The Social Observatory of “la Caixa” Foundation Opens Applications

The Social Observatory of “la Caixa” Foundation announces the opening of a call for proposals to fund research projects that promote innovation and social impact. Proposals must generate new knowledge to broaden our understanding of today’s society’s main challenges, using quantitative methods.  Call deadlines and details Submission Process The researchers must submit their application affiliated […]

Call for Exploratory Research Projects in All Scientific Fields 2024 – FCT

FCT has launched the Call for Exploratory Research Projects in all scientific fields, with a focus on original projects for early career researchers, or on ideas or concepts with a high degree of innovation that demonstrate disruptive potential compared to previous work by more experienced researchers. The deadline for applications is 25 February at 5pm […]

CEI-Iscte 2023 R&D Awards

In the 2023 edition of CEI-Iscte’s (R&D) Awards, 10 members of the team were recognised for their scientific contributions. This award aims to promote and celebrate the research carried out by the centre’s researchers. The prizes were awarded in two main categories: In this edition, a total of 12 publications were honoured, all scientific articles, […]

Fruit flyer Bulletin #10 – Newsletter

The 10th and final newsletter of the EU-funded FF-IPM project, in which CEI-Iscte is a partner, is now available. The project, which lasted almost five years, aimed to develop strategies to protect fruit production and trade from the threats posed by fruit flies.Newsletters were published quarterly, highlighting actions, news and progress related to the issue […]

Kick-off meeting ECOPRISE project

The kick-off meeting of the ECOPRISE project, of which CEI-Iscte is a partner, took place in Palermo on 20 and 21 March. This meeting was a time for the team to focus on the strong innovative nature of the project, along with the aim of creating a replicable product that can be adapted to other […]

PEPIP project report analysed in the main portuguese media

The PEPIP project – “Profile of PALOP Students in Higher Education Institutions in Portugal: characterisation, expectations, constraints (2015-2021)” – presented a report in 2023 in which it outlined the main difficulties that students from Portuguese-speaking countries face in accessing and travelling through higher education, as well as some actions for improvement. The aim of the […]

ReGENerative Communities for All project launch

The Erasmus+ funded REGEN4ALL project was launched in Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, in March, where project partners met for the first time to kick off this year-long project based on ecovillage research. The purpose of the ReGEN4All project is to serve researchers, practitioners, and adult educators from ecovillages and academia as well as policy makers […]