Detalhes do evento

Dia 20 de fevereiro, às 16h30, decorre a conferência From Russia with (collectivist) love: self-governing marketlessness in an illiberal modern social.

A oradora convidada é Xenia Cherkaev, professora convidada na Humboldt University of Berlin.

Resumo da conferência: Flipping the feminist maxim that “the private is political,” the Russian state insists that politics be kept private: that politics is contentious and morally dubious, something from which society and children must be protected. Yet many opportunities exist for people to participate in the governance of their communities. People petition to change certain governance practices, form NGOs that compete for funding in a system of state grants, work together to keep their communities operational despite the state’s unreasonable rules, regulations, and laws. Drawing on long-term fieldwork in NW Russia, I analyze how such practices keep society functional and at the same time foreclose open resistance to state law and policy. I see in such civic collectivism an explicitly illiberal logic, echoed in prior Russian and Soviet governance: that of “socialist democracy” in a one-party state, a self-avowedly illiberal project framed not in terms of private rights and political freedoms but as personal ethical participation in a striving collectivist social.