CEI-IUL, in partnership with RIBEI – Red Iberoamericana de Estudios Internacionales, Real Instituto Elcano, and IPRI – Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais will host the VIII International RIBEI Conference – Is there a Place for the Ibero-American Area?, on November 6 and 7, 2018.
The opening ceremony will count on the presence of the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, as well as Janina Onuki – President of RIBEI, Ana Paula Laborinho – President of the Organisation of Iberoamerican States in Portugal (OEI).
The conference will be held at Auditório J.J. Laginha (ISCTE-IUL). Full programme available here.
Register here. Free entry.
About the Conference
The present international context challenges the future of the management of the international relations. The XXVI Ibero-American Summit in Antígua, Guatemala, and XIII G-20 Summit, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, intend to reflect on the temporal projection of the ibero-american space nowadays, and mainly on the future of the ibero-american project itself. This project is a part of the transatlantic relations and need to be taken into account to answer to the main question of this conference ‘Is there a place for Ibero-american area?’.
To give an appropriate context to this debate, the VIII International Conference of RIBEI will cover several issues as the new geopolitical scenario, development problems and the evolution of democracy, technological revolution, the future of transatlantic relations and the convergence options in face of the last political changes, to get a wider perspective.
Foto by Raul Fretes / all rights reserved