CEI-Iscte is pleased to announce that the Call for PhD Scholarships for PALOP + EAST TIMOR (MCTES/MNE) is open.
The call will run until January 15, 2024, and the CEI-Iscte will receive expressions of interest to be a host institution until December 15, 2023.
The total number of scholarships to be awarded is 30 (thirty), with the following allocation by country: Angola: 6 scholarships; Cape Verde: 6 scholarships; Guinea-Bissau: 6 scholarships; Mozambique: 6 scholarships; São Tomé and Príncipe: 4 scholarships; East Timor: 2 scholarships.
Doctoral Research Grants are intended for those who are already enrolled, or meet the conditions necessary to enroll, in a study cycle leading to a doctoral degree, and who wish to carry out research activities leading to that degree.
Candidate Admissibility Requirements
- Applicants must have cumulative nationality and reside in the following CPLP countries: Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and East Timor;
- Not have benefited from a doctoral research grant directly funded by the FCT, regardless of its duration;
- Not hold a doctoral degree.
To submit your expression of interest to CEI-Iscte, and associate us as a host institution of your proposal, you must send the following documents by December 15, 2023:
- Motivation letter justifying the choice of CEI-Iscte as host institution and indicating the doctoral program to which you are applying, as well as the CEI-Iscte supervisor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Work program (even if it’s still under construction), including:
- Main scientific area applied for;
- Title of the work program
- Four keywords (maximum of 4)
- Summary (maximum 200 words)
- State of the art (maximum 500 words)
- Objectives (maximum 200 words)
Candidates will be contacted by December 20th, after the CEI-Iscte Scientific Committee has analysed the proposals.
If you have any suggestions, questions or need support, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail: doutoramentos.cei@iscte-iul.pt.
See the FCT website for more information here.