The IV LPAZ Forum – The Azores, the Atlantic and the Global Challenges will take place between 7 and 10 September 2023, on the Island of Santa Maria in Azores.
The conference topics are:
- The Azores and Atlantic geopolitics;
- Atlantic Kinetics: transport, communications and connectivity;
- Aviation – the impact on time and space [in memory of Alan Dobson];
- Atlantic diasporas;
- Environment and climate change;
- Atlantic Literature;
- History of Science in the Atlantic;
- Island Studies, Island narratives;
- Atlantic Politics, State, Autonomy and Integration.
Proposals should be sent by email with the attached document to forumlpaz@gmail.com and include:
- 300-word abstract for the paper;
- 100-word author biography;
- 2-page CV.
Deadline extension: April 15th
The complete call is available here.
Check all the informations about the conference on the official website.