In December 2024, Ler História journal published its 85th issue, featuring a series of articles and reviews that address central issues such as decolonisation and late colonialism. This issue offers a variety of content, including a thematic dossier, historiographical articles and a series of critical reviews.

The thematic dossier, entitled ‘International organisations in the era of decolonisation’, was organised by José Pedro Monteiro and presents four articles that analyse the relationship between international organisations and decolonisation processes. This set of texts is signed by Jessica Lynne Pearson, Nicole C. Bourbonnais, Ana Guardião, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo and José Pedro Monteiro, and offers an in-depth reflection on the role of these organisations in the context of global political transformations.

In addition, issue 85 includes a section dedicated to late colonialism, made up of two articles by Joana Brites and Gautier Garnier, analysing the construction of colonial and post-colonial identities.

The ‘Clio’s Mirror’ section, which focuses on historiographical themes, includes an article by Ricardo Ledesma Alonso. Other outstanding articles include contributions by Marina Simões Galvanese, Joana Dias Pereira, Maria Cristina Moreira, José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro and Jorge Cerdeira.

Finally, issue 85 of Ler História has a series of reviews on various titles, with the highlight being an analysis of the work of the German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt.