The REGEN4ALL project, funded by the Erasmus+ program and launched at Iscte– University Institute of Lisbon in 2023, was completed in May 2024. The team working on this project, based on ecovillage research, is now presenting its results.
The project, which was initiated at the GEN Gathering 2022 with a workshop about the future of GEN Research, had the goal of serving researchers, practitioners, and adult educators from ecovillages and academia as well as policymakers on all levels. In this way, the knowledge gained within and through ecovillages would be more accessible both for research and policy decisions on sustainable lifestyles and living environments.
The REGEN4ALL project, whose partners are GEN Europe (represented by GEN Research), Iscte (Center for Internacional Studies /University Institute of Lisbon), ECOLISE and LOES, and the Danish Ecovillage Network, was developed by the following team:
- Dr. Anne-Kathrin Schwab (GEN EU, GEN Research, University of Vechta)
- Taisa Mattos (GEN International, GEN EU, Gaia Education, ICSA)
- Camilla Nielsen-Englyst, Danish Ecovillage Network LOES
- Dr. Rebeca Roysen (GEN Research, GEN EU, University of Basel)
- Dr. Ana-Margarida Esteves (GEN, ECOLISE; ICSTE, ICSA)
- Andre Girardi (CEI-Iscte)
- Amandine Gameiro (CEI-Iscte)
- Duncan Crowley (ECOLISE, Urban A)
- Abdul Otman (ECOLISE; GEN Europe board)
- Angel Matilla (GEN Europe)
As part of the year-long project, a database that contains a collection of literature about ecovillage research in different languages was developed, several online colloquiums were organized with presentations and debates between researchers and practitioners, and a code of conduct on research practices in ecovillages was created. In addition, several meetings took place with communities of practice on international, European, Iberian, and Danish national scales, with the aim of strengthening this network of researchers, educators, and ecovillage activists and policymakers.
The project group has also developed an online platform on which the different actors can access and also post their research needs and offers, have an exchange forum, and post events in order to meet and greet, collaborate, and exchange knowledge and ideas. The REGEN4ALL platform, called the Ecommunity research platform, was launched at the end of May and is open to visitors. It can consulted here.