Ref.: SFRH/BPD/43680/2008
Funding institution(s): FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Researcher: Stephan Dünnwald
Supervisor(s): Ulrich Schiefer
Keywords: Migração, Retorno, Desenvolvimento, Mali, Cabo Verde
The growing amount of remittances fuelled the discussions about the migrants’ role and contribution to development of Third World countries. Though much debated, the possible effects of remittances and the return of migrants on the society of their home countries pose more questions than answers. The proposed research aims at exploring the impacts of remittances and return, regarding the topic as a transnational field structured by different interests, and strategies of receiving and sending countries and the migrants involved.
The study shall be as well multi-sited, including migrants and migrant associations in Europe and West Africa, and a multi-level approach, including not only migrants and their associations, but policy makers, institutions and key experts. It shall consist of a comparative approach embracing the relations between Cabo Verde and Portugal and between Mali
and France. The hypothesis is that in most cases the migrant’s role as transnational agent is not yet thoroughly addressed. Starting with an ethnographic case study research on the social situation and the strategies of migrants and their families within the framework of EU policy of migration management, Portuguese migration policy, and French co-développement, the research will try to assess the effects of remittances and returns and the related policy efforts to link migration to development goals.