CEI-Iscte researcher Pedro Seabra recently published the article “Severity, salience and selectivity: understanding the changing responses to regional crises in Brazil and South Africa” in the journal International Politics. The article was co-authored with Rafael Mesquita (Federal University of Pernambuco) and focuses on the responses of Brazil and South Africa as potential stabilising forces in […]
BOOK “Spain and Portugal in Globalisation. 500 years since the first circumnavigation”
The CEI-Iscte has recently published, in co-authorship with the Real Instituto Elcano, the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales and the Boletín Oficial del Estado – BOE, the book “Spain and Portugal in Globalisation. 500 years since the first circumpolar-navigation”. The book addresses the legacy of the voyage of circumnavigation led by Ferdinand Magellan and […]
Ler História journal rises to Q1
The latest update of the Scimago Journal & Country Rank shows the rise of the journal Ler História to Q1. The magazine now occupies position 249 in about 1400 titles and is the first Portuguese history magazine to reach Q1. The journal, created in 1983 and which focuses its activity on the History of Portugal, […]
Amanhã | Leituras do Mundo com Edalina Rodrigues Sanches
Amanhã decorre o Leituras do Mundo com a apresentação do mais recente livro de Edalina Rodrigues Sanches. A autora, investigadora no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Univ. de Lisboa, virá apresentar o seu livro “Party Systems in Young Democracies. Varieties of institutionalization in Sub-Saharan Africa” ao ISCTE-IUL, e a sessão será moderada pela investigadora do […]
Investigador do CEI-IUL escreve sobre as eleições no Brasil
O investigador do CEI-IUL, João Ferreira Dias, escreveu um artigo para o blog Changing World sobre as eleições no Brasil: Disputam-se, por estes dias, à margem das campanhas presidências, as campanhas para eleger os deputados federais e estaduais no Brasil. Embora as mesmas pareçam de menor importância diante das vitais eleições presidenciais, em que os […]
CoopMar Network | 1st Meeting
CoopMar (Transoceanic Cooperation. Public Policies and Iberoamerican Sociocultural Community), a CYTED network (Iberian-American Scientific and Technological Programme for Development), has the pleasure to invite you to the public presentation ceremony of the network formed by teams of Brazil, Chile, Spain, Panamá and Portugal which will take place at July 4th at 5.30pm at Museu de […]
Call for Paper – Cadernos de Estudos Africanos – Moçambique e os BRICS
CALL FOR PAPERS Over the past decade a set of literature has flourished on the designated BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, later joined by South Africa), five emerging economies that are characterized by rapid industrialization and the growing influence at regional and international level. Representing approximately 40% of the world’s population and 20% of the […]
Book – Dynamics of Social Reconstruction in Post-War Angola
Autores: Fernando Florêncio (Edit.) Ano: 2016 Editora: Arnold Bergstraesser Institut ISBN: 978-3-928597-71-5 For almost three decades after independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola did not find peace. After a long period of settler colonialism and one and a half decades of liberation war, a protracted civil war lead to further violence, because the dominant parties in Angola remained deeply […]