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Intellectual property rights, technological learning and economic development: Revisiting the debate

17 dezembro 2015 11h00

iscte-iul • edifício II • piso 1 • auditório B103


Saradindu Bhaduri

Sharadindu Bhaduri is presently holding the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) (2015-17), The Hague, the Netherlands. He is Associate Professor at the Centre for Studies in Science Policy at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He works on the issues of technological change, technological capability, frugal innovations and how IPR and regulatory standards shape these processes in a developing country context. In this context, the issues of transfer and homogenization of institutional framework (especially intellectual property rights) forms a core area of his research interest.

Coordenação e Moderação por Sandro Mendonça Professor da ISCTE Business School


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