The Social Observatory of “la Caixa” Foundation announces the opening of a call for proposals to fund research projects that promote innovation and social impact. Proposals must generate new knowledge to broaden our understanding of today’s society’s main challenges, using quantitative methods.
Call deadlines and details
- Applications must be submitted between January 7 and 22, 2025, by the Iscte Knowledge and Innovation Association.
- The maximum duration of the projects is 24 months.
- The maximum funding per project is €115,000 (one hundred and fifteen thousand euros).
- Eligibility: Researchers working in non-profit organizations, such as universities (public or private) or research centers based in Spain or Portugal.
Submission Process
The researchers must submit their application affiliated with the Iscte Knowledge and Innovation Association. If there are previous affiliations to Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon in “la Caixa” Foundation calls, these must be rectified by emailing socialresearch@contact.fundaciolacaixa.org.
For institutional validation, applications must be submitted by 12 hours on January 20, 2025, for subsequent association by the Research Support Office from Iscte.
The full details of this call for proposals can be found here.