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The Emperor of Ethiopia in Lusoland: Ethiopia, Portugal and the Organization of African Unity

Autores: Isabel Boavida, Manuel João Ramos & Tania C. Tribe (Editores)

Ano: 2010

Editora: CEA & SOAS

ISBN: 978-972-8335-18-2


Pierre-Etienne Page e Isabel Boavida
Diplomatic relationship between Portugal and Ethiopia, 1954-1963

Isabel Boavida
A state visit in times of change

Pierre-Etienne Page
The organization and events of Emperor Haile Sellassie’s visit to Portugal, 26-31 July 1959

Manuel João Ramos
Split coffee: The tipping point –  illustrations in Portuguese and Ethiopian relations

Delphine Lecourte
Ethiopia and the creation of the Organization of African Unity

Aurora Almada e Santos
The OAU and recognition of national liberation movements: the Case of Angola

Alexandra Dias
Revisiting Eritrea’s isolation in the regional and global political arenas in the light of the contradictions at the time of African independence

Luís de Barros
Brief notes on the diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Portugal, 1959-2009