Transatlantic Studies Association 23rd Annual Conference

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para trabalhos da 23ª Conferência Anual da Transatlantic Studies Association. O CEI-Iscte será o anfitrião desta edição, que se realiza entre os dias 14 e 16 de julho de 2025, no Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Para esta edição já se encontram confirmados os Keynote Speakers, bem como as principais […]

6-7 DEZ | New Perspectives on Democracy and Authoritarianism

Nos dias 6 e 7 de Dezembro, irá decorrer a conferência “New Perspectives on Democracy and Authoritarianism”, organizada no âmbito do projeto “Liberal Democracy, the Rule of Law and the State: Portugal in comparative perspective, 1970s – 2020s”, coordenado por Tiago Fernandes (CEI-Iscte) e Staffan I. Lindberg (U. Guthenberg). Esta iniciativa é organizada por Varieties of Democracy […]

5 NOV | Roundtable: A President for the World? Global impact of the US elections

  Mesa redonda / videoconferência A President for the World? Global impact of the US elections Quinta-feira, 5 nov | 18h   Speakers: Ana Lúcia Sá – Africa Bruno Cardoso Reis – Europe Cátia Miriam Costa – China & East Asia Giulia Daniele – Middle East Pedro Seabra – Latin America Luís Nuno Rodrigues – […]


CEI-Iscte SUMMER SCHOOL GLOBAL CHALLENGES in partnership with the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF) and the Lisbon Club The Summer School Global Challenges is a policy-oriented course that focuses on the current political, economic, developmental, climate and security issues that shape and reconfigure the architecture of the global system. It is also an optional […]

Applications are open to the Summer Courses International Studies in Lisbon

In the summer of 2019, CEI-IUL is offering a series of courses covering several regions of the world and the most important international developments. All courses are certified by the scientific organs of the ISCTE-IUL, conferring, therefore, 6 ECTS Credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) to those who attend them. The summer courses will take place between the months […]

Call for Papers | 4th Europe as a Global Actor

The call for papers for the International Conference Europe as a Global Actor is open until April 12.  This edition is organised by the Centre for International Studies at ISCTE-IUL (CEI-IUL), in partnership with Observare/UAL and TSF. The Conference Program includes thematic panels, round tables with keynote speakers, as well as plenary sessions on the challenges of European […]

3 ABR | 70 anos Aliança Atlântica: da defesa colectiva à gestão de ameaças (in)comuns

No mês em que a NATO assinala 70 anos de existência, o CEI-IUL e o Grupo de Estudos de Segurança e Defesa da ESPP (ISCTE-IUL), promovem uma conferência para debater o papel reservado para a Aliança Atlântica no mundo em constante mudança. O terrorismo transnacional e o uso malicioso do ciberespaço manifestam-se hoje de forma […]

Lat days to register: RIBEI VIII Conference – Is there a Place for the Ibero-American Area?

  CEI-IUL, in partnership with RIBEI – Red Iberoamericana de Estudios Internacionales, Real Instituto Elcano, and IPRI – Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais will host the VIII International RIBEI Conference – Is there a Place for the Ibero-American Area?, on November 6 and 7, 2018. The opening ceremony will count on the presence of the Portuguese […]