O investigador Marcelo Moriconi publicou um novo artigo Q1, “The Show can go on! The non-existent effect of corruption in fandom”, conjuntamente com os investigadores Patrícia Calca (CIES-Iscte) e Carlos Seixas (Universidade Portucalense).
Neste artigo retiraram-se algumas conclusões interessantes, nomeadamente o grande e contínuo interesse dos adeptos no Futebol, apesar de este desporto ser visto como uma indústria ligada à corrupção.
One of the key premises of the official sports integrity narrative is that the perception of widespread of corruption in sports leads to a decline in people’s interest in sports and to the consequent cultural and financial collapse of the sector. With evidence gathered through a representative survey conducted in Portugal, this article proves this premise to be inaccurate. Despite football being commonly perceived as a corrupt industry, the interest of fans remains unalterable regardless of gender, ideology, political preference, age, or place of residence. This article holds relevance in the ongoing discussion about the implications of sports integrity policy-making processes as it shows that maintaining supporters’ level of engagement is not significantly impacted by concerns over integrity itself. The conclusion discusses the ethical implications that this situation generates and proposes a series of recommendations to enhance integrity and good sports governance.
O artigo encontra-se disponível aqui.