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Post-doctoral Research Grant

Reference: CEI_BIPD_2020

Application deadline: 29-07-2020 to 28-08-2020

Duration: 12 meses

Starts: October 2025


One (1) research position for a Post-doctoral Research Grant is open at Centre for International Studies of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon (CEI-Iscte), in the scope of Programatic Funding UIDP/03122/2020 of the R&D unit granted by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/MCTES programs with the following conditions:

Reference: CEI_BIPD_2020

Main research field: Social Sciences, International Relations and European Studies, or similar


Admission Requirements:

  • Doctoral Degree in Political Science, International Relations, European Studies or similar. The PhD degree must have been obtained less than three years prior to the date of the submission of this application, and in a different institution than the one where the post-doctoral research will be developed.
  • The grant-holder should not exceed with the celebration of this Research Grant contract, including eventual renovations, a cumulative period of thirty-six (36) calendar months with this type of research grant, in conformity with Regulation for Research Fellowships of FCT, I. P. n. 950/2019.
  • National, foreign, granted refugee status and stateless candidates may apply for the competition.


Workplan: Development of scientific research and support to the project ‘Europe as a Global Actor’ of CEI-Iscte with the objective to consolidate and further develop the project’s results, including the publication of scientific articles and production of other outputs, organization of events and preparation of applications to national and international funds, as well as the dissemination of the project.


Applicable legislation: The Grant will be celebrated according to the regulations defined by FCT, Law no. 40/2004, dated August 18 (Research Fellowship Holder Statute) and Regulation for Research Fellowships of FCT, I. P. n. 950/2019 (


Workplace: The work will be developed at the Research Unit Centre for International Studies (CEI-Iscte) at the premises of Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa under the supervision of CEI-Iscte’s director, Professor Luís Nuno Rodrigues.


Duration: BIPD has a duration of 12 months, with the possibility of renewal until 36 months according to the Regulation for Research Fellowships of FCT. At the end of this Research Grant’s contract it is not possible to celebrate a new BIPD contract between the same hosting institution and the grant holder.

Start date expected to October 2020.


Financial terms: Monthly stipend is €1.600,00 in accordance with the ‘Monthly maintenance stipend’ table defined by FCT for positions held in Portugal ( Voluntary Social Contribution and personal accidents insurance will be paid. The payment will be made by bank transfer.


Application procedures:

  1. Motivation letter with maximum extension of 1000 words, including: i) reflection on the relevant activities, for the present call, that were carried out during the last years, and future perspectives of the work to be developed during the research grant period; ii) reflection on the suitability of the candidate profile to the research activities to be carried out during the project at the Research Unit CEI-Iscte.
  2. A digital copy (pdf) of the detailed Curriculum Vitae, organised according to the evaluation criteria considered in the notice, as well as the scientific publications considered relevant.
  3. Document certifying that the candidate holds the doctorate. If the doctorate has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, the applicants must provide evidence of its recognition or equivalence of degree, and all the formalities must be presented by the time of the celebration of this contract.
  4. Copy of other certifying documents considered relevant.


Selection method: According to the provisions set forth in the Regulation for Research Fellowships of FCT, I. P. n. 950/2019, for the grants indirectly funded by FCT and if the notice identifies the hosting institution as well as the work plan for the research grant, the evaluation can consider only the intrinsic merit of the applicant. The evaluation of the intrinsic merit of the candidate considers the following criteria:

  • Academic background (reflecting classifications and academic degrees) – 50%
  • Professional Curriculum Vitae (reflecting the professional, academic and scientific background) – 40%
  • Motivation letter – 10%

In case of need the Jury will decide to summon the candidates for an interview.


Jury Composition:

Professor Luís Nuno Rodrigues (President)

Professor Ana Mónica Fonseca (Member)

Professor Riccardo Marchi (Member)


Communication of the results: The final evaluation will be sent to all candidates by email, with a list sorted by the final evaluation result.

Submission of applications

Submissions should be sent by email ( mentioning the reference CEI_BIPD_2020. The following documents are mandatory for the eligibility of the application: motivation letter, detailed Curriculum Vitae, copy of the degree certificate(s) and other documents considered relevant. The tender is open from 29th of July to 28th of August 2020.


Public Notice Portuguese.

Public Notice English.

Other details

Instituição de contacto: Centro de Estudos Internacionais, Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Avenida das Forças Armadas, Iscte – Edifício Sedas Nunes
Lisboa – 1649-026 LISBOA