Six out of seven people in the world feel or live in insecurity (UN Report, 2022). Conflicts, poverty, inequalities and the climate emergency are interlinked and constitute the most serious threat to the promotion of a fairer, more dignified and more sustainable world.
These are the global challenges and asymmetries that we will be analysing in the face-to-face debate “Peace, Security and Democracy” on 23 May at Iscte, between 17:00 and 18:30. Moderated by Giulia Daniele, it will feature Pedro Seabra and Luis Mah, researchers at CEI-Iscte.
Peace and democracy are interlinked with the viability and sustainability of development processes, as well as the promotion of an active citizenry that strengthens these processes. However, threats to democracy, civic space and the actions of civil society are increasing around the world, and the voice of citizens still does not reach many decision-making centres.
The persistence of crises contributes to an increase in humanitarian needs and forced displacement, which have reached record numbers in recent years. However, human security takes second place to other interests and investment in arms far outweighs investment in eradicating poverty.
More than ever, we need to recognise our role as citizens and how we can contribute to Global Development in a conscious, informed and committed way. Join us and take the opportunity to visit our interactive exhibition “tODxS”, a journey in 8 stages and a route that involves several stops, and the theme of Peace, Security and Democracy will also be present.
Free admission. Auditorium B2.03