Summer School Global Challenges . 14-19 September . ISCTE-IUL
The Summer School Global Challenges is a multidisciplinary course. It focuses on the global challenges, including the political, economic and security issues that shape and reconfigure the architecture of the international system. Its major goal consists in the analysis and understanding of the policy and strategic framework that shape geopolitics, economy and international development as well and of the strategy of the major global actors. This Summer School course is designed to reach post-graduate students (it is offered as an optional course for the students of the ISCTE-IUL MA on International Studies) as well as other candidates interested in international and development studies, pursuing a high quality research career or working as development practitioners, international relations professionals, strategy studies experts, economists or other social sciences profession.
Conferences – +INFO
Luís Amado (ISCSP-UL & Chairman, Lisbon Conferences)
J.M. Félix Ribeiro (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation)
Fernando Jorge Cardoso (IMVF & Chief Executive, Lisbon Conferences)
Francisco Seixas da Costa (UAL & Ambassador)
Bruno Cardoso Reis (ISCTE-IUL)
António Costa Silva (IST-UL & Chairman, Partex Oil & Gas)
Sandro Mendonça (ISCTE-IUL)
Alfredo Valladão (Sciences-Po, Paris)
Robert Kappel (GIGA, Hamburg)
Chris Alden (LSE, London)
Until September 1st 2015