Conference and Progress Report Presentation of the Action-Research Project – Processes of Democratisation and Development in Angola and Southern Africa
26 February . 18.00h . Auditorium Afonso de Barros . Lisbon University Institute
Public and free access
Celebrating its 10th anniversary (2004-2014), the Research-Action Project on “Processes of Democratisation and Development in Angola and Southern Africa” will present in Lisbon its progress report concerning the activities developed over the last five years (2009/2010 – 2014), in a research partnership between the Angolan Catholic University (Faculty of Economics) and the Centre for International Studies – Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL). The report was first launched in Luanda on January 28th 2015.
The project, started in 2004, intends to stimulate the articulation and cooperation between academies and civil society organisations in the analysis and discussion on democratization and development processes in Southern Africa. Over the last decade the project has progressed through several international conferences, workshops and publications in Angola and abroad, contributing to the research, reflection and hopefully to influence policy decision-making processes on the issues at stake. The project gathers not only academics but also activists from civil society organizations, politicians, trade unions, church members, and journalists, among others.
18:00h – 19.15h
Chair: Eugénio Costa de Almeida (CEI-IUL)
Opening remarks by the publishers:
– Jacques Arlindo dos Santos (Cultural Association Chá de Caxinde)
The Association Chá de Caxinde and the promotion of Angolan culture and debate.
– José Sousa Machado (Media XXI-Firmamento)
Art as a form of socio-political intervention
Pannel Presenters:
– Rogério Roque Amaro (CEI-IUL)
CSOs’ participation and development strategies in Africa
– Alberto Oliveira Pinto (Centre of History – Lisbon University, Dept. of Humanities)
The significance of Historical research to the construction of democracy in Angola.
– Daena Costa Neto (Linacre College, Oxford University)
New Information and Communication Technologies and the democratization process in São Tomé e Príncipe.
– Nuno Vidal (CEI-IUL)
Ten years of the Research-Action Project in Angola.
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