Lat days to register: RIBEI VIII Conference – Is there a Place for the Ibero-American Area?

  CEI-IUL, in partnership with RIBEI – Red Iberoamericana de Estudios Internacionales, Real Instituto Elcano, and IPRI – Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais will host the VIII International RIBEI Conference – Is there a Place for the Ibero-American Area?, on November 6 and 7, 2018. The opening ceremony will count on the presence of the Portuguese […]

8th European Conference on African Studies: Open Call

The 8th edition of the European Conference on African Studies – ECAS 2019, has opened the call for panels. The theme for this edition is “Africa: Connections and Disruptions”. The organization is accepting proposals until November 14.   About the conference: Africa has witnessed substantial continuities, and acute ruptures. The continent is home to unchanging processes […]