Detalhes do evento

On March 20, the Master in International Studies at ISCTE-IUL will host an open lecture in collaboration with CEI-IUL. The invited speaker, Ambassador Francisco Seixas da Costa, will give a lecture on Portugal-Brazil relations.

The lecture will take place at the Auditorium 1 (Sedas Nunes Building, ISCTE-IUL), at 6 p.m.

About the speaker

Francisco Seixas da Costa as a degree in Political and Social Sciences (University of Lisbon). Career diplomat since 1975, was posted in Norway, Angola and United Kingdom and served as Portuguese ambassador to the United Nations, OSCE, Brazil, France (and UNESCO). Secretary of State for European Affairs (1995-2001). President of the General Council of University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (2009-2012). Executive director of the North-South Center, Council of Europe (2013-2014). Member of Consultative Councils at University of Coimbra (since 2010) and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (since 2013). President of the Consultative Council for international relations of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (since 2013). Private strategic consultant and member of the board of directors of Jeronimo Martins, Mota-Engil Africa and EDP Renewables. Invited professor at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (since 2014). Media colaborator. Published four books on international issues.

About the seminar

The open lecture takes place within the scope of the Atlantic Triangle Seminar of the Master in International Studies. This curricular unit aims to deepen knowledge of specific economic and political dimensions of the EU relations with Latin America, focusing on regional integration efforts in Latin America, the bioregional relations and the partnerships with individual countries, always stressing the importance of the USA, both in Europe and LA.

Brasília - DF, 01/11/2016. Presidente Michel Temer durante Cerimônia oficial de chegada do Primeiro-Ministro de Portugal, António Costa. Photo by Marcos Corrêa/PR / CC BY 2.0