Democratic Quality in Southern Europe | New book by CEI-Iscte researcher Tiago Fernandes

CEI-Iscte researcher Tiago Fernandes has launched his new book Democratic Quality in Southern Europe, based on new data from the Varieties of Democracy project, which analyzes the democratic trajectories of France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain over the last 50 years. Abstract: Fueled by new data from the Varieties of Democracy project, Democratic Quality in Southern […]

Contemporary Reflections on Critical Terrorism Studies | New Book by researcher Raquel Beleza da Silva

CEI-Iscte researcher Raquel Beleza da Silva, published a new book “Contemporary Reflections on Critical Terrorism Studies” at Routledge, co-authored with Professor Alice Martini of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The book is available on pre-order here. Book description: Bringing together established and emerging voices in Critical Terrorism Studies (CTS), this book offers fresh and dynamic […]