In this page you can find the toolkit developed through the design and experimentation of modules around female leadership, that is made available by the project ESTEEM – Enhance and Stimulate Trust while Exploring new form of Entrepreneurship Modules*.

- This toolkit has several interlinked components that can be used separately by the users. The guidelines described in the document above give a first approach on the main objectives of the training modules and how can they be used.
- The training modules itself are part of the toolkit and are available in the section below of this page. Each module has a step-by-step guide (instructions that can be accessed through the link below the modules) explaining how the modules should be streamlined during the trainings.
- There are a few annexes and additional literature available at the bottom of this page.
Training Modules

Instructions for Module I

Instructions for Module II

Instructions for Module III

Instructions for Module IV
Additional Literature
1. Role-play Instructions
Methodological guide for implementation of Role-plays
Example of script for ‘Negotiation‘ [Scenario 1 is a proposal of RP within topic 5 of module II]
Example of script for ‘Recruitment‘ [Scenario 1 is a proposal of RP within topic 1 of module III]
Example of script for ‘Conflict resolution‘ [Scenario 3 is a proposal of RP within topic 1 of module III]
Example of script for ‘Strengthening financial skills‘ [Scenario 1 is a proposal of RP within topic 3 of module IV]
Note: More information on Role-play activities can be downloaded here.
2. Results of IO1 report in video format.
*ESTEEM – Strengthening and Stimulating Confidence in the Exploration of New Forms of Entrepreneurship Modules is a project funded with support from the European Commission (Project Number: 2020-1-FR01-KA202-080354). This page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.