Global Challenges is a policy-oriented course on threats and opportunities that impact the architecture and functioning of the global system. It is a 20-hour Specialised Seminar, with 2 daily classes, from 18h00 – 20h00 and 20h30 – 22h30. It is also an Optional Course of the Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon master’s in International Studies. As a Summer School it is opened for external candidates, who will get a Diploma of Participation. For those who wish to submit a written essay and succeed the evaluation criteria, 6 ECTS will be credited – the ECTS are also valid to the master’s in international relations of the Autonomous University of Lisbon.
This 11th edition of the course is scheduled to 23 – 27 September 2024.
Centre for International Studies – Iscte (CEI-Iscte), in partnership with the Department of International Relations of the Autonomous University of Lisbon – UAL, the Institute Marquês de Valle Flôr- IMVF and the Club of Lisbon.
Cátia Miriam Costa (Iscte, CEI-Iscte)
Fernando Jorge Cardoso (UAL, IMFV, Club of Lisbon).
Key Dates
Applications: 2-13 September
Results of Applications: 18 September
Registration: 19-20 September
For further information (candidacy, costs, other) please contact: cei@iscte-iul.pt
Days | Classes and Speakers | |
18h00-20h00 | 20h30-22h30 | |
23 | A world in disorder Luís Amado, Raquel Vaz Pinto |
China 2025 Cátia Miriam Costa, Luís Tomé |
24 | Russia 2025 Bruno Cardoso Reis, Sónia Sénica |
US 2025 Diana Soller, Nuno Severiano Teixeira |
25 | The geopolitics of energy transition Nuno Antunes, Roxana Andrei |
EU 2025 Francisco Seixas da Costa, Paulo Sande |
26 | The next global health threats André P. Santos, Paulo Freitas, Rita de Jesus |
AI revolution, a brave new world Hugo Ferreira, Lino Santos |
27 | Democracy and autocracy side by side Daniel Cardoso, Edalina Sanches |
Global South, the African case Fernando Jorge Cardoso |
Global Challenges Speakers

A doctor by training and a specialist in Public Health, he was Director of Information and Analysis at the Directorate-General for Health in 2020-2021where introduced Data Science methods in R. He has a PhD from the University of Washington.

Assistant Professor at Iscte and Integrated Researcher at CEI-Iscte. He is Adviser at the Institute of National Defense (IDN) and Associate Researcher at the Michael Howard Center for Military History at King’s College.

Researcher at CEI-Iscte, Invited Professor at Iscte and Macao University, director of the Chair Interregionalism & Global Governance, European Institute of International Studies Member of the Board. Main research: global governance & foreign policy, mainly in China & Latin America.
Assistant Professor at Autonomous Lisbon University and Researcher at OBSERVARE and IPRI-NOVA. His research interests are in global governance and the formulation of external policies in diverse geographies, namely Brazil, China and the EU.
Researcher at IPRI-NOVA and a PhD Candidate on International Studies and Political Science at the University of Miami, where she wrote the thesis “The Democratic West and the Democratic Rest: Searching for the New Liberal International Order”.
Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. Her research interests include democratisation, representation, party-citizen linkages, political behaviour, and constituency service with a focus on Africa.
Invited Full Professor at the Autonomous Lisbon University, Integrated Researcher at CEI-Iscte, Researcher at OBSERVARE-UAL, Development and Strategic Studies collaborator at IMVF and executive Director of the Club of Lisbon. His focus of interest is Africa and geoeconomics.
Chairman of the Club of Lisbon. A non-executive Member of the Board of Mota-Engil Africa he was Ambassador to the UN, OSCE, UNESCO, Brazil and France. He was Secretary of State for European Affairs and was Executive Director of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.

Director of the Research AI group at Feedzai, a Portuguese Unicorn in the fintech field. His currents focus and research interests are automated Machine Learning, Privacy-preserving AI and Responsible AI.

Deputy Director-General of the National Security Office of Portugal, and General Coordinator of the National Cybersecurity Centre in the country. He is also the designated Portuguese Representative at the Board of Management of the European Cybersecurity Agency.

International Consultant. Previously served in several governmental posts, including Minister of Defense and Minister of State and Foreign Affairs. Held various Senior management positions in the energy and financial sectors. He is invited and visiting Professor at various universities.

Full Professor and Director of the Department of International Relations at the Autonomous Lisbon University. Integrated Researcher at IPRI-NOVA and researcher at OBSERVARE. His fields of interest are Geopolitics & Security Studies, with a focus in Euro-Atlantic, Eurasia, Asia-Pacific.

Partner at Miranda & Associados, advising on energy sector issues (oil & gas, renewables, hydrogen, CCUS). Former Legal Adviser to Timor-Leste PM for petroleum sector. Universidade Católica Visiting Professor. Retired Navy Officer, expert on Law of the Sea & marine matters.
Full Professor with Habilitation at NOVA Lisbon University and a former Vice-Rector he is also President of IPRI -NOVA. He was Director of the National Defense Institute and served as Minister of Defense (2005-2009). He is an expert in International Relations and Political Science.
Lawyer at Cruz Vilaça Advogados. He teaches European Construction at the Institute of Political Studies. Previously he served as director of the Cabinet of the European Parliament in Lisbon and was political adviser to the Portuguese President of the Republic.

Chairman of the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF) and intensive care Physician at Fernando da Fonseca Hospital. Member of the Board of the Portuguese Group of Triage. Former Invited Professor in on Medical Emergency at the Manchester Metropolitan University.

Guest Assistant Professor FCSH-NOVA where she teaches History of International Relations and Asian Studies to the MA Programme and Researcher of IPRI-NOVA. Main research interests: Chinese Strategy and Foreign Policy, USA and the Indo-Pacific, and Leadership and Strategy.

Specialist Physician in Infectious Diseases at Fernando da Fonseca Hospital. MSc in Tropical Medicine with a International Health Qualification in East African (DTM&H) diseases at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Integrated Researcher at the Centre for International Studies, CEI-Iscte. She is an expert in Energy Security and Conflict, with a background in international organisations and academia, having a large experience as a researcher and projects’ coordinator.

Assistant Professor at the Autonomous Lisbon University. Invited Assistant Professor, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Integrated Research at IPRI-NOVA and Researcher at OBSERVARE-UAL. Russia is one of her major research fields.