Event Details

  • Date:

The first Meeting on Studies on China of 2024 will be held on 7 February, with the theme “Between Confucius and Uncle Sam? Brazil’s Geopolitical Challenges in the South Atlantic in the Face of Sino-US Competition”.

The speaker is Pedro Steenhagen, a PhD candidate in International Politics and Teaching Assistant at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University 复旦大学. Pedro is also a serious expert at Observe China 观中国 and a visiting professor at the Faculty of Law and State Sciences at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)).

The session will take place in room AA3.28 (Building 3, Iscte) and also on zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91350504455?pwd=WVgrYjNuQTVuWC9KK3FSMnZZTjdJZz09. Admission is free.

The Meeting on Studies on China are a series of seminars organised by CEI-Iscte and CIES-Iscte, run by researchers Cátia Miriam Costa and Sofia Gaspar.
