Summer School 2015
Complexity in Social Systems
Theories, methodologies and tools applied to European and Asian case studies

Summer school in the context of the ISCTE-IUL and FCUL Master and Doctoral Programs in Complexity Sciences.

When: 15-19 June 2015

Where: ISCTE-IUL Lisbon campus.

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the complexity sciences approach of social systems, which is a particular way of looking to a society where many actors, and many possible arrangements of the relationships between those actors, are possible a lead to social dynamics. The course exposes students to complexity sciences theories and tools, with a main focus on the observation of social systems, computational social systems including simulation and machine learning, but also providing some discussion on real, actual case studies of complex social systems, namely from Europe and Asia.

What is complexity in social systems
Observation of complex social systems
Complexity in Economy
Stigmergy: from biological to human social systems
Social Simulation, Agents, and spectrum of applications
For who: The course is aimed primarily at those who have not previously studied Complexity Sciences. It provides a foundation for further study of complex social systems, but is sufficiently self-contained to provide grounding for those who do not intend to take the subject any further. The mathematical requirements of the course are minimal, since exposition of the material is based largely on descriptive, informal concepts and discussion of case studies.


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