Call for Papers for the 6th CERPA Workshop to be held at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa on 16 and 17 November 2023 is open.
Papers should approach, but are not restricted to, the following topics:
- Chinese migration in post-Covid-19 era;
- Socio-political change in the relationship between Europe and China, and its impacts on mobility of Chinese migrants;
- China’s diaspora policies and governance;
- Diasporic associations and media;
- Chinese transnational business networks;
- Chinese heritage schools and education;
- Chinese migrants’ social mobility and political visibility and participation;
- Intra-European onward migration;
- Privileged Chinese migrants: investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, students;
- Settlement, transitional networks, and circular mobility;
- New Chinese migrants and cultural transformation of Chinese communities;
- Chinese descendants and older migrants;
- Emerging identities.
The language of the event will be English.
Yo0u can submit a paper proposal until 31March, 2023 to the email: 6th.cerpe.lisbon@gmail.com.
Proposals should include a maximum 500-word abstract, a 150-word personal bio and a publication list of no more than two pages including contact information (email, mobile number, WeChat/WhatsApp).