We would like to inform you that the Call for Abstracts ‘Academic Freedom and Silencing in Times of Genocide’ is now open for the Workshop on ‘Academic Freedom and Silencing’, which will take place on 29 and 30 April at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon.
This workshop is organised by CEI-Iscte and is part of the annual ‘Palestine Studies Day’ conference, which will have its 3rd edition this year, on April 29, and will have Professor Dina Matar (SOAS) as guest speaker.
The aim is to create a space for reflection on these issues, to share the challenges faced by researchers in this field (or in other contested contexts), and to explore potential collaborations. In addition, it is hoped to use the presentations and debates from the workshop as the basis for an edited volume.
The proposal should be sent succinctly (200 words) and accompanied by a brief biographical note to the following address palestinestudies.cei@gmail.com by 24 February, with the subject: WORKSHOP Academic Freedom/Silencing. See the full call below for the topics and all the information.