizações de Representação da Economia Informal nos PALOP, 229-257 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
João Ferreira Dias |
Tópicos para o Estudo da Teoria Geral do Poder Público [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author |
Joao Terrenas |
"Olhar para dentro, escrever para fora: segurança, emancipação e etnografia", Emancipar o mundo: teoria crítica e relações internacionais, 91-114 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
El Petit Imperi. Catalans en la colonització de la Guinea Espanyola [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author | |
Pedro Seabra |
Documentos estratégicos de Segurança e Defesa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book editor |
Yonatan N. Gez |
Butinage: The Art of Religious Mobility [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author |
Troy Sternberg |
Mining lifecycles in Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book author |
Vitor Herdeiro |
RARET - A Guerra Fria Combatida a Partir da Charneca Ribatejana [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book editor |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Political pressures and hesitations, Portugal, the United States of America and the operation Nickel Grass: Final stages on the way to the end of the Portuguese colonial empire", The Creation of New States and the Collapse of Old Empires In the XX Century: Acta, 226-233 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Marco Marsili |
"The fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the USSR and the end of Cold War. A chain of surprises 'Too Big' to be predicted", Political Reflection Magazine, 7, (1) , 57-64 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Marco Marsili |
"The role of the armed forces in homeland security", XI Congresso Português de Sociologia, Resumos de comunicações, 286-287 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Publication in conference proceedings |
"5G, Huawei, China e Estados Unidos: a competição pela tecnologia do futuro", JANUS Anuário 2020-2021 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Non-peer-reviewed papers | |
Manuel Herrera Almela |
"Energía y tecnologías nucleares: ¿nuevo despertar entre la UE e India?", Esglobal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Manuel Herrera Almela |
From JCPOA to MEWMDFZ: A possible resurrection for EU’s foreign policy? [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Conference proceedings editor |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"PRÉFACE : «L'impact des “élections” angolaises sur l'exclave de Cabinda»", 2022, L´éléction de tous les enjeux Et le tous les Dangers: Quelle offre politique pour Le Cabinda?, 4-12 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"El colapso de la legalidad y la naturalización de la transgresión", Los actores implicados en la gobernanza criminal en América Latina, 75-85 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Future: India and Pakistan as new members", The Future of the Asia-Pacific in teh New World Order [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi, Cátia Miriam Costa |
"O desporto como veículo de desenvolvimento de competências, integração e bem-estar", Cadernos de saúde societal: Saúde mental e bem-estar [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"On graphic intent, a perambulation", Drawing heritage(s), 45-52 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Marco Marsili |
"COVID-19 and freedom of information: The return of the leviathan", Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures, Abstract Book of 15th ESA Conference, 1325-1326 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Publication in conference proceedings |
"Zambia", Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society south of the Sahara in 2020, 17, 534-542 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter | |
Tiago Fernandes |
"“Small steps amid a pandemic”: The Portuguese EU Council Presidency", “Small steps amid a pandemic”: The Portuguese EU Council Presidency [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Working Papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Prefácio: "Quando a Árvore da vida é História que o povo escreve no peito"", Manual de História de Angola (Uma Síntese Incompleta, da Pré-história até 1975), 6-9 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
""Memória das Etnografias das Longas Noites de Pedra - Uma interpretação de celebrações e extravios"", Símbolos en la Ciudad, Símbolos de la Ciudad. Ensayos en homenaje a María Cátedra, 532 pp, 347-366 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Religious Nones in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Do We Know and what Would We Like to Know?" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Working Papers |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"Discurso nacionalista e imagens de Portugal na Galiza", Galiza e(m) nós: estudos para a compreensão do relacionamento cultural galego-português, 3, 111-146 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"The Right to Education in AU Law", The Emergent African Union Law: Conceptualization, Delimitation, and Application, 304-318 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
António Raimundo |
"Portugal", Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2021, 549-552 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Book chapter |
"O amor e o terrorismo: uma estratégia para o recrutamento e a violência", Blog Changing World (Cei-Iscte) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications | |
"Devem os Estados negociar com terroristas?", Revista Negócios Estrangeiros, (20) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications | |
Luís Barroso |
"A história militar de Portugal nos últimos duzentos anos", Relações Internacionais, (67) , 139-141 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Review of Democratic Practice. Origins of the Iberian Divide in Political Inclusion, by Robert M. Fishman, New York, Oxford University Press, 2019, 288 pp.", Democratization [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Equatorial Guinea’s Cabinet Dataset (1994-2020)", Harvard Dataverse [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Sanches, E.R, & Sá, A.L. Equatorial Guinea – Kit de Supervivencia de un Dictador Personalista", AfricayeOrg [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
". Equatorial Guinea – The personalist dictator toolkit for survival", Presidential Power [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Joao Terrenas |
"The International Organization for Migration: the new ‘UN migration agency’ in critical perspective", International Affairs, 97, (3) , 894-896 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Marco Marsili |
"Review of the book "A World Divided. The Global Struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Nation-States" by Eric D. Weitz", The Rest: Journal of Politics and Development, 11, (2) , 135-136 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Kaian Lam |
"Martine Blanchard. Celles qui partent pour une terre lointaine; Récits de femmes capverdiennes migrantes en France", Africana Studia, 34, 203-205 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
"Vedran Duancic Geography and Nationalist Visions of Interwar Yugoslavia Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (str. 286)", Politicke perspektive: casopis za istraživanje politike, 10, (2-3) , 145-149 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals | |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Ken Ochieng’ Opalo. Legislative Development in Africa: Politics and Postcolonial Legacies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xviii + 276 pp. Bibliography. Index. $31.99. Paper. ISBN: 978-1108710350.", African Studies Review, 64, (4) , E28-E31 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Ana Monica Fonseca |
"Manuel, Paul (Ed.) (2019). Voices of the Revolution: Revisiting the Portuguese Revolution of 25 April 1974—Interviews and Insights. Peterborough: Baywolf Press, 381 pp. ISBN: 978-0921437604", e-Journal of Portuguese History, 18, (2) , 183-187 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Manuel Herrera Almela |
"25 Years since CTBT: A Possible bridge between Nuclear Powers?", Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"Michael Bollig, Shaping the African Savannah. From Capitalist Frontier to Arid Eden in Namibia", Human Ecology, 49, 363-365 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals | |
Ana Esteves |
2021 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Review of Robert M. Fishman, Democratic Practice. Origins of the Iberian Divide in Political Inclusion (Oxford University Press, 2019)", Democratization [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Joao Terrenas |
"Construction and reconstruction of the link between health and safety: For a critical and emancipatory perspective", Relações Internacionais (R:I), Special Issue, 135-141 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
Francesca Mercurio |
"Humphrey Asamoah Agyekum. From Bullies to Officers and Gentlemen: How Notions of Professionalism and Civility Transformed the Ghana Armed Forces", African Studies Review, 65, (1) , E39-E41 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals |
"Michael Bollig, Shaping the African Savannah. From Capitalist Frontier to Arid Eden in Namibia", Human Ecology, 49, 363-365 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Recensions in journals | |
"A “Guerra Contra a Natureza”: as alterações climáticas e os conflitos internacionais", EuroDefense Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications | |
"Tapani Brotherus: o diplomata finlandês que desafiou o regime de Pinochet", Revista Negócios Estrangeiros [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications | |
Pedro Seabra |
"O Conflito em Cabo Delgado em perspetiva", IDN Brief [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
"As relações bilaterais entre Portugal e o Afeganistão: diplomacia, segurança e direitos humanos", EuroDefense Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications | |
"Terrorismo na UE: ataques, vítimas e detenções (2006-2020)", Mundo À Caneta (NECPRI / FCSH-UNL) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications | |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Tigray Tragedy, a Graphic Essay", Stichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies, (41) , 11-32 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Interview with Manuel João Ramos", Stichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies, (41) , 33-42 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
"Terra e colonialismo em Moçambique. A região de Manica e Sofala sob a Companhia de Moçambique, 1892-1942", Revista TsT, (46) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications | |
Pedro Seabra |
"Mapping EU maritime capacity-building in the Atlantic", Mapping EU maritime capacity-building in the Atlantic [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Populismo e Comunicação política", Cimeira PoplitiTank 2021 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Panoramica da área a direita do CDS (1974-2021)", Chega Setúbal - Conferência On-Line [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Giulia Daniele |
"Another tight result in Israeli elections: What's next?", Blog CEI [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Giulia Daniele |
"Palestina e Israel: reflexões críticas", Palestra para o grupo de Amnistia Internacional Fpceuc sobre o contexto atual na Palestina e Israel [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"LUSA: Tribunal Constitucional limitou-se a seguir a lei para anular congresso da UNITA – análise", Agência Lusa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"DW: Espanha aposta em Angola", Deutsche Welle [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"DW: Primeira-dama angolana deveria processar a TV Record, diz analista - entrevista", Deutsche Welle [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Entrevista RNA/RDP-África: Análise sobre o efeito Covid-19 e perspectivas para 2021 nos e para os PALOP", Rádio Nacional de Angola & RDP África [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Entrevista RNA/RDP-África: Análise sobre o Dia da Paz em Angola", Rádio Nacional de Angola & RDP África [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Entrevista à RFI: «Eugénio Costa Almeida considera que decisão do TC angolano foi", RFI em português [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Causa e Efeito T5 - Análise sobre a CPLP", RTP África «Causa e Efeito» [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Maria Antónia Belchior Ferreira Barreto, Clara Carvalho |
Educação e Cooperação: Desafios de uma agenda global, 39, (39) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal editor |
Joao Terrenas |
"Security as emancipation: A theoretical reconsideration" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Doctoral Thesis |
Giulia Daniele |
"Ebrei Mizrahi: dal mito dell'inclusione alla costante marginalizzazione", Pagine Esteri [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Marco Marsili |
"Pipeline Politics: What Will Energy Diplomacy Look Like After the German Elections?", The National Interest [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Marco Marsili |
"Nord Stream 2 Is Part of Russia's Energy Warfare Strategy", The National Interest [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Manuel Herrera Almela |
"The European Union, a global nuclear non-proliferation actor?", 2021 ECPR General Conference [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Luís Barroso |
[Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Review article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"(NJ 715) Somos Calimeros ou Stalkeados…", Novo Jornal, (715) , 13-13 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Introductory Words to Tigray Tragedy", Stichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies, (41) , 1-9 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Editorial |
Pedro Seabra |
Nação e Defesa, (160) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal editor |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Kuriakos TV - Isto é o Povo a Falar. Res Publica", Isto é o Povo a Falar. Res Publica [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Revisão da filosofia que inspira o Código da Estrada", Revista Dependências, 30-31 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Reflexões Palopianas para 2021…", Novo Jornal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O derumo do Grande Jacaré Africano…", Novo Jornal, (674) , 57-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"LUSA: «Angola/Cafunfo: Legitimidade dos lunda tchokwe é semelhante à dos cabindas - investigadores»", Agência Lusa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Yonatan N. Gez |
PentecoStudies, 20, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal editor |
Yonatan N. Gez |
Critique of Anthropology, 41, (4) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal editor |
"Regionalismo Transfronteiriço: O Caso da Fronteira Sul de Angola" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Doctoral Thesis | |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Extrema Direita 101 - Debate sobre extrema-direita em Portugal", Extrema Direita 101 - Debate sobre extrema-direita em Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Other publications |
Yonatan N. Gez |
Cosmopolitan Enclaves, 41, (4) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Scientific journal editor |
"National culture as a moderator in ambidexterity-performance relationships: a meta-analysis", International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 21, (1) , 128-149 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
"The Portuguese model of determinants that make up the management consultancy sector", International Journal of Learning and Change, 12, (2) , 209-229 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Moving assemblies. Socio-political mobilization in Angola’s collective transport", Cultural Studies, 34, (1) , 95-121 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Who gets what? The interactive effect of MPs’ sex in committee assignments in Portugal", Parliamentary Affairs, 73, (2) , 450-472 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
"The role of Portuguese companies in the development of corporate strategies: case study", International Journal of Learning and Change, 12, (3) , 231-247 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Digital transformation strategies: conversational commerce", International Journal of Learning and Change, 12, (3) , 333-361 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi, César Cima |
"Betting practices among players in Portuguese championships: from cultural to illegal behaviours", Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, 161-181 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves |
"Peace education for the Anthropocene? the contribution of regenerative ecology and the ecovillages movement", Journal of Peace Education, 17, (1) , 46-67 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi, César Cima |
"To report, or not to report? From code of silence suppositions within sport to public secrecy realities", Crime, Law and Social Change, 74, (1) , 55-76 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"“I’m not the same, but I’m not sorry”: exploring dialogical positioning in the self-transformation of a former politically violent militant", Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 33, (3) , 248-262 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
"Atlantic Centre Second Seminar - Report WS2" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Report | |
"Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM): Cabo Verde Design Report 2018-2020" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Report | |
"Mecanismo Independente de Avaliação (IRM): Relatório de Desenho do Plano de Ação Cabo Verde 2018–2020" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Report | |
Marco Marsili |
"Report of the Working Group on Civil Violence and Civil War at the Civil Resistance International Workshop" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Report |
Pedro Seabra, Ines Marques Ribeiro, Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"Relações UE-África e Segurança Humana" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Report |
Tiago Fernandes |
[Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Report |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Que revisão da CRA e como incluir as questões históricas dos “Protectorados e Realezas tradicionais”?", Novo Jornal, (677) , 37-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Cabo Delgado, Cabinda e Lundas, as três irmãs gémeas…", Novo Jornal, (682) , 7-7 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"CPLP um clube linguístico intra-comunitarista de países…", Novo Jornal, (694) , 23-23 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Newspaper article |
Rui Garrido |
"Drones, Inteligência Artificial e Novas Tecnologias Militares [Drones, Artificial Intelligence and New Military Technologies]" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2021 | Report |
Raquel da Silva |
"Understanding extreme violent behavior in ultra firms: exploring identity fusion from a dialogical perspective", Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 33, (3) , 263-278 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"Towards a strategic EU-NATO security partnership in Africa", Proelium, 8, (4) , 195-208 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Deconstructing match-fixing: a holistic framework for sport integrity policies", Crime, Law and Social Change, 74, (1) , 1-12 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Quando a “Avamunha” não bate: o conflito como aspecto estruturante do Candomblé em Portugal", Antropolítica: Revista Contemporânea de Antropologia, (48) , 40-65 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Kaian Lam |
"‘I eat to kill hunger’: the foods of Cape Verde and the double-edged sword of globalisation", Shima, 14, (1) , 212-230 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
"Deconstructing the discourse of divisions: mental boundaries in the divided city of Vukovar", Belgeo, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"O discurso chinês para os países africanos de língua portuguesa: o papel do Fórum Macau", Relações Internacionais, (65) , 43-55 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Pedro Seabra |
"Go global or go home: comparing the regional vs. global engagement of Brazil and South Africa at the UN General Assembly", Politikon, 47, (3) , 361-384 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
"New ways of working and the physical environment to improve employee engagement", Sustainability, 12, (17) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
Giulia Daniele |
"Mizrahi Jews and the Zionist settler colonial context: between inclusion and struggle", Settler Colonial Studies, 10, (4) , 461-480 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
"Public debt, GDP and the Sovereign Debt Laffer curve: a country-specific analysis for the Euro Area", Journal of International Studies, 13, (3) , 280-295 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Preservar patrimônios e partilhar memórias em cidades-porto latino-americanas. Um projeto em ação: CoopMar - Cooperação Transoceânica, Políticas Públicas e Comunidade Sociocultural Ibero-Americana", Locus: Revista de História, 26, (2) , 13-28 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"The Jungle Grows Back. How Can We Redefine the Future World Order in the Tension of Power and Ideas?", Political Reflection Magazine, 6, (4) , 15-20 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Maria Antónia Belchior Ferreira Barreto, Clara Carvalho |
"Educação e cooperação: desafios de uma agenda global", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (39) , 7-15 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves |
"“Green Knowledge Community, Beats for Gaza”: Transnational linkages and institutional obstacles to the diffusion of arts and permaculture-based resilience knowledge among youth in Gaza", Bethlehem University Journal, 37, 68-84 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
"Party system renewal or business as usual? Continuity and change in post-bailout Portugal", South European Society and Politics, 25, (2) , 179-203 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Community conservation and land ue in Namibia: visions, expectations and realities", Journal of Southern African Studies, 46, (1) , 129-147 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper | |
Raquel da Silva |
"From the armed struggle against the dictatorship to the socialist revolution: the narrative restraints to lethal violence among radical left organisations in Portugal", Perspectives on Terrorism, 14, (6) , 139-151 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"“Fotos di mudansa”: alterações ambientais retratadas por agricultores do sul da Guiné-Bissau", Sintidus, (3) , 105-134 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Building the nation in Southern Sudan: state emblems, symbols and national identity", Africa Review, 12, (2) , 151-171 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
O Essencial sobre A Língua Portuguesa como Ativo Global [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author | |
Projeto Empresarial - A arte de criação de valor [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author | |
Riccardo Marchi |
A Nova Direita Anti-Sistema. O Caso do Chega [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author |
Riccardo Marchi |
À Direita da Revolução. Resistência e Contra-Revolução no PREC (1974-1975) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author |
João Ferreira Dias |
Meu Santo Orixá: revisitando o lugar do sincretismo no Candomblé, 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author |
Luís Barroso |
Nos Meandros da Guerra O Estado Novo e a África do Sul na defesa da Guiné [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"The dragon and the horn: reflections on China–Africa strategic relations", Insight on Africa, 12, (2) , 145-159 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"Uma NATO obsoleta ou renovada para as próximas décadas?", Relações Internacionais, (67) , 105-121 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"Portugal e o Brasil entre a ascensão do Indo-Pacífico e a eventual queda do Atlântico", Nação e Defesa, (156) , 141-163 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"'Similitudes e diferenças entre os enfoques da economia social e solidária em diferentes países da Europa do sul' (Catalunha, França, Itália e Portugal)", Revista de Economia Solidária, (13) , 12-43 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"O Messias já chegou e livrará “as pessoas de bem” dos corruptos: messianismo político e legitimação popular, os casos Bolsonaro e André Ventura", Polis, 2, (2) , 49-60 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"A responsabildade democrática e o catastrofismo emancipatório em tempos de Coronavírus: por uma nova ética coletiva anti-utilitarista", REALIS: Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PosColoniais, 10, (2) , 40-63 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"O RAP de intervenção social em Maputo, Moçambique", Estudos de Sociologia, 1, (26) , 75-109 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"From Lisbon to Macau: The conquest of the air as seen by the Portuguese press in a comparative approach", Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 19, (1) , 83-96 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Periodical press and port cities: Creation of knowledge, representations and networks", Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 19, (1) , 3-9 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"African Regional Jurisdiction. How African Union is creating and Innovative Regional Jurisdiction for International Crimes", Portuguese Law review, 4, (1) , 113-140 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Panorama musical numa roça no sul de São Tomé: Ribeira Peixe antes e depois da independência", Africana Studia, 1, (34) , 131-149 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"Dues anthropologies I les malles de l'imperi (notes de treball)", Revista d'Etnologia de Catalunya, (45) , 122-130 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"Potencialidades e ameaças do ativismo jurídico transnacional no ativismo LGBTI no continente Africano", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (40) , 115-140 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal paper |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
Portugal e a Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"The Imaginary of China: Sameness and otherness from the perspective of Macau", Colonial legacies and contemporary studies of China and Chineseness: Unlearning binaries, strategizing self, 257-283 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"The words of the Belt & Road Initiative: a Chinese discourse for the world?", The Belt and Road Initiative: An Old Archetype of a New Development Model, 23-44 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Tiago Fernandes |
Forty-Five Years of Democracy in Portugal: Achievements and Prospects, Lisbon, Portuguese Parliament/ Assembleia da República – Colecção Parlamento, forthcoming 2020 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book editor |
Tiago Fernandes |
"“Protest and Democracy in Contemporary Portugal and Spain”", Tiago Fernandes and Rui Branco, eds., Forty-Five Years of Democracy in Portugal: Achievements and Prospects, Lisbon, Assembleia da República, 2020 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"The year people helped zebras to stand up: Climatic variability and extreme weather observed and portrayed by Kenyan Maasai pastoralists", Changing climate, changing worlds: Local knowledge and the challenges of social and ecological change, 145-181 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Understanding climate from the ground up: Knowledge of environmental changes in the East African Savannas", Changing climate, changing worlds: Local knowledge and the challenges of social and ecological change, 221-242 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Portuguese Fight Against Match-Fixing: Which Policies and What Ethic?", Sport Integrity: Ethics, Policy and Practice [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"The Prevent Duty in primary schools: Policy enactment in the West Midlands", The Prevent Duty in Education: Enactment, Impact and Implications, 99-115 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
"The Dark Side of Interconnectivity: Social Media as a Cyber-Weapon?", Social Media and the Armed Forces [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter | |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"China after the pandemics: How to survive international scepticism and domestic distrust?", The world before and after Covid-19: Intellectual reflections on politics, diplomacy and international relations, 84-87 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Thomas Muhr |
"Strategy in/for progressive transformation: A pluri-scalar war of position", The Routledge handbook of transformative global studies [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Gerhard Seibert |
"Politics and economy in small African island states: comparing Cabo Verde and Sao Tome and Principe" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"O papel do psicólogo no âmbito do combate ao recrutamento e radicalização de jovens extremistas", Psicologia da Justiça [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
"A posição do espanhol e do português entre as línguas globais", A projeção internacional do espanhol e do português: o potencial da proximidade linguística, 261-286 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter | |
"O futuro do português: projeções e principais desafios", A projeção internacional do espanhol e do português: O potencial da proximidade linguística, 337-353 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter | |
Riccardo Marchi |
"O Novo partido Chega no âmbito da direita portuguesa", Populismo: teorias e casos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"Conclusion: Reflections on the First Five Years of the Prevent Duty in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education", The Prevent Duty in Education: Enactment, Impact and Implications, 159-169 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
"Terrorismo, migração e controlo de fronteiras", Polícia(s) e Segurança Pública: História e Perspetivas Contemporâneas, 447-466 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter | |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
Desenvolvimento e Alterações Climáticas: impactos e (in)sustentabilidade [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
Desenvolvimento e Segurança: desafios e (In)coerências [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book author |
Marco Marsili |
"Epidermal systems and virtual reality: emerging disruptive technology for military applications", Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense, 68-69 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Publication in conference proceedings |
"Democracy Promotion and Human Rights", Routledge Handbook on EU-Africa Relations [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter | |
"Politics and Economy in Small African Island States: Comparing Cabo Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe", Handbook on the Politics of Small States [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter | |
Pedro Seabra |
"Política externa segundo Nuno Severiano Teixeira", Ciência política à portuguesa: A disciplina contada pelos seus protagonistas, 297-316 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
António Raimundo |
"From the Treaty of Rome to Cotonou: Continuity and change in the governance of EU-Africa relations", The Routledge handbook of EU-Africa relations, 59-69 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Tiago Fernandes |
"“45 anos de Democracia em Portugal”", Forty-Five Years of Democracy in Portugal: Achievements and Prospects [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Ethiopia: Between Domestic Pressures and Regional Hegemony", Africa’s Thorny Horn: Searching for a New Balance in the Age of Pandemic, 122-148 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Luís Barroso |
"Comité Militar da União Europeia", Instituições, Órgãos e Organismos da União Europeia, 513-518 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Similituds i diferències entre els enfocaments de l’economia social i solidària en diferents països de Europa del Sud(Catalunya, França, Itàlia, i Portugal)", Economia solidària i història social [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"Reflections About the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights Twenty Years After the Ouagadougou Protocol", Visions of African Unity New Perspectives on the History of Pan-Africanism and African Unification Projects, 317-343 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
"Governação Eleitoral em Contextos de Transições Inacabadas: explicando o processo de democratização e os desafios da gestão eleitoral em Moçambique", Representação política e cidadania no espaço da lusofonia [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter | |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Mulheres e política em Cabo Verde: obstáculos à representação e medidas para a paridade", Representação política e cidadania no espaço da lusofonia (séculos XIX e XX), 353-380 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Luís Barroso |
"Portugal’s resistance to decolonization and the “White Redoubt” (1950–1974)", Oxford research encyclopedia of African history [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"A Chinese mission for Macau: to build bridges between China and the Portuguese Speaking Countries", The Presence of China and the Chinese Diaspora in Portugal and Portuguese-Speaking Territories, 109-124 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"L'église en tant que prestataire de soutien matériel : perspective des cercles d’adhésion interne/externe", Le Kenya en marche, 2000-2020, 325-329 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Les formes du religieux au Kenya", Le Kenya en marche, 2000-2020, 301-324 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Religious tribalism, local morality and violence in Christian Kenya", Themes in Religion and Human Security in Africa, 102-120 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Who Do Faith-Based Organizations Speak for? The Conundrum of Representation", Muslim Faith-Based Organizations and Social Welfare in Africa, 39-59 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Yonatan N. Gez |
"Tikkun Olam and Jewish Outreach within Jewish Faith-Based Organizations", Does Religion Make a Difference? Religious NGOs in International Development Collaboration, 149-168 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
"Portugal Report", Europe's Coherence Gap in External Crisis and Conflict Management: Political Rhetoric and Institutional Practices in the EU and Its Member States [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"La Cucaña Destripada", Libro de Actas del 1º Congreso Internacional de Patios de Cordoba [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Clara Carvalho, Maria Antónia Belchior Ferreira Barreto |
Portugal e os PALOP: cooperação na área de educação (COOPEDU IV),, 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Conference proceedings editor |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"O Poeta volta a instigar-nos pensar na nossa humanidade", O Sol Não se Abre, 17-18 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Manuel Herrera Almela |
"A vueltas con el Tratado de No Proliferación", Esglobal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Marco Marsili |
"The International Criminal Court: The failure of justice", Book of abstracts. Unequal World Conference. Human development in the context of current global challenges, 35 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Ser Criança na RDC é tentar saber sobreviver, mas como?...", Revista Mwana Afrika, Outuibro 2020, (5) , 18-19 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Ana Esteves |
"Desenvolvimento Regenerativo: Comunidade, resiliência ecológica e economia solidária", Manifesto [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Joana Roque de Pinho, Troy Sternberg |
"COVID-19 in African and Asian Drylands Research Agenda", COVID-19 in African and Asian Drylands Research Agenda-Setting Paper, 1-4 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Working Papers |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
Folia Primatologica, 91 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Conference proceedings editor |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Pandemic Backsliding: Democracy During Covid-19 (PanDem)", Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Working Papers |
Tiago Fernandes |
"Democracy and Freedom During Covid-19", Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Working Papers |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
""Louvam-se ainda cantadores e cantadeiras: Notas sobre a desgarrada"", VEDUTA 14, sp-sp [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"The Role of Domestic Factors in the EU’s Governance of Labour Standards through Trade", The Role of Domestic Factors in the EU’s Governance of Labour Standards through Trade [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Working Papers | |
Luís Barroso |
"Os Desafios Operacionais do Apoio Militar de Emergência", Revista Militar, 72, (6/7) , 591-613 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Percursos de Intervenção Comunitária na SCML", Cadernos Tecnicos da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa - Desenvolvimento Comunitário, (4 (Abril 2020)) , 16-25 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"EU promotion of labour standards in its neighbourhood: prospects and limitations of the EU’s transnational regulatory approach", EU promotion of labour standards in its neighbourhood: prospects and limitations of the EU’s transnational regulatory approach [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Working Papers | |
"Colonial Ties and FDI Relations: An Institutional Explanation", Colonial Ties and FDI Relations: An Institutional Explanation [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Working Papers | |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Ativismos em África: Introdução", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 7-12 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"COVID-19 in African and Asian Drylands: A Research Agenda. CONVERGE COVID-19 Working Groups for Public Health and Social Sciences Research. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Working Papers |
Marco Marsili |
"Small Wars, Big Data", The Rest: Journal of Politics and Development, 10, (1) , 70-72 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Daniel Rio Tinto |
"Have we seen another coup in Guinea-Bissau?", Political Violence @ a Glance [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Thomas Muhr |
"Expose, Oppose, Propose: Alternative Policy Groups and the Struggle for Global Justice - by William K. Carroll", Socialist Studies/Études Socialistes, 14, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Pandémia Covid-19 e populismo de direita", A Pandemia COVID-19: quais as implicações para a política e segurança internacionais? [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Joao Terrenas |
"Construção e reconstrução do nexo entre saúde e segurança: Para uma perspetiva crítica e emancipatória", Relações Internacionais, (65) , 119-125 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Causa e Efeito T4: «Análise sobre Cabo Delgado e a SADC»", RTP África «Causa e Efeito» [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
"Why the new coronavirus is an asset for terrorists (republicação)", Blog Changing World (Cei-Iscte) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
Joao Terrenas |
"Civil Society and Political Representation in Latin America (2010-2015): Towards a Divorce Between Social Movements and Political Parties?", Análise Social, 3, (236) , 675-678 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
"Why mass surveillance is an undesirable method for counter-terrorism (republicação)", Blog Changing World (Cei-Iscte) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
Kaian Lam |
"Cape Verde: Society, Island identity and worldviews", Visual Ethnography, 9, (1) , 170-185 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Joao Terrenas |
"Non-Human Nature in World Politics: Theory and Practice", International Affairs, 96, (6) , 1665-1666 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Massa Crítica: Unicamp e a origem do polo de tecnologia de Campinas", Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 1-4 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Como se cria e perde massa crítica, o caso da UNICAMP", Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 19 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Joao Terrenas |
"Politics of Recuperation: Repair and Recovery in Post-Crisis Portugal", Anuac. Rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale, 9, (2) , 179-182 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Giulia Daniele |
"Book review", African Studies Review, 63, (4) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
""Ra,ón Villlares, Terre de Galice. Histoire d'un Finisterre. Presse Universitaires de Rennes, 2019, 505pp.ISBN 978-2-7535-7798-5", Ler História, 2 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"An Experience of Shared and Participatory Local Governance", Practice Insights, (17) , 34-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"The portuguese far-right: between late Authoritarianism and Democracy", Análise Social, 55, (234) , 205-208 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals | |
"O partido Chega: reformulação e ascensão da direita populista em Portugal", Locus: Revista de História, 26, (2) , 500-505 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals | |
"O movimento etnonacionalista europeu. Uma análise dos Identitários.", Varia História, 36, (71) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Recensions in journals | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O comando U.S. AFRICOM no apoio à Arquitectura de Paz e Segurança em África e as relações multi e bilaterais com as APN: o caso de Angola", Mulemba - Revista Angolana de Ciências Sociais, 7, (13) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Paper in press |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
2020 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Marcelo Moriconi |
Crime and Corruption in Sports: Deconstructing Match-fixing (Special Issue), 74, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal editor |
"COVID-19 e Cibersegurança: A mente humana como infraestrutura crítica", IDN Brief [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Seminário CIEP: Debate sobre o livro A Nova Direita Anti-Sistema", Seminário CIEP - Universidade Católica Portuguesa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
"A democracia favorece o terrorismo?", Blog Changing World (Cei-Iscte) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
"A religião é uma causa do terrorismo?", Blog Changing World (Cei-Iscte) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
"Ataques terroristas e vítimas na União Europeia entre 2006 e 2019", Blog Changing World (Cei-Iscte) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
"A Segurança Sanitária e o Bioterrorismo", Revista Militar, 975-998 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"INTEGRAÇÃO DE ANGOLA NA ZLEC: O ‘sim’ e o ‘não’ na visão de três especialistas (minha análise)", Valor Económico, 04Mai2020, (207) , 44-5 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Fim dos vistos de viagem para países da CPLP? Seja turismo ou negócios, a promessa é facilitar", Sputnik Brasil, 23.01.2020(atualizad [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Análise sobre impacto do falecimento de Sindika Dokolo na RDC", Rádio Observador, 30Outubro2020 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Destaque / Entrevista «Angola vs Portugal: Relações Comerciais»", Revista Business Trace, Setembro 202011, (4) , 10-19 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
[Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal editor |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Garbage Citizenship: Vital Infrastructures of Labor in Dakar, Senegal by Rosalind Fredericks (review)", African Studies Review, 63, (2) , E30-E32 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Review article |
"Entrevista "Duas visões sobre a cibersegurança"", Revista EntreCampos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications | |
Giulia Daniele |
"Workshop HeForShe "Ativismo e Academia"" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Other publications |
Marcelo Moriconi |
Crime and Corruption in Sports: Deconstructing Match-fixing, 74, (1) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal editor |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
Portuguese Journal of Social Sicences [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Scientific journal editor |
Vasco Martins |
"Political identities, legitimacy and the Angolan civil war", Journal of Southern African Studies [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Review article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"A Segurança Africana e o impacto das interposições externas: a região do Sahel", Novo Jornal, (625) , 10-10 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Porque as nossas Universidades não aparecem nos rankings universitários", Jornal O Kwanza [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Se a paciência chinesa esgota...", Novo Jornal, (640) , 35-35 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Uma Líbia desmembrada e um continente docemente retraído", Novo Jornal, (634) , 37-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Meditando sobre o Covid-19, o pérfido inimigo biológico que nos colocou numa “III Guerra Mundial”…", Novo Jornal, (630) , 23-23 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"André Ventura está a conduzir um potencial Ferrari mas só tirou a carta de condução ontem", Observador [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Não me espantaria se o CDS desaparecesse do mapa", Público, 12-13 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Entrevista. Privilegiei duas fontes: Ventura e o seu núcleo", Sábado, 28-30 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Partido com rosto mas ainda sem coluna vertebral", RTP1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"O Chega é um partido com rosto mas sem coluna vertebral", Diário de Notícias [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Página 2 - Entrevista", RTP2 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Entrevista a Riccardo Marchi: “Não é o André Ventura que põe em perigo uma democracia perfeita”", Expresso [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Riccardo Marchi: "Os líderes dos grandes partidos de centro, PSD e CDS, sempre estiveram mais à esquerda do que as suas bases"", Sapo24 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Riccardo Marchi |
"À Direita da Revolução. Resistência e Contrarrevolução no PREC (1974-1975)", RTP2 - Muito Barulho Para Nada [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Que gestão de perturbações? Quais as principais «makas» paternas?", Novo Jornal, (645) , 37-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Pode haver uma Lusofonia ou devemos mudara para e só PLOP?", Novo Jornal, (655) , 37-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"A lição das eleições municipais namibianas", Novo Jornal, (665) , 35-35 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Dêxa puíta sócó(m)pé. Música em São Tomé e Príncipe do colonialismo para independência" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Doctoral Thesis |
"The history of micro-geopolitical divisions: divided cities in former Yugoslav States" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Doctoral Thesis | |
Francesca Mercurio |
"The hybrid operationalization of Brazilian maritime security cooperation in the South Atlantic: an analysis of the West African case between solidarity rhetoric and pragmatic interests" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Doctoral Thesis |
Giulia Daniele |
"Political and social protests from the margins: the role of Mizrahi Jews in Israeli grassroots activism", Etnográfica, 23, (1) , 201-220 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"Management consulting practices and praxis", International Journal of Learning and Change, 11, (1) , 39-56 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Pedro Seabra |
"South–South cohesiveness versus South–South rhetoric: Brazil and Africa at the UN General Assembly", International Politics, 56, (5) , 585-604 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"The war on cyberterrorism", Democracy and Security, 15, (2) , 172-199 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Portuguese Fight Against Match-Fixing: Which Policies and What Ethic?", Journal of Global Sport Management, 4, (1) , 79-96 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Knowledge-intensive consumer services. Understanding KICS in the innovative global health-care sector", Research Policy, 48, (4) , 968-982 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Thomas Muhr |
"Relações Sul-Sul em educação: o programa ¡Yo, Sí Puedo! e a cooperação em educação do BRICS em foco", Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, 14, (1) , 2-30 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"Ethnography and management talent as a tools to knowledge sharing in the consulting sector", Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 8, 183-195 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ana Esteves |
"Constructing solidarity economy-based livelihoods", Museum International, 71, (1-2) , 132-139 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"T-PREG Project Annual Report" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Report |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Quando os privados se substituem à Marinha de Guerra nacional", Vivências Press News [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Quando a defesa da costa marítima pode estar em causa…", Vivências Press News, 24Junho2020 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"São Tomé e Príncipe não tem Marinha de Guerra, mas prepara a sua Marinha Mercante…", Vivências Press News, 26Fevereiro2020 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Relatório anual da investigação conducente ao Pós-Doutoramento- Relatório Final provisório (2020) na FCS-UAN" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Report |
Marcelo Moriconi |
2020 | Report |
Marcelo Moriconi |
2020 | Report |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Projecto FCT PTDC/CPO-CPO/28748/2017 - Relatório de Progresso 2020" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Report |
Tiago Fernandes |
[Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Report |
Clara Carvalho, Ricardo Falcão |
"2º relatório do projeto Os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e as resistências culturais com base no género na África Ocidental: desigualdade, violência e ilegitimidade." [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Report |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"The relations between China and the countries of South Europe: The case of Portugal" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2020 | Report |
"Equity and efficiency priorities within the Spanish health system: a discrete choice experiment eliciting stakeholders preferences", Health Policy and Technology, 8, (1) , 30-41 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Assessing the short-term outcomes of a piped water supply intervention in peri-urban Mozambique", Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
João Ferreira Dias |
"“É o nosso pedaço da África, uai”. A Bahia no imaginário candomblecista de Uberaba (MG)", Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia, (59) , 11-24 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"Tracking narrative change in the context of extremism and terrorism: adapting the Innovative Moments Coding System", Aggression and Violent Behavior, 47, 204-214 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"“No Candomblé de antigamente”: nostalgia e autenticidade reclamada em terreiros de Salvador", Cadernos de História, 19, (31) , 234-254 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"“Chuta que é macumba”: o percurso histórico-legal da perseguição às religiões afro-brasileiras", Sankofa, 12, (22) , 39-62 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"Decentering the cold war in Southern Africa: the portuguese policy of decolonization and détente in Angola and Mozambique (1974–1984)", Journal of Cold War Studies, 21, (1) , 3-51 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"Classifying divided cities: the need for geopolitical perspective?", Sociologija i prostor, 57, (2) , 159-171 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Merging legality with illegality in Paraguay: the cluster of order in Pedro Juan Caballero", Third World Quarterly, 40, (12) , 2210-2227 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Thomas Muhr |
"State intervention, South-South cooperation and structural transformation: the (ignored) case of Brazil-Venezuela cooperation for equity of access to university education, 2003-2016", Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 13, (3) , 796-812 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Ceci n’est pas un dessin: notes on the production and sharing of fieldwork sketches", Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, 8, (2) , 57-64 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"Geopolitical imaginations of Russia in the region of the central and eastern Europe", Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences, 3, (1) , 7-28 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Riccardo Marchi, Raquel da Silva |
"Political violence from the extreme right in contemporary Portugal", Perspectives on Terrorism, 13, (6) , 27-42 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Magdalena Lopez |
"Intelectuales frente a Venezuela: hacia un latinoamericanismo alternativo", Revista Iberoamericana, 85, (266) , 33-52 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Riccardo Marchi, Tiago Alexandre Pinto |
"A mobilização social das direitas em Portugal entre autoritarismo e democratização: o caso do Movimento Nacionalista (1972-1980)", Análise Social, 54, (231) , 338-362 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Manipulación de resultados deportivos: relatos, percepciones y recomendaciones para mejorar su prevención", Encuentros Multidisciplinares, (63) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"The impact of artificial intelligence on commercial management", Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17, (4) , 441-452 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Clara Carvalho |
"Women and peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau", Conflict Trends, (4) , 29-37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Clara Carvalho |
"Illuminating urban lives", African Studies Review, 62, (3) , 174-178 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Candomblé das barreiras: análise de um terreiro reafricanizado", Revista de Estudos da Religião, 19, (3) , 117-135 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
Política Monetária e Mercados Financeiros [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
Pode Portugal ter uma Estratégia? [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author |
Luca Bussotti |
"O rap “exótico” na Itália contemporânea: entre direitos negados e nova cidadania", Música Hodie, 19, 1-25 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"Marcas do desterro. Moçambicanos deportados para São Tomé e Príncipe (1947-1961): história, estórias, atualidade", Tempo e Argumento, 11, (27) , 08-42 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"The Conceptualisation of Africa in the Catholic Church", Social Sciences and Missions, 32, (1-2) , 148-176 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"When public managing fails. The housing question in Europe", Problems of Management in the 21st Century, 14, (1) , 4-8 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"Managing sustainability: the role of multinational corporations in the global south", Problems of Management in the 21st Century, 14, (1) , 42-53 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Africa Lusofona e a fotografia participativa como ferramenta pedagogica: uma experiencia com alunos universitarios japoneses", Burajiru Kenkyu/Revista de Estudos Brasileiros, 15, 143-171 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"Los caminos de William Christian", Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya, (20) , 253-289 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves |
"‘Systemic thinking’, ‘regenerative culture’, and new forms of prefigurative politics: challenges for the global left", Globalizations, 17, (2) , 232-236 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Clara Carvalho |
"Gênero e pluralismo terapêutico: o acesso das mulheres ao sistema de saúde não estatal em Guiné-Bissau, Angola e Moçambique", Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde, 21, (2) , 67-75 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"A estratégia de cibersegurança da União Europeia: catastrofista, realista e/ou otimista?", Nação e Defesa, (154) , 91-108 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Pedro Seabra |
"Desafios e oportunidades do multilateralismo no Atlântico Sul", Nação e Defesa, (154) , 37-53 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"Definição e resposta ao terrorismo na UE e em Portugal: o que fazer das mulheres e crianças afiliadas ao Daesh?", Nação e Defesa, (154) , 109-144 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Luís Barroso |
"The European Union’s global strategy: complementarity and specialization", Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 18, (3) , 359-383 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Nuno Vidal |
"The historical-sociological matrix and ethos at the heart and strength of MPLA’s modern Angola", Tempo, 25, (1) , 153-173 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Is the Horn of Africa’s ‘Cold War’ over? Abiy Ahmed’s early reforms and the rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea", African Security Review, 27, (3-4) , 245-252 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
"Relational, contractual or dual governance? An inwards look into a Chinese family business", International Journal of Learning and Change, 11, (4) , 309-323 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper | |
Luca Bussotti |
"Políticas culturais em Moçambique entre identidade nacional e instâncias locais (1975-2009)", REALIS: Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PosColoniais, 9, (2) , 172-198 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"Patterns of discrimination based on sexual orientation in Africa: is there a Lusophone exception?", African Human Rights Yearbook, 3, 93-118 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Manuel Castells and Informationalism", Management, organizations and contemporary social theory [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Ana Monica Fonseca |
"From the Iberian Peninsula to Latin America: the Socialist International’s Initiatives in the First Years of Brandt’s Presidency", Willy Brandt and International Relations Europe, the USA and Latin America, 1974-1992 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Do nacionalismo revolucionário ao liberal-conservadorismo: o percurso de uma elite política entre autoritarismo e democracia em Portugal", El pensamiento conservador y derechista en América Latina, España y Portugal. Siglos XIX y XX [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"The myth of Prester John: early European imaginings of the Orient", Traveller’s Eye: Selected works from the Francisco Capelo Asian collections, 1, 15-21 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Thomas Muhr |
"South-South education relations", Routledge Handbook of South-South Relations, 1, 357-369 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
"The legacy of the Portuguese transition to democracy. April-warriors versus November-warriors", Lost in Transition? Rethinking the ‘success story’ of Southern European Democratizations [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter | |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Prisioneiros portugueses em Timor durante a segunda guerra mundial", Prisioneiros de guerras: Experiências de cativeiro no século XX, 217-239 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Estratégia Organizacional - Do Estado da Arte à Implementação Prática [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author | |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
L'Aviation et son impact sur le temps et l'espace [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book editor |
Riccardo Marchi |
The Portuguese Far Right: Between Late Authoritarianism and Democracy (1945-2015) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author |
Riccardo Marchi |
Breve História do CDS - Partido Popular [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
1936 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author |
Magdalena Lopez |
A Post-Neoliberal Era in Latin America? Revisiting Cultural Paradigms. [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book editor |
Magdalena Lopez |
Más que islas: antología de cuentistas del Gran Caribe hispano [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book editor |
António Raimundo |
Política Externa Portuguesa e África: Tendências e Temas Contemporâneos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book editor |
Gerhard Seibert |
Brazil-Africa Relations. Historical Dimensions and Contemporary Engagements from the 1960 to the Present [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book editor |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
Mazuí; poesia, contos e outras palavras [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author |
Gerhard Seibert |
Brazil - Africa Relations. Historical Dimensions and Contemporary Engagements from the 1960s to the Present [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author |
COPY Regionalismo, Integración Regional y Económica en África [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book author | |
Rui Garrido |
Comentário Lusófono à Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book editor |
Ana Esteves |
"Solidarity economy markets as “commons ecologies.” The politicization of the marketspace by Esperança-Cooesperança, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil", Sharing Society: The Impact of Collaborative Collective Actions in the Transformation of Contemporary Societies, 153-161 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Publication in conference proceedings |
"The legacy of the Portuguese transition to democracy. April-warriors versus November-warriors", Rethinking South European Democratization in Spain, Greece and Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"New opportunities for criminal networks: How digital thechnologies are transforming betting industry", Codice e luoghi: abitare le relazioni nel reale/digitale, 203-223 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Magdalena Lopez |
"Fleeing (post)Chávez memories: the 1990s and the Black Friday Generation.", A Post-Neoliberal Era in Latin America? Revisiting Cultural Paradigms., 177-194 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"Statebuilding and narrative", Handbook on intervention and statebuilding [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Artigo 6º - Direito à Liberdade e à segurança", Comentário Lusófono à Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos, 86-94 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
António Raimundo |
"Política externa portuguesa e áfrica: a necessidade de um olhar renovado", Política externa portuguesa e África: tendências e temas contemporâneos, 13-28 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Da revolta monárquica de Mafra ao golpe de Sidónio Pais: A geografia de quatro anos de conflito violento permanente", A frente interna da grande guerra, 141-244 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
""O Minho no Coração. Sentido Antigo das coisa: uma pintura sem folclore"", Sarah Affonso. Os dias das Pequenas coisa, 58-71 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"Um produto de tempos passados? Portugal e África no domínio político-diplomático", Política externa portuguesa e África: tendências e temas contemporâneos, 73-99 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
""No Meio das Memórias de Sarah Affonso:O Minho"", Sarah Affonso e a Arte Popular do Minho, 5-9 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Clara Carvalho |
"A cooperação Portugal-PALOP no domínio da educação: um instrumento de soft power para a política externa portuguesa?", Política externa portuguesa e África: tendências e temas contemporâneos, 141-165 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Gerhard Seibert |
"Cabo Verde", Africa Yearbook Volume 2018 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Gerhard Seibert |
"Sao Tome and Principe", Africa Yearbook 2018 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Gerhard Seibert |
"Sugar, Cocoa, and Oil: Economic Success and Failure in São Tomé and Príncipe from the 16th to the 21st Century", African Islands. Leading Edges of Empire and Globalization [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Gerhard Seibert |
"São Tomé and Príncipe", Africa South of the Sahara 2020 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
"Conservación de la Fauna, Recursos Naturales y Tierra en África. Del Colonialismo a la Conservación Comunitaria", África en Marcha. Tradición y Modernidad en Tiempos de Innovación, 48-60 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter | |
Rui Garrido |
"Cidadania Sexual em África: repensar formas de inclusão em Moçambique" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Ermelinda Sílvia de Oliveira Liberato |
"Portuguese Emigration to Angola (2000–2015): Strengthening a Specific Postcolonial Relationship in a New Global Framework?", New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration. Uncertain Futures at the Periphery of Europe, 209-235 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"Cidadania Sexual em África: repensar formas de inclusão em Moçambique [Sexual citizenship in Africa: rethinking ways of inclusion in Mozambique]" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Book chapter |
Ana Esteves |
"A abordagem sistémica da transformação social: Desafios para a esquerda", Manifesto, (2) , 32-35 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"Bram J. Jansen. Kakuma Refugee Camp. Humanitarian Urbanism in Kenya’s Accidental City.", African Studies Review, 62, (4) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Recensions in journals | |
"Return of investment initiatives in business process management", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Publication in conference proceedings | |
Marco Marsili |
"Towards a Strategic EU-NATO Security Partnership in Africa", Towards a Strategic EU-NATO Security Partnership in Africa, 1-12 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Working Papers |
Thomas Muhr |
"The Trajectory of Global Education Policy: Community‐Based Management in El Salvador and the Global Reform Agenda ‐ by Edwards Jr., D. Brent", Bulletin of Latin American Research, 38, (4) , 522-524 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Recensions in journals |
João Arsénio Nunes |
"Poulantzas, a revolução portuguesa e a questão do eurocomunismo", Vértice, (190) , 104-124 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Environmental and social impacts of infrastructure development in East Africa", Proceedings of the Silk Roads Conference: Anticipating Social and Environmental Impacts of China’s Belt & Road Initiative in the Mountains of Central Asia, 60-70 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"África subsaariana a nova reserva petrolífera e o Golfo da Guiné a rota segura para o Ocidente?", Cidadania e Defesa, (60) , 22-24 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"As Forças Armadas Angolanas: Contributos para a Edificação do Estado - Recensão do livro Bernardino, L.M.B.,", Cultura - Jornal Angolano de Artes e Letras, (192) , 11-11 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Recensions in journals |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Manana pelo olhar de Felito sobre as tradições", Manana, de Uanhenga Xitu, edição crítica, 7-11 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Ana Esteves |
"Economia Social e Solidária: Garante de Democracia na transição para a sustentabilidade", Jornal Económico, (16 de Outubro de 201) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Ulrich Schiefer, Ana Catarina Larcher das Neves Santos Carvalho |
"Offline digital – digital offline: The potential of offline digitised information for the production, distribution and appropriation of human knowledge", GFIC 2019: Proceedings of the 2nd Global Forum of Intellectual Capital, 252-264 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
2019 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Ana Esteves |
"Community-led Initiatives and the Social Solidarity Economy: Commons Ecologies for Delivering and Re-Imagining the Sustainable Development Goals.", Community-led Initiatives and the Social Solidarity Economy: Commons Ecologies for Delivering and Re-Imagining the Sustainable Development Goals. [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Working Papers |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Angola nos caminhos do centro-globalismo africano", Atas do 1.º Congresso Internacional de Angolanística, 1, 14-28 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Publication in conference proceedings |
"Radicalização: Conceito, causas e prevenção", IDN Cadernos, 36, 23-44 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Publication in conference proceedings | |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Nturudo: ao encontro do carnaval da Guiné-Bissau", Máscaras e Entrudo Guineense. Catálogo da exposição, 4-5 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Miguel Mbiavanga Ajú |
"A Missão da União Africana na Somália (AMISOM): Numa encruzilhada entre Fracasso e Sucesso", A Missão da União Africana na Somália (AMISOM): Numa encruzilhada entre Fracasso e Sucesso, 1-2 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Working Papers |
Clara Carvalho |
"Suturing the City. Living Together in Congo's Urban Worlds", African Studies Review [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Clara Carvalho |
"Urban Now: City Life in Congo", African Studies Review [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"A reorganização militar portuguesa até ao início da guerra peninsular - A Importância da Infantaria Ligeira", Azimute [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications | |
Ana Esteves |
"Solidarity Markets as Spaces for Economic Transformation" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Ana Esteves |
"Solidarity Economy and Community-led Initiatives" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Ana Esteves |
"Solidarity Economy and Resilience" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Policy Brief - The African Union Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa", COST Action Drylands Facing Change: Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Political Instability, 1-1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
"Policy Brief - Food Security in Drylands Under a Changing Climate", COST Action Drylands Facing Change: Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Political Instability, 1-6 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Sketching practices in anthropological fieldwork", Lived streets AHRC Bid Workshop. Queens University, Belfast, - 22 Jan [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Drawing people’s experiences of space through sketches", StreetSpace Workshop. Belfast City Hall. 17-18 June [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"The palace of the hairy king - An Ethiopian political and religious riddle", Jewish-Christian Relations from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean: Evidence from Material Culture. Bochum University, 26-28 March [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Meu querido caderno", Nós e os Cadernos 4. Esposende. 19-21 Julho [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"A Landscape in my mind - Sketching as embodied reinforcer of mental imagery", Drawing Heritage(s) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Kings and Saints in the Crosshairs - On the importance of listening to what places have to say", 10th Conference on the Promotion of Heritage through Site Interpretation and Pubic Outreach. Gondar, International Seminar. April 22 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Ceci n’est pas un dessin: Notes on the production and sharing of fieldwork sketches", Centre of African Studies SOAS – University of London. Seminar Series. 21 February [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"The Enigma of Ethiopia's Hairy Kings", Lectures of The Anglo-Ethiopian Society. SOAS University of London, 21 February [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Bringing writing and drawing back together", Morgan Centre seminar - University of Manchester, 20 February [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Sur écriture visuelle", Seminaire l'enquête et ses graphies. Atelier d'ethnographie visuelle. EHESS, LAIOS, 16-17 mai [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Mémoires orales en tant qu'anti-archives. Un cas nord-éthiopien", Cycle de Séminaires Archives et contre-archives minoritaires - élites et discours subaltternes, 8 fevrier [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Le sud, la gauche et la marge", Journée d'étude: Banlieue Sud. Contre-archives minoritaires formes populaires et cultures subalternes. CEIIBA Université Jean Jaurès,Toulouse, 14 novembre [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Raquel da Silva |
"Extrema-direita em Portugal: Uma história contemporânea", Relações Internacionais, 64, 141-144 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Recensions in journals |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Marx, Freud, fetiche, capitalismo e a religião iorubá", Afro-Ásia, (60) , 345-351 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Recensions in journals |
Clara Carvalho, Ricardo Falcão |
"Sexual and Reproductive Rights and gendered cultural resistances in Western Africa, inequality, violence and illegitimacy", II Conferência Internacional Ativismos em África [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Marco Marsili |
"Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Impact of Ambiguous and Disputed Definitions on Fundamental Human Rights" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Doctoral Thesis |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Sutura: social life, protection and intimacies", VII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Public exposure and social control: gender", 8th European Conference in African Studies, [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Atlas de la Violencia en América Latina: la unión de la ilegalidad y la ilegalidad en el continente", X Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Magdalena Lopez |
Cuadernos de Literatura, XXIII, (45) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal editor |
Magdalena Lopez |
Revista Iberoamericana, LXXXV, (266) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Scientific journal editor |
Ines Marques Ribeiro |
"The legitimacy of the common security and defence policy of the European Union: a critical discourse analysis of the EU's normative justification as a crisis management actor" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Doctoral Thesis |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Rossio de Palma, Lisboa", Revista Lisboa, (26) , 28-29 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Clara Carvalho |
"Guinea-Bissau elections may not end instability. Oxford Analytica", Daily Brief [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Clara Carvalho |
"Africa: Connections and Disruptions.", Africa: Connections and Disruptions. ECAS 2019, University of Edinburgh [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
João Ferreira Dias |
"E a discussão, tem género?", [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Porque o racismo é um exclusivo “branco”", [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Bolsonaro e o Cinema como Instrumento de Doutrinação", [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"“Laicos, graças a Deus”: a invisibilidade institucional num país multirreligioso", [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Marx, Freud, fetiche, capitalismo e a religião iorubá", Afro-Ásia, (60) , 345-351 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Review article |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Auto da Floripes entre Neves no Minho e Santo António no Príncipe, uma narrativa intemporal", Revista Cafuka, (3) , 28-31 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Zemé. A arte não existe", Revista Cafuka, (3) , 12-21 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Instrumentos musicais na Guiné-Bissau: um futuro em construção", Agenda Cultural de Bissau, (abril-maio) , 15-16 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Other publications |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Editorial: “A Economia Social e a Economia Solidária e os seus diálogos com a História Económica e Social”", Revista de Economia Solidária, (13) , 7-11 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Editorial |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Relatório anual da investigação conducente ao Pós-Doutoramento (de Agosto de 2019) na FCS-UAN" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Ana Esteves |
"ECOLISE Status Report 2019 - Reshaping the Future: How local communities are catalysing social, economic and ecological transformation in Europe" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"Relatório Anual do Projeto NoWall - 2019" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Projecto FCT PTDC/CPO-CPO/28748/2017 - Relatório de Progresso 2019" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Clara Carvalho, Ricardo Falcão |
"Os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e as resistências culturais com base no género na África Ocidental: desigualdade, violência e ilegitimidade. 1º relatório" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Laicidade: a ilusão de uma solução", [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Democracia racial e outra "estórias" que o Brasil gosta de contar a si mesmo", jornal Público [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Democracia Racial num País Mal-Resolvido", Changing World [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Os Censos Étnicos e o Racismo que não existe", jornal Público [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"A “raça”, um conceito pensado e benzido com termos do Ocidente", Changing World [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"A Invisibilidade Estruturante do Diálogo Inter-religioso em Portugal", Changing World [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"“Que Ciganice” ou de Como é Urgente Repensar a Posição dos Ciganos na Sociedade Portuguesa", Libertária [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Da Escola Sem Partido à Escola Com Slogan", Libertária [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
Marcelo Moriconi, César Cima |
"Silêncio Ruidoso: Percepções e atitudes dos atores desportivos sobre mecanismos de denúncia de manipulação de resultados" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Protected Reporting Practices 2019: Data Setting and Analysis Report" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Miguel Mbiavanga Ajú |
"A ONU de António Guterres: os desafios de uma reforma", Jornal de Angola [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Newspaper article |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"«The relations between China and the countries of South Europe: The case of Portugal»" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Rui Garrido |
"Recent SOGI Developments in Angola and an Overview on Other African Lusophone Countries" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"AMATT GUIDELINES for Optimizing EU policies in order to enhance the effectiveness of training for preventing and countering Match-fixing" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
"Desigualdades e Desenvolvimento: O Contributo de Portugal para a Concretização do ODS 10" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2019 | Report |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Forced displacement and behavioral change: an empirical study of returnee households in the Nuba Mountains", Defence and Peace Economics, 29, (2) , 190-220 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"The official football match-fixing prevention discourse as a cognitive limitation (the cases of Iberian countries)", Soccer and Society, 19, (2) , 271-287 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
"Global business models mapping: the American and European models", Global Business and Economics Review, 20, (2) , 182-197 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"Establishing a ‘cultural base’? The creation of the Fulbright program in Portugal", The International History Review, 40, (3) , 683-697 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"New perspectives on crime, violence and insecurity in Latin America", Crime, Law and Social Change, 69, (4) , 465-473 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Reframing illegalities: crime, cultural values and ideas of success (in Argentina)", Crime, Law and Social Change, 69, (4) , 497-518 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Corruption in Latin America: stereotypes of politicians and their implications for affect and perceived justice", Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9, (2) , 111-112 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
"Motivação de colaboradores não familiares nas empresas familiares da hotelaria portuguesa", Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, 17, (1) , 4-19 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Assessing sustainable development in urban areas using cognitive mapping and MCDA", International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 25, (3) , 216-226 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Defence planning and alliances: Portugal in the early years of the cold war (1945-59)", Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 17, (1) , 63-77 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"A invenção de uma tradição: as fontes históricas no debate entre afrocentristas e seus críticos", História, 37 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"The protection of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms at the origins of the European integration process", Europea, 5, (1) , 191-203 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
"Combining cognitive mapping and MCDA for improving quality of life in urban areas", Cities, 78, 116-127 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
"A holistic conception of sustainable banking: adding value with fuzzy cognitive mapping", Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24, (4) , 1303-1322 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
"O papel dos consultores como intermediários no processo de construção do conhecimento: uma análise à luz do campo de pesquisa da estratégia como prática", Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, 17, (2) , 4-23 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
"The basic perspectives of consultant-client relationships in management consulting", Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies, 7, (2) , 38-48 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
Pedro Seabra |
"Age of choice or diversification? Brazil, Portugal, and capacity-building in the Angolan Armed Forces", African Security, 11, (3) , 252-257 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Outros como nós: sexualidade, nacionalidade e conflito no Candomblé em Portugal", Lusotopie, 17, (1) , 136-158 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Luís Barroso |
"Marcelo Caetano e a origem do exercício ALCORA", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, N/A, (35) , 35-59 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Luís Barroso |
"A Grande Guerra em Angola: a expedição de Alves Roçadas e de Pereira D’Eça na estratégia intervencionista", Ler História, N/A, (72) , 129-149 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
África Colonial no Centenário da Guerra de 1914-1918: Angola e Moçambique, os casos em análise [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Desmitificar la corrupción: la perversidad de su tolerancia… y su combate", Nueva Sociedad, (276) , 118-128 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Análisis sobre el tráfico de drogas en la ciudad de Pedro Juan Caballero", Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 3, (9) , 202-215 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"A Proteção dos Direitos Humanos em São Tomé e Príncipe: a realidade e as incertezas do caminho", Anuário de Direito de São Tomé e Príncipe, 75-103 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Different perspectives on changes and conflict in the transatlantic world", Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 17, (2) , 125-129 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
"Financialization in the European periphery and the sovereign debt crisis: the Portuguese case", Journal of Economic Issues, 52, (4) , 1056-1083 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"The pursuit of the (Latin) American dream in the time of crises: Portugal’s diplomatic and commercial changes towards the region (2005–15)", Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 17, (2) , 141-165 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Manuel João Ramos |
Of Hairy Kings and Saintly Slaves: an Ethiopian travelogue [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Suddenly last summer: how the tourist tsunami hit Lisbon", Revista Andaluza de Antropología, N/A, (15) , 47-73 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
"O fator religioso nos conflitos", Revista de História das Ideias, 36, 265-286 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Literatura nos jornais: democratização na escrita e na receção", Via Atlântica, (34) , 13-29 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
"O papel da Igreja Católica na democratização pós-guerra em Angola e Moçambique", Relações Internacionais, (59) , 43-63 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – can Croatia learn from Portugal?", Strategos: Scientific journal of the Croatian Defence Academy, 2, (2) , 45-66 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Castle Building in SeventeenthCentury Gonda¨r (Ethiopia)", Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, 7, 25-42 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Turistification in Lisbon. Colección de dibujos etnográficos", Revista Andaluza de Antropología, (15) , 183-197 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Raquel da Silva |
"The post-dictatorship memory politics in Portugal which erased political violence from the collective memory", Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 53, (1) , 24-43 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
João Ferreira Dias |
"O que não se altera pode ser alterado: a predestinação na África Yorùbá e nas religiões afro-brasileiras", Lusitania Sacra, 2018, (37) , 127-143 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
"The first decade of service dominant logic research - a bibliometric analysis", International Journal of Business Excellence, 14, (4) , 523-544 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper | |
Luca Bussotti |
"A cooperação bilateral Brasil-Moçambique, com enfoque especial na área da defesa", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (36) , 113-136 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Nuno Vidal |
"International development strategies for the XXIst century and post-modern patrimonialism in Africa – Angola and Mozambique", Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 61, (1) , 1-19 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal paper |
Clara Carvalho |
"Africa and Portugal", Africa and the world: Bilateral and multilateral international diplomacy, 143-165 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Não era humanamente possível fazer-se mais: a Batalha de La Lys vista pelo General Gomes da Costa", A Batalha do Lys: os combatentes portugueses, 278-281 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
O Brasil e os Desafios da Ordem Internacional, 39 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book editor |
Pedro Seabra |
"Inter-regional multilateralism in the Global South: the zone of peace and cooperation in the South Atlantic", Inter-organizational Relations in International Security: cooperation and competition, 75-93 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Pedro Seabra |
"Conclusão", O Brasil e os Desafios da Ordem Internacional, 39, 131-137 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
Boas prática para políticas públicas de memória, ciência e património [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book editor |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Comunicação internacional de Cidades-Porto: casos de branding nas políticas públicas de promoção de património", Boas prática para políticas públicas de memória, ciência e património [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Colonial heritage in Latin America: damnatio memoriae or transcultural dialogue?", Preserving transcultural heritage: your way or my way?, 639-645 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"The construction of the image of the Indígena in the Spanish territories of the Gulf of Guinea (1904-1912)", In the footsteps of Spanish colonialism in Morocco and Equatorial Guinea, 101-125 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
Portugal na 1.ª Guerra Mundial - Uma História Militar Concisa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book editor |
Dar uma razão à força e uma força à razão [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author | |
Guerra em África: os que inovam, os que se adaptam e os outros [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author | |
New Atlas of the Portuguese Language (second edition) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author | |
Nouvel Atlas de la Langue Portugaise [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author | |
Nuevo Atlas de la Lengua Portuguesa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author | |
Novo Atlas da Língua Portuguesa (edição em chinês) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author | |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
Manual de práticas e métodos sobre grupos comunitários [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author |
Empresas familiares na hotelaria portuguesa: como motivar os colaboradores que não pertencem à família [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book author | |
Marcelo Moriconi |
Atlas de la violencia en América Latina [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book editor |
Clara Carvalho, Ricardo Falcão, Marta Patrício |
Corte/Mutilação Genital Feminina: respostas institucionais integradas [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book editor |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"La violencia letal en América Latina: Un flagelo heterogéneo pero generalizado", Atlas de la violencia en América Latina, 13-104 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"Brasil e Portugal: divididos pelo Atlântico, unidos pela retórica?", O Brasil e os desafios do sistema internacional, 109-129 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"Counterinsurgency", The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Argentina: ¿Ola de homicidios en un ambiente seguro?", Atlas de la violencia en América Latina [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
"Nelson Mandela: compromís, fermesa i generositat", Que regni la llibertat. Paraules de Nelson Mandela, 9-30 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter | |
Manuel João Ramos |
"As imagens e os cadernos", Nós e os cadernos, 1, 49-62 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"From Collected to Collective: strategies for social and political participation through the use of alternative media in Equatorial Guinea", "Hispano-Lusophone" community media: identity, cultural politics and difference, 189-203 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Da conjuntura política e social: Percepções e revoluções", Portugal na 1.ª Guerra Mundial: Uma história militar concisa, 75-92 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Jorge Silva Rocha |
"Caracterização do exército metropolitano", Portugal na 1.ª Guerra Mundial: Uma história militar concisa, 133-153 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Futures of Lisbon: transportation, mobility and accessibility", Futuros de Lisboa (Catálogo Exposição), 206-219 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"O olho cronográfico", Nós e os cadernos, 2, 26-56 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
"Politics and real strategies in the Great War in Africa", Breaking the myths: we remember World War 1 in Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter | |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"A few lost boxes in the highway: on the move with friendship, death and national cultures", Death on the move. Managing narratives, silences and constraints in a transnational perspective, 202-217 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
"Health Plan Payment in Australia", Risk Adjustment, Risk Sharing and Premium Regulation in Health Insurance Markets: Theory and Practice, 181-207 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Conto «Uma Gata: foi ela que nos adoptou...»", Revista Cultural Licungo, 129-130 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Poesia: «Poesia 1 (auto-mensagem)»", Antologia Universal Lusófona 2018: «Rio dos Bons Sinais», 78-79 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Poesia: «3 poemas»", Best, 227-229 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Poesia: «Destiempo»", Revista Mal de Ojo, 32, 44-46 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Gerhard Seibert |
"Dia da Mulher de São Tomé e Príncipe (1974)", As Voltas do Passado. A Guerra Colonial e as Lutas de Libertação [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
"Prólogo", África en la Primera Guerra Mundial, 11-16 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter | |
Giulia Daniele |
"Righteous transgressions: Women’s activism on the Israeli and Palestinian religious right, by Lihi Ben Shitrit", Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 17, (2) , 254-255 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Recensions in journals |
Ana Catarina Larcher das Neves Santos Carvalho |
"A complexidade da cooperação para o desenvolvimento, as críticas e as alternativas para a mudança", Mundo Crítico, (1) , 35-62 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Resistance to change: FGM/C and gendered inequality in Senegal", IV International Seminar MAP-FGM, 181-191 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Clara Carvalho, Ricardo Falcão, Marta Patrício |
Corte/Mutilação Genital Feminina: respostas institucionais integradas [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Conference proceedings editor |
João Ferreira Dias |
"O problema de definir religião em contexto africano: uma aproximação a partir dos casos yorùbá e fon", O Estudo das Religiões em Africa – Questionamentos conceptuais, desafios metodológicos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Ana Esteves |
"Towards “qualitative growth” - oriented collective action frameworks: articulating Commons and Solidarity Economy", 3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Luís Barroso |
"Prefácio", A Nossa Infantaria na Grande Guerra: 1914-1918 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Kaian Lam |
"Sanches, E. R. (2018). Party systems in young democracies: varieties of institutionalization in sub-Saharan Africa. London: Routledge. 202 pp.", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (35) , 195-196 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Recensions in journals |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
Enredos Ibéricos: Comidas, Ritos, Políticas de Património [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Conference proceedings editor |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Luís Bernardino. Angola in the African Peace and Security Architecture: The Strategic Role of the Angolan Armed Forces. Lisboa: Mercado das Letras. 2017. 543 pp.", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (36) , 247-249 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Recensions in journals |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"O papel de Angola como vértice do eixo centro-austral de África contributos para a segurança regional", CESContexto, 3, (20) , 179-190 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
"O impacto da consultoria de gestão ao nível dos trabalhos realizados em PME em Portugal", Book of Abstracts of the IX Postgraduate Conference ESGHT / ISCAL 2018, 31-33 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Publication in conference proceedings | |
Kaian Lam |
"The Chinese dream: China-Africa educational exchanges", COOPEDU IV - Cooperação e Educação de Qualidade: Livro de Atas, 133-144 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Luís Barroso |
"Sul de Angola - Incidências e Incidentes Fronteiriços", Portugal na 1ª Guerra Mundial - Uma História Militar Concisa, 329-346 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Vasco Martins |
"Independência de Angola, 1975 (The Independence of Angola, 1975)", As voltas do passado. A guerra colonial e as lutas de libertação [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Raquel da Silva |
"Narrative resources and political violence: The life stories of former clandestine militants in Portugal", Political activism across the life course [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Book chapter |
Rui Garrido |
"Artigo 9.º", Comentário Lusófono à Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos, 115-120 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Rui Garrido |
"Artigo 28.º", Comentário Lusófono à Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos, 309-314 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Rui Garrido |
"Artigo 37.º", Comentário Lusófono à Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos, 348-349 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Rui Garrido |
"Artigo 38.º", Comentário Lusófono à Carta Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos, 350-351 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
Ana Esteves |
"The ecovillage as a regenerative peacebuilding agent: Tamera – healing biotope I and the “Global Campus” in the West Bank", P2P Foundation (blog) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"Introdução: Enredos ibérios: comidas, ritos, políticas de património", Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia, 58, 153-162 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"Sociedade em Rede", Jornal Económico [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Controlar as regras do jogo: As chaves da persistência autoritária na Guine´ Equatorial", IX Congresso da Associac¸a~o Portuguesa de Cie^ncia Poli´tica [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Eleições em regimes autoritários. Que poder transformador das eleições?", Mesa Redonda Eleic¸o~es e Democracia em A´frica: Uma Equac¸a~o Perfeita? [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Ana Esteves |
"Thinking lab on sustainableg growth – Dialogue on Europe Policy Brief", Thinking lab on sustainableg growth – Dialogue on Europe Policy Brief [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Movimentos de extrema-direita na europa contemporânea: os termos de um debate", Dinâmicas Sociais e Estruturas Políticas II do Programa Interuniversitário de Doutoramento em História (PIUDHist) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"A extrema-direita na europa contemporânea: os termos de um debate", Doutoramento em Ciência Política, ISCTE-IUL [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"A incorporação do conceito colonial de propriedade pela populac¸ão Bubi na ilha de Fernando Pó (1904-1931)", Insularidades e enclaves em situac¸o~es coloniais e po´s-coloniais: tra^nsitos, conflitos e construc¸o~es identita´rias (se´culos XV-XXI) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"O Bebé que Fez uma Birra", O Bebé que Fez uma Birra [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"O Bebé que Gostava de Televisão", O Bebé que Gostava de Televisão [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"O Bebé que Não Sabia Quem Era", O Bebé que Não Sabia Quem Era [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"A Etio´pia la´ ta~o longe: Antropologia, desenho e reis peludos", Conferências CITCEM 2018 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Apresentação do livro of Hairy Kings and Saintly Slaves: an Ethiopian Travelogue", Leituras do Mundo 7 - Biblioteca do ISCTE-IUL [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Recherche graphique en anthropologie de l'urbain", Séminaire du LAIOS-EHESS - Les hommes au miroir des choses : objets techniques et identités dans la mondialisation. Arts et sciences sociales en dialogue [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Lisboa: la Cucaña Destripada", 1º Congreso Internacional sobre Pátios de Cordoba [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Meu Querido Diário", Simpósio Nós e os Cadernos 3 - Esposende 27-29 Julho [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Cristianismo e Islão na Etiópia contemporânea - Uma relação complexa", O Estudo das Religiões em África: questionamentos conceptuais, desafios metodológicos, CEI-IUL, 2 Fevereiro [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"La importancia de la celebración pública del recuerdo de las víctimas del tráfico vial", XXI Jornadas Mediterráneas de Seguridad Vial - El segundo después del accidente, 15 Junho, PAT, Madrid [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Raquel da Silva |
"Memory politics, statebuilding and social movement identity. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Recensions in journals |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Roads Tell Stories", Coloquium of the 25th World Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic Victims, 18 November, Conservatorio de Música de Barcelona, Barcelona [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Imagino, logo Penso: a Antropologia como vontade de representação", Conversando entre Desenho e Antropologia. Workshop Ondular Ateliêm 15 Maio [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Augusto Nascimento |
"São Tomé e Príncipe: recordar os mortos e… que dizer dos vivos?" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Augusto Nascimento |
"A abrasiva situação política em São Tomé e Príncipe: por quem os sinos dobram?" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Discussió i debat - Infrastrutures i Mobilitats a Àfrica", Jornades Internacionales Antropologia de les Infrastructures i Mobilitats, Universitat de Barcelona, 9 Dez. [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"On developing collaborative actions with immigrants concerning legal resources and researching European responses to migration issues", Migration and Labor Exploitation of the Nepalese in agriculture in Portugal, 12 October, ISCTE-IUL [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
[Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
"A NATO no pós Bruxelas 2018: nem um furacão nem uma leve brisa", Boletim Cidadania e Defesa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications | |
"Quo Vadis Eua?", Revista Militar [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications | |
"O novo paradigma da União Europeia no apoio à edificação de capacidades militares." [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications | |
"O novo conceito de “Multi-Domain Battle” e suas implicações na edificação de capacidades militares do Exército" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Comentários radiofónicos para a VOA - Voz da América (2018)", VOA - Voz da América [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Gondari voices: legends from Nothern Ethiopia", Gondari Voices – Legends from Northern Ethiopia is a short film shot and edited by Manuel João Ramos (researcher at CEI-IUL), based on popular oral stories about a turbulent period in Ethiopian political and religious history. The narrators, local elders who perpetuate ancient Amhara oral traditions, weave a series of interconnected tales about a sacred quest of the Ethiopian kings for a site to f [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Ana Esteves |
"Cultural dialogue and institutional mediation as antidotes to socioeconomic segregation in Ecovillage development" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Luís Barroso |
"Marcelo Caetano e a Origem do Exercício ALCORA" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
"Cambridge Analytica e “a disrupção das noções de confiança e solidariedade entre os indivíduos"", Opinião - TSF Rádio Notícias [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Comentários radiofónicos para a RFI - Rádio France Internationale (2018)", Rádio France Internationale [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"“Radicalização de direita”", Seminário de Estudos Internacionais Radicalização, Violência e Repressão na Transição Portuguesa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Gondari Voices: Legends from Northern Ethiopia" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Kaian Lam |
"Why the Sandwich Will Not Take Over Cape Verde (Critical Essay)", BUALA [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"O que não vai mudar em 2018", Jornal Económico [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Newspaper article |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
"E se o cão ladrar?", Jornal Económico [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Newspaper article |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
Portuguese Journal of Social Science [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal editor |
Ricardo Falcão |
"“We’re experts in everything and specialized in almost nothing”: professionals dealing with GBV on the aftermath of FGM/C in a Lisbon municipality”", International Forum Female Genital Mutilation - Exploring strategies and good practices - From local global [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Ricardo Falcão, Marta Patrício, Clara Carvalho |
"Final Report of the Multisectorial Academic Programme to Combat and Prevent Female Genital Mutilation" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Report |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Relatório de Avaliação Externa do Grupo Comunitário do Bairro da Graça (Benguela, Angola)" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Report |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
2018 | Report |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
The International History Review [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal editor |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"A economia solidária e os comuns: o caso específico da moeda", Revista de Economia Solidária, (12) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Editorial |
João Ferreira Dias |
"O racismo invertido e a ‘feitiçaria’: histórias africanas para adultos", Changing World [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Brasil: a liberdade religiosa e o retrocesso civilizacional", Changing World [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Newspaper article |
Marcelo Moriconi |
Cutting through the fog: New perspectives on crime, violence and insecurity in Latin America (Special Issue), 69, (4) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal editor |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Quintas de Cultura no Ateneu da Madre de Deus", Revista Cafuka, (2) , 12-23 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Giulia Daniele |
"Between Impasse and Asymmetries in Palestine/Israel", The Dynamics of Israeli-Palestinian Relations, ISCTE-IUL [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Giulia Daniele |
"Mulheres e Islão: foco na Palestina e na Tunísia", “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” - HeForShe Portugal [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Marcelo Moriconi |
Cutting through the fog: New perspectives on crime, violence and insecurity in Latin America, 69, (4) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal editor |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Angola in the African Peace and Security Architecture: The Strategic Role of the Angolan Armed Forces." [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Best "New" African Poets: 2017 Anthology" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Other publications |
Cátia Miriam Costa |
Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 17, (2) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Scientific journal editor |
Vasco Martins |
"Review of Working the System: A Political Ethnography of the New Angola", H-Net Reviews [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Review article |
"The consolidation of the Angola—Zambia border: violence, forced displacement, smugglers and Savimbi", Journal of Borderlands Studies, 32, (3) , 305-324 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ana Esteves |
"Radical Environmentalism and “commoning”: synergies between ecosystem regeneration and social governance at Tamera Ecovillage, Portugal", Antipode, 49, (2) , 357-376 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Vasco Martins |
"Politics of power and hierarchies of citizenship in Angola", Citizenship Studies, 21, (1) , 100-115 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
"Internationalisation and economic growth: the Portuguese case", International Journal of Learning and Change, 9, (2) , 91-110 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
"The Persian–Portuguese encounter in Hormuz: orientalism reconsidered", Iranian Studies, 50, (2) , 271-292 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Analysis of the service dominant logic network, authors and articles", Service Industries Journal, 37, (2) , 125-152 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
Pedro Seabra |
"Stretching the limits? Strengths and pitfalls of South Atlantic security regionalism", Contexto Internacional, 39, (2) , 305-328 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"The Italian way to intercultural education: innovation and resistance", Foro de Educación, 15, (23) , 43-68 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Rui Garrido |
"Pode o Tribunal Africano de Justiça e Direitos Humanos ser uma solução africana para problemas africanos?", Relações Internacionais, (54) , 55-71 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
"Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo vs o procurador: jogo de espelhos no TPI", Relações Internacionais, 54, 73-88 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Organization and representation of informal workers in São Tomé and Príncipe: state agency and sectoral informal alternatives", African Studies Quarterly, 17, (2) , 1-22 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Esteves |
"'Commoning' at the borderland: ecovillage development, socio-economic segregation and institutional mediation in southwestern Alentejo, Portugal", Journal of Political Ecology, 24, 968-991 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
"The 2007-2009 subprime crisis and the global public policy response", The Journal of European Economic History, 46, (2) , 51-73 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"Trends and challenges of mathematic education in Mozambique (1975-2016)", Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 75, (5) , 434-451 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"La Unión Africana: ¿Qué panafricanismo y qué fronteras tendrá África a finales del siglo?", Revista Chilena de Relaciones Internacionales, 1, (2) , 176-189 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
2018 | Report |
"Empregabilidade em África e Competências Linguísticas: O Caso da Língua Portuguesa" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Report | |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Relatório anual da investigação conducente ao Pós-Doutoramento (Agosto de 2017 a 2018)" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Report |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Relatório anual da investigação conducente ao Pós-Doutoramento (de Agosto de 2017 a 2018) na FCS-UAN" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Report |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Estudo Exploratório 2018: Perceções e atitudes dos atores desportivos portugueses sobre manipulação de resultados" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2018 | Report |
"Public Private Partnerships in Chinese Hospitals and Knowledge Transfer", Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges, 153-171 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter | |
Aleksi Ylönen |
The Horn of Africa since the 1960s: Local and International Politics Intertwined [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book editor |
Joana Roque de Pinho |
Vozes de Cantanhez [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book editor |
Malária em Moçambique: políticas, provedores de cuidados, saberes e práticas de gestão da doença [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book author | |
Manuel João Ramos |
Fluid Networks and Hegemonic Powers in the Western Indian Ocean [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book editor |
"Antecedents and consequences of mutual trust in PPPs", Journal of Relationship Marketing, 16, (3) , 163-178 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
Aprendizagem Organizacional: Ferramenta no processo de mudança [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book author | |
"As “praxis” e práticas que constituem o trabalho estratégico dos consultores: a análise do contexto português à luz do campo de pesquisa da estratégia-como-prática", Economia e Gestão, 17, (46) , 4-22 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
"O mapa global de gestão. Contributos para uma reflexão baseada nos modelos alemão e norueguês", Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, 16, (1) , 65-81 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper | |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
Fátima lugar sagrado global [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book author |
Luís Barroso |
"The origins of exercise alcora: South Africa and the portuguese counter in surgency strategy in southern Angola", South African Historical Journal, 69, (3) , 468-485 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Pscho-nationalism: Global Thought, Iranian Imaginations, 1 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book author | |
Luca Bussotti |
"A representação da África na música italiana contemporânea: do após-guerra até hoje", Sociedade e Cultura, 20, (1) , 201-226 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"Managing the risk of violating human rights under industrial resettlement programs", Problems of Management in the 21st Century, 12, (2) , 90-93 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Luca Bussotti |
"Risk management and risk communication in Mozambique: the case of arms and ammunition depots of Malhazine", Problems of Management in the 21st Century, 12, (2) , 94-105 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Magdalena Bialoborska Chambel |
"Eu, como jovem... Não é isso a vida que quero. Os motoqueiros em São Tomé e Príncipe: uma estratégia, arriscada, de sobrevivência", Cadernos de Campo: Revista de Ciências Sociais, (23) , 245-272 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Marcelo Moriconi |
Atlas de la violencia en América Latina [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book editor |
Riccardo Marchi |
A Direita nunca existiu. A direita extraparlamentar na institucionalização da democracia portuguesa (1976-1980) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book author |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Desenvolvimento ou pós-desenvolvimento? Des-envolvimento e... Noflay!", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (34) , 75-111 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal paper |
Manuel João Ramos |
Fluid Networks and Hegemonic Powers in the Western Indian Ocean [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book author |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Historicidade do C/MGF e das agendas anti-C/MGF", Guia de Formação Académica Multissetorial Sobre Corte/Mutilação Genital Feminina, 33-36 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"As eleições portuguesas de 1958 vistas pelo The New York Times", El Portugal Salazarista frente a la Democracia, 145-166 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
João Ferreira Dias |
"“Araketure Faraimorá”: Yorubanidade no Candomblé Brasileiro, Uma Permanente Recriação; e o Caso Exemplar do Ilê Odô Ogê", The Yoruba in Brazil, Brazilians in Yorubaland : Cultural Encounter, Resilience, and Hybridity in the Atlantic World, 245-260 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Candomblé", Cosmovisões Religiosas e Espirituais: Guia didático de tradições presentes em Portugal, 49-49 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
João Ferreira Dias |
"Umbanda", Cosmovisões Religiosas e Espirituais: Guia didático de tradições presentes em Portugal, 50-50 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Migração, movimentos migratórios e etnicidade", Guia de Formação Académica Multissetorial Sobre Corte/Mutilação Genital Feminina, 59-63 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Introduction", The Horn of Africa since the 1960s: Local and international politics intertwined, 1-8 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"States Breaking and Dominoes Falling? Considerations of Separatism and International Recognition in the Horn of Africa", The Horn of Africa since the 1960s: Local and International Politics Intertwined [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Eritrea: A Sub-Regional Menace?", The Horn of Africa since the 1960s: Local and International Politics Intertwined, 88-105 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Any Prospects for Future Peace? Politics and War Surrounding the Sudan-South Sudan Conundrum", The Horn of Africa since the 1960s: Local and International Politics intertwined, 189-204 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Confronting the ‘Arab North’: Interpretations of Slavery and Religion in Southern Sudanese Separatist Resistance", Fluid Networks and Hegemonic Powers in the Western Indian Ocean, 103-129 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
"The Burden of Culture", Handbook of International Relations: Issues of Human Rights And Foreign Policy - Vol. II, II [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter | |
Giulia Daniele |
"Looking for a New Legitimacy: Internal Challenges within the Israeli Left", Contending Legitimacy in World Politics [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
""Sponsorshipped": reflections on temporary female migration from the Horn of Africa to the Gulf and Lebanon", Fluid Networks and Hegemonic Powers in the Western Indian Ocean, 81-101 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Introduction: fluid networks and hegemonic powers in the Western Indian Ocean", Fluid Networks and Hegemonic Powers in the Western Indian Ocean, 11-17 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Ampliación del campo de batalla: el delito como medio, orden y necesidad", Seguridad Pública Ciudadana en Paraguay: Enfoques, saberes, debates y prácticas, 203-218 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Ulrich Schiefer |
"Refugee camps: The last refuge for people driven from their ancestors’ land?", Pontes queimadas: Futuros incertos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Marcio Amaral-Baptista |
"Science4you: start-up global nascida em contexto de crise", A internacionalização da economia Portuguesa: casos de sucesso empresarial, 293-314 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"Intelligence-Centric Counterinsurgency as Late Colonial Policing: comparing Portugal with Britain and France", Colonial Policing and the Transnational Legacy: The Global Dynamics of Policing Across the Lusophone Community [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Bruno César Santos Cardoso Reis |
"French Counterinsurgency in the era of the Algerian Wars", Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies: National Styles and Strategic Cultures [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
"Prefácio", Caetano, Spínola e Mobutu. As relações bilaterais entre Portugal e o Zaire (1968-1974), xiii-xvi [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords |
António Fernando Gomes Medeiros |
"Introdução: Na rede, com intermitências: seis casos etnográficos", Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia, 57, 174-178 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Marco Marsili |
"The EU ineffective counterterrorism strategy", Ciência 2017 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Publication in conference proceedings |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Nota introdutória, O Tribunal Penal Internacional em África", Relações Internacionais, (54) , 5-8 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Pedro Seabra |
"Brasil e África: Uma nova encruzilhada", Iberoamericana, 17, (66) , 213-217 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Catalunha: Uma outra economia é possível, num país novo?", [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Clara Carvalho, Ricardo Falcão |
"Ethnography: FGM/C and cultural differences", Multisectoral Academic Training Guide on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, 130-134 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
João Arsénio Nunes |
"Álvaro Cunhal. Uma biografia política. O Secretário-geral (1960-1968), de José Pacheco Pereira", Análise Social, 52, (222) , 186-192 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Recensions in journals |
"Prólogo", África en la Primera Guerra Mundial, 11-16 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Entries/Forewords/Afterwords | |
"Les Incertitudes de la nation en Angola, Aux Racines sociales de l'UNITA, de Didier Péclard", Análise Social, vol. LII, nº 224 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Recensions in journals | |
"Processos de Transição Dupla em Angola e Moçambique: a adaptação do MPLA e da FRELIMO", Democratização, Memória e Justiça de Transição nos Países Lusófonos [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter | |
"Introdução", 300 anos de presença militar em Mafra [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter | |
"As religiões, a guerra e a paz. Atualidade de um tema", Pela Paz e futuro da Humanidade [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter | |
"Mafra nas Linhas de Torres Vedras", 300 anos de presença militar em Mafra [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter | |
"A intervenção do instrumento Militar", DAESH: DIMENSÃO, GLOBALIZAÇÃO, DIPLOMACIA E SEGURANÇA [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter | |
Riccardo Marchi |
"La Difesa dell’Occidente: l’ultima trincea dell’estrema-destra europea negli anni della guerra fredda", Trasgressioni, (60) , 57-79 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Nota introdutória: O Tribunal Penal Internacional em África" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Emanuel Cláudio Reis Carvalho Leão |
"Fiscal sustainability analysis: the case of PALOP economies", Fiscal sustainability analysis: the case of PALOP economies, 1-8 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Working Papers |
Rui Garrido |
"The State Out of My Bed: The impact of anti-gay laws on human rights in Africa" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Book chapter |
Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira |
"A Coerência das Políticas para o Desenvolvimento: Um instrumento em prol do desenvolvimento? 1", Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (34) , 31-63 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Non-peer-reviewed papers |
Marta Patrício |
"Dinâmicas do pluralismo jurídico em Moçambique: estudo de caso do distrito de Mossurize", Dissertação de Doutoramento [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Le non-lieu du piéton : contradictions, contrariétés et ambiguïtés dans l’espace urbain contemporain", 1er Colloque international Contradictions Urbaines: Recherches citoyennes - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’architecture de Val-?de-?Seine [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"L'œil et la main au terrain", Séminaire EHESS. L'enquête et ses graphies: figurations iconographiques d’après société [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Drawing in Anthropology", SKI -SKETCH Talk and Workshop - Glasgow School of Arts [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Sketching - Drawing in new methods for Anthropology", SKETCHDAY+ [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"EthnoGRAPHIC: In Conversation with Manuel Ramos", EthnoGRAPHIC - Centre of Contemporary Arts - Glasgow [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Boosting Africa’s Competitiveness", ORASIS Global Meeting - Cascais 27-30 May [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"La gestion du risque routier - Apports européens", Forum « Post Brasilia : Actions Sécurité Routière pour l’Afrique » Semaine Mondiale de la Sécurité Routière Nations Unies 2017 (8 -14 Mai) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"60s Bremensketching - A Practical Workshop", Visionary Anthropology - 10 June 2017 - Teerhof, Guesthouse of the University of Bremen [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Workshop on Graphic Anthropology", Faculty Seminar in Anthropology - Institut fuer Ethnologie - Universitat Hamburg [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"An alternative history of Lusophone Anthropology", Seminar on History of Anthropology - Institut fuer Ethnologie - Universitat Hamburg, 13 June 2017 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Traços de viagens - experiências remotas e locais invulgares", Festival Latitudes - Literaturas e Viajantes - Óbidos, 28 Abril a 1 Maio [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Literatura, Tradição Oral, Património e Antropologia", Rio de Contos - III Encontro de Narração Oral de Almada, 8-10 Setembro [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Road Traffic Crashes - Cultural nuances & impacts (a concept note)", Working Group 5 - UNRSC 24th Meeting, Bangkok [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Nota Editorial: A Economia Solidária e os Comuns", Revista de Economia Solidária, (11) , 1-3 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"A direita radical na transição democrática portuguesa: sempre existiu?", Programa de Conferências Ciência Política 2017-18 Mestrado e Doutoramento, ISCTE-IUL. [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"The Portuguese Extreme-Right between Late Authoritarianism and Democracy (1945-2015)", seminário do Grupo de Investigação Regimes e Instituições Políticas, ICS-IUL [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"Questionar a ameaça populista à Democracia ocidental: o caso italiano no contexto europeu", Sistemas partidários sob pressão: populismo, realinhamentos políticos e eleições. Doutoramento em Ciências Políticas, Universidade de Aveiro [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
"A Estratégia da Coesão" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications | |
Ricardo Falcão |
"Senegal's non-compliance with LGBTQ rights claims", Activisms in Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Luís Nuno Rodrigues |
Portuguese Journal of Social Science [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal editor |
Pedro Seabra |
Iberoamericana, 17, (66) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Scientific journal editor |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Desafios estratégicos à advocacia pelos direitos humanos na Guiné-Bissau", Ora di Diritu - Influência Política e Mobilização Social em Contextos de Fragilidades Institucionais, 34-44 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Referee/Reviewer (African Journal of History and Culture)" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Discurso de João Lourenço trouxe desafios e interrogações (e outros artigos no Changing World)", Changing World (blog) [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Causa e Efeito I - RTP África (A estratégia de Angola no Golfo da Guiné)", RTP África «Causa e Efeito» [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Marta Patrício |
"Dinâmicas do pluralismo jurídico em Moçambique: estudo de caso do distrito de Mossurize" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Ana Esteves |
"Ecoaldeias: Da inovação social à integração socioeconómica" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Ana Esteves |
"Local Energy Communities and priority corridors of north-south energy connections" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"“A classe operária vai para o paraíso”", Oficina de História e Filosofia Contemporânea do IHC [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"“Fronteiras, Mobilidade e Tecnologias de Controlo”", ISCTE-IUL Research Week 2017 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"“A reacção ao fenómeno Trump na direita radical italiana”", Colóquio Facetas do Conservadorismo Contemporâneo – Europa e Américas [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Riccardo Marchi |
"“A ascensão dos partidos nacionalistas e do populismo na Europa”", no ciclo Conferência de Ciência Política - Defesa da Liberdade ou Liberdade total? [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Clara Carvalho |
"10 Things to Read About Global Health", 10 things to read [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Editorial - Economia Solidária e os Comuns", Revista de Economia Solidária, (11) , 8-11 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Editorial |
Clara Carvalho, Ricardo Falcão |
"Comparing agendas on preventing FGM/C in Guinea-BIssau, Senegal and Gambia", Activism in Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Nota introdutória: O Tribunal Penal Internacional em África", RI: Relações Internacionais, 54 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Editorial |
Giulia Daniele |
"Five Years During and More: Activisms in North Africa After the 2011 Uprisings", Activisms in Africa [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Marcio Amaral-Baptista |
"A Gestão do Conhecimento na Internacionalização", Raking de Internacionalização das Empresas Portuguesas – 2017 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Other publications |
Marco Marsili |
"The Islamic State: a clash within the Muslim ciilization for the new Caliphate", Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 39, (2) , 85-105 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
Marco Marsili |
"The birth of a (fake?) nation at the aftermath of the decomposition of USSR. The unsolved issue of post-Soviet 'frozen conflicts'", Proelium, 10, (10) , 161-178 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
Aleksi Ylönen |
"Reflections on peacebuilding interventionism: State- and nationbuilding dilemmas in Southern Sudan (2005 to the present)", Global Change, Peace and Security, 28, (2) , 213-223 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
"Is the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) sufficient to generate transparency in environmental impact and legacy risks? The Zambian minerals sector", Journal of Cleaner Production, 129, 427-436 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper | |
"Local interpretations on malaria and the discourse on the traditional health care providers in southern Mozambique", Saúde e Sociedade, 25, (2) , 392-407 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper | |
Riccardo Marchi |
"The Nouvelle Droite in Portugal: a new strategy for the Portuguese radical right – between the authoritarian regime and the transition to democracy", Patterns of Prejudice, 50, (3) , 232-252 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
Riccardo Marchi |
"The other side of protest music: the Extreme Right and Skinhead Culture in democratic Portugal (1974-2015)", JOMEC Journal, (9) , 46-70 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
Riccardo Marchi |
"L’accusa di revisionismo storico in Portogallo a 40 anni dal 25 Aprile", Ricerche Storiche, 46, (1) , 21-29 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
"Integrating mine closure planning with environmental impact assessment: challenges and opportunities drawn from African and Australian practice", Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 34, (2) , 117-128 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper | |
Pedro Seabra |
"An ocean for the Global South: Brazil and the zone of peace and cooperation in the South Atlantic", Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29, (3) , 1112-1131 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
"The Syrian chaos. The conflict in Syria: consequences for Europe's security and defence", Proelium, 7, (11) , 315-334 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper | |
"The European dilemma: consequences of the new migration on European security and defence", Revista de Ciências Militares, 4, (2) , 69-89 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper | |
Ricardo Falcão, Clara Carvalho |
"Intermediate Report January 2017 CEI-IUL / ISCTE-IUL, Multi sectorial Academic Programme to prevent and combat Female Genital Mutilation (FGM/C)" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Report |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
2017 | Report |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
2017 | Newspaper article |
Rogério Roque Amaro |
"Como distinguir na prática a economia solidária da economia social", Açoriano Oriental, 18-18 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Newspaper article |
Eugénio Costa Almeida |
"Relatório anual da investigação conducente ao Pós-Doutoramento (2016-2017)" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Report |
Ana Lúcia Sá |
"Nota introdutória: o Tribunal Penal Internacional em África" [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Newspaper article |
João Ferreira Dias |
"O passado composto no candomblé da bahia - o “antigamente” como lugar de memória e aporte político", II Congresso Lusófono de Ciência das Religiões: Histórias, Memórias, Narrativas – Ruturas, Violências, Fundamentalismos e Revoluções, 77-84 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Conference paper not in proceedings |
Marcelo Moriconi |
"Manipulacao de resultados desportivos em Portugal." [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2017 | Report |
Manuel João Ramos |
"Drawing close: on visual engagements in fieldwork, drawing workshops and the anthropological imagination", Visual Ethnography, 5, (1) , 135-160 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |
Ana Monica Fonseca |
"A Constituição de 1976: a visão de Bona", Relações Internacionais, (49) , 11-26 [Know more at Ciência-IUL] |
2016 | Scientific journal paper |