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Contract for an entry-level doctorate-holder position

Reference: Edital n.º 796/2020

Application deadline: 17-07-2020 to 30-07-2020

Duration: Pelo período do projecto

Starts: September 2025


It is hereby made public that, by virtue of my order issued on 15 June 2020, an international documental tender for recruitment is opened, for the time limit of ten business days counted from the day immediately after that of the publication of the present public notice in Diário da República. This recruitment is for a civil service employment contract for an indefinite period for one (1) entry-level doctorate-holder position, in the subject area of International Studies, at Centre for International Studies of Iscte. The tender is open pursuant to the terms of article 12 of the Regulation of Evaluation and Pluriannual Funding of R&D Units number 503/2017, pursuant to the FCT Board’s approval from 17 December 2019, with reference UIPD/03122/2020.

In conformity with article 6 of Decree-Law number 57/2016, the recruitment is made in the form of a resolutive employment contract of indeterminate duration, in conformity with the Labour Code for a maximum period of four years. The tender is aimed exclusively at filling the abovementioned position and can be cancelled up to the homologation of the list of the final ordering of the applicants and expires upon the filling of the vacancy under offer.


I. Applicable law

1. The tender is ruled by the provisions set forth in Decree-Law 57/2016 of 29 August, with the amendments introduced by Law 57/2017 of 19 July, which approves an arrangement for hiring persons with doctoral degrees aimed at stimulating scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC), by Regulatory Decree 11-A/2017 of 29 December, which regulates the salary levels, and by the Labour Code, approved by Law 7/2009 of 12 February, in its current wording.

2. The tender is open pursuant to article 20 of the RJEC


II. Workplace

 The workplace is located at ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Av. das Forças Armadas 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal.


III. Remuneration

The monthly remuneration corresponds to level 33 of the single remuneration table, approved by Ordinance No. 1553-C/2008, of 31st December, in the gross amount of Euro 2.128,34.


IV. Job description

This position seeks to foster the development of scientific research activities in the regional area of Africa, with particular focus on international relations, and security and defence of the South Atlantic. The objective is to design and develop research projects and studies, publish and disseminate the results either in a national and international scope, supervise PhD thesis and Master dissertations, establish new partnerships and institutional collaborations on the subjects mentioned above.


V. Admission requirements for the tender

  1. National, foreign and stateless candidates may apply for the competition, provided they hold the degree of doctor and have a scientific and professional curriculum which proves to be suitable to the activity to be developed.
  2. The following documents are mandatory for the application for this position:
  3. Document certifying that the candidate holds the doctorate degree in the areas of Political Science, International Relations, or similar. If the doctorate has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, the applicants must provide evidence of its recognition or equivalence of degree.
  4. Good command of the Portuguese and English languages, spoken and written.
  5. Proven experience of research in the scientific area of this tender, measured by: have at least two (2) published or in press articles, in the scientific area of this tender and indexed in WOS/ISI or SCOPUS.

Submission of applications

Formalisation of the application

1. The applications must be presented in Portuguese or English and submitted through the recruitment platform at and must be attained up to the term of the application deadline.

2. The application is complemented by the following documents:

    • Written request sent to Iscte’s Rector, soliciting the admission of the application. It is mandatory to use the form available at
    • Proof of holding a doctor degree. If the doctorate has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, the applicants must provide evidence of its recognition or equivalence of degree. Any formalities must be complied by the celebration of the contract;
    • Motivation letter with maximum extension of 1000 words, including: i) reflection on the relevant activities, for the present call, that were carried out during the last five years and future perspectives of the work to be developed; ii) reflection on the suitability of the candidate’s profile to the research activities to be carried out during the project and at the Research Unit CEI-Iscte;
    • Detailed Curriculum Vitae, organised according to the evaluation criteria considered in the notice;
    • A copy of the scientific publications considered relevant.


3. Candidates that do not formalize the application in accordance with the topic VI, or that do not provide evidence of the admission requirements will be excluded of admission to this tender. In the case of doubt, the selection panel is entitled to request any applicant to submit documentation confirming her/his statements.

4. False statements made by the candidates will be punished pursuant to the law.


Other details

VII. Selection Criteria

  1. Pursuant to article 5 of Decree-Law 57/2016, the selection is conducted by the assessment of the scientific and curricular track record of the applicants.
  2. The assessment of the scientific and curricular track record is incident on the relevance, quality and up-to-dateness of the scientific contributions of the applicants in the area referred to in point IV, considering:
  3. Scientific production of the last five (5) years considered as most relevant by the candidate and under the subject area of this tender;
  4. Research activities developed during the last five (5) years and considered to be of most impact by the candidate and under the thematic area of this tender;
  5. Activities of outreach and dissemination of the knowledge developed during the last five (5) years, namely within the context of scientific promotion, considered relevant by the candidate and under the thematic area of this tender.
  6. The five years’ period referred in point VII-2 can be extended by the selection panel, by request of the candidate, when justified by suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons, namely due to parental leave, prolonged serious illness, and other situations of non-availability for legally supervised work.


VIII. Selection methods

  1. The selection method to be used is curricular assessment.
  2. The curricular assessment selection method is pursuant to the assessment criteria defined in the following point.
    1. Scientific production of the last five years in the subject area of this tender (45%). The assessment of this criterion considers the following scientific publications – articles in indexed scientific journals, books, books’ chapters, communications in conferences, organisation of national and international scientific events, and awards.
    2. Research activities in the last five years in the subject area of this tender (35%). The assessment of this criterion considers the participation and/or coordination of research projects, participation in scientific networks (national or international), supervision of academic dissertations and thesis, participation in academic juries, the participation in editorial teams, the review of scientific articles and the participation in governing bodies of scientific institutions.
    3. Outreach and dissemination of knowledge activities (25%) carried out in the last five years, in the subject area of this tender, namely within the context of scientific promotion, and dissemination of knowledge to the civil society, for academic and non-academic audience.
  1. The selection panel shall conduct the curricular assessment of the applicants in accordance with the adopted criteria, using a scale from 0 to 100, being the final classification obtained by the average of the scores attributed by each member of the selection panel.


IX. Recruitment based on absolute merit

Candidates receiving a score of 70 points or higher are considered accepted in terms of absolute merit, with all the rest being excluded from the tender procedure as the selection panel considers that they do not possess a scientific and professional curriculum suitable for the position in question.


X. Final classification

The final classification of each candidate corresponds to the Curricular assessment, being the selection panel responsible for the elaboration of the list ranked by the final classification.


XI. Hearing of interested parties

  1. The interested parties are entitled to a hearing on the lists of recruited and excluded applicants as well as the list of final classification and sorting of the applicants, pursuant to articles 121 and 122 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, with notification of the interested parties by electronic mail message and publicising on the website of Iscte.
  2. The tender process can be consulted by the applicants at the Human Resources Unit, under the terms indicated in the notification referred to in the previous point.


XII. Composition of the selection panel

In conformity with article 13 of Decree-Law 57/2016, the selection panel consists of Dr Luís Nuno Rodrigues, Director of CEI-Iscte, who chairs, and by Dr Ana Lúcia Sá and Dr Bruno Cardoso Reis.


XIII – Non-discrimination and equal opportunity policy

Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access; therefore, no applicant can be favoured, benefited or deprived of any right or exempt from any duty, in particular due to ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic assets, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and union membership.


XIV. Pursuant to Decree-Law 29/2001 of 3 February, a disabled applicant has preference in the event of the same classification as another applicant, which prevails over any other legal preference. Applicants must submit a sworn statement in their application form on their level of disability, type of disability and means of communication/expression to be used in the selection process, under the terms of the aforesaid decree-law.


Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 15th June 2020, The Rector, Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues.