Detalhes do evento

  • Date:
  • Local: ISCTE-IUL

Intensive Course on Europe-Africa Relations Border Crossings In and Out of Africa

Thu 3 NOV

6pm-8pm . Room C4.01
Introduction Manuel João Ramos (CEI-IUL)
Are Europe-Africa Relations Changing? The Emperor’s New Clothes
Fernando Jorge Cardoso (IMVF & CEI-IUL)

8pm-10pm . Room C4.01
Portugal’s End of Empire and Its Aftermath
Pedro Aires de Oliveira (FCSH-UNL)




6pm-8pm . Auditorium Afonso de Barros
The Genesis of the European “Scramble for Africa”
Ana Roque (FL-UL)

8pm-10pm . Auditorium Afonso de Barros
Colonial Borders Re-Imagined – Part 1
A Case-Study: The Consolidation of the Angola-Zambia Border
Pedro Neto (ICS-UL)