Autores: Manuel João Ramos (Coord.), Pedro Neto (Coord.), Giulia Daniele (Coord.)
Ano: 2022
ISBN: 978-989-781-719-9
Financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the Programatic Financing for CEI-Iscte UIDP/03122/2020
Authors | pag. 1-5
Introduction | pag. 6-14
Chapter 1 | pag. 15-31
Understanding the Background of the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Adam al-Alou
Chapter 2 | pag. 32-49
The Refugee Debate in Palestine/Israel: An Ongoing Narrative of Struggles from Palestinians to Africans
Giulia Daniele
Chapter 3 | pag. 50-66
Zenab’sprotective scroll. A migrant voice, and a graphic essay
Manuel João Ramos
Chapter 4 | pag. 67-86
Working with Migrants’ Memories in Italy: The Lampedusa Dump
Alessandro Triulzi
Chapter 5 | pag. 87-105
Routiers’ transformational trajectories of waste, from Portugal to Senegal
Pedro Figueiredo Neto and Ricardo Falcão
Chapter 6 | pag. 106-117
Beings from another world: On the symbolic function of the immigrant
Manuel Delgado
Chapter 7 | pag. 118-131
The European Union’s response to the Mediterranean ‘refugee crisis’: the normalisation of securitisation
Ines M. Ribeiro
Chapter 8 | pag. 132-154
The Borders of European Identity
Filipe Faria
Chapter 9 | pag. 155-168
Women Rights Crossing Border and FGM/C: violent traditions, cultural differences, and juridical conundrums
Ricardo Falcão and Clara Carvalho
Carlos Branco
Dirk Bustorf